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justusj Posted - 07/06/2006 : 11:44:02 PM
just curious to know how many nudist tell their friends/family members their nudist? either part time nudist/resorts and such, or home nudist, or do you hide it from others?and if so why>?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BareD Posted - 01/26/2024 : 11:18:56 AM
I did not think you were complaining HG. Just that you are surprised that people who dress so scantily are shocked at your nudity. It is silly to be partially nude to me. Anyway just do you and be naked when you can. I find others to have nude cam chats with on Skype who are fellow nudists when it is to cold to be with actual nudists. Sorry I doubt you will get much discussion here about your post. Not very active here as it was years ago. Stay nude when you can and enjoy it! I always do! DJ
HG8Harrier Posted - 01/22/2024 : 10:44:53 PM
Yea, DJ. It may seem like I'm complaining about it, in retrospect. I'm sorry for that. However, I still get to be naked in my own house and that's fine.

Also, I realize I meant lycra. The sisters walk around in their yoga outfits all the time, not necessarily restricted to a gym or yoga studio.

Most of all, I wanted to help stir more discussion in this forum and this seemed like the easiest segue: talking about points that have already been discussed.

I hope everyone is having a pleasant and nude winter!
BareD Posted - 01/22/2024 : 09:48:16 AM
Sorry you can't enjoy being a nudist because of your situation. What a shame. It is great to be nude and very enjoyable. I also like having nude cam chats on Skype as well as being nude in my fenced backyard and in my house. Also go to nude beaches here now and then. I love this freedom form clothes. DJ
BareD Posted - 01/22/2024 : 09:44:55 AM
Originally posted by HG8Harrier

I'm a closet nudist and am afraid I will be for quite some time. I live in a city that still has a very small town feel. I'm about three miles from my childhood home and another few miles beyond that from where my parents live. I've mentioned that I've been to nude beaches to a couple of my close friends, but nobody has really pursued that conversation and so I've dropped it.

I thought that my best friend and his family would at least be accepting of it; his sisters walk around wearing next to nothing as it is, but I was horrified when, years back, they received a Christmas card from his father's college friend. It seems my friend's father had bought his friend a really nice camping chair. The friend, of course, was a nudist and was sitting in that camping chair as nature intended. My friend's parents remarked that it was disgusting. My friend, who knew I'd been to nude beaches at that point, chuckled. His adult (20-something) sisters remarked that the man was some kind of pervert or freak (mind, these are the same two that are a thin layer of latex away from being nude themselves on a daily basis). Well, no sympathy there.

I mostly go nude at night and sleep nude if the temperature permits. I have too many lookie-loos in my neighborhood to dare doing something during the day. One neighbor has called the police on another for less. In particular, I am a father of young children and there are several other children under 6 within throwing distance of my place. As much as I'd like to do yardwork and garden in my most comfortable state, I don't want to end up on some list or for such news to reach my parents.

HG8Harrier Posted - 01/21/2024 : 1:48:55 PM
I'm a closet nudist and am afraid I will be for quite some time. I live in a city that still has a very small town feel. I'm about three miles from my childhood home and another few miles beyond that from where my parents live. I've mentioned that I've been to nude beaches to a couple of my close friends, but nobody has really pursued that conversation and so I've dropped it.

I thought that my best friend and his family would at least be accepting of it; his sisters walk around wearing next to nothing as it is, but I was horrified when, years back, they received a Christmas card from his father's college friend. It seems my friend's father had bought his friend a really nice camping chair. The friend, of course, was a nudist and was sitting in that camping chair as nature intended. My friend's parents remarked that it was disgusting. My friend, who knew I'd been to nude beaches at that point, chuckled. His adult (20-something) sisters remarked that the man was some kind of pervert or freak (mind, these are the same two that are a thin layer of latex away from being nude themselves on a daily basis). Well, no sympathy there.

I mostly go nude at night and sleep nude if the temperature permits. I have too many lookie-loos in my neighborhood to dare doing something during the day. One neighbor has called the police on another for less. In particular, I am a father of young children and there are several other children under 6 within throwing distance of my place. As much as I'd like to do yardwork and garden in my most comfortable state, I don't want to end up on some list or for such news to reach my parents.

rooftopwilly Posted - 04/14/2020 : 02:40:11 AM
The other day on Facebook one of my cousins posted a question about this quarantine. He asked if people were A) showering every day and wearing different clothes, or B) wearing the same thing every day and only showering when they couldn’t stand their funk any longer. I answered C) wearing nothing and showering whenever.
Guess he knows I don’t like to wear clothes now.
FireProf Posted - 10/25/2017 : 09:15:31 AM
Yes ... I use that button on her and some of my friends on FB. It's made life easier for me and I'm sure a few of my friends have used it for me as well.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
steineri Posted - 10/25/2017 : 01:10:51 AM
Originally posted by FireProf

I reluctantly re-friended her on FB. Her politics and mine do not mesh and I got tired of her posts, but she hounded me about it so she could see my posts about the family and I re-friended her.

That's why they made the un-follow button! I've had to use it on more relatives than I can count!
FireProf Posted - 10/24/2017 : 6:19:42 PM
I think we'll just let it go with telling her about us if the opportunity presents itself. I'd rather not have her spoil our fun with talk of her politics and her way of thinking ... WAY TOO conservative us!

The line of work she was in, I'm sure she's well aware of MVR.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
soonbnude Posted - 10/24/2017 : 3:03:41 PM

FP, invite her along to MVR, see if you can broaden her horizons and learn something new about the freedom of nudity etc. Get her started talking politics to someone you know, not you, who has different views and she may forget about nudity if her opinions are that strong. Just an idea, cheers, SBN.
FireProf Posted - 10/24/2017 : 2:53:22 PM
Since my last post, that Christmas visit from my sister in law has come and is long gone ... almost a year ago! During her stay, I did wear only my robe and one day during her very long ... very long, 8 day stay, the 3 of us sat and talked from 8 am til bedtime. We did stop for lunch and dinner but we did talk about lots of things that day and there's still lots of issues that didn't get discussed or resolved.

I reluctantly re-friended her on FB. Her politics and mine do not mesh and I got tired of her posts, but she hounded me about it so she could see my posts about the family and I re-friended her. There are lots and lots of pages of nudism, nudist venues and references to our nudist life on my FB page. If she doesn't get it by now ... she's not all there upstairs!

I think she's returning this Christmas and I suspect that inquiries about my FB likes and such might come up. It is then that we will need to just come right out and tell her so we can freely visit Mira Vista Resort and not worry about her finding out. She only lives about 15 mins from MVR. Difficult to go and be so close and not visit but not until she knows we're nudists, will we visit MVR with her knowing about it. Not my preference but my wife's.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Nude in AK Posted - 10/24/2017 : 12:46:33 PM
My family knows that I prefer to be nude when ever possible, and while it may not be for them, do not see much of an issue with my choices. Having talked with several friends about the subject, most of them have not said much either way. Several of them are OK with my choice and have asked lots of questions. Some have even said that they wish they had the courage to enjoy being nude out of their homes!
steineri Posted - 10/24/2017 : 03:41:06 AM
I think I've posted it elsewhere, but since I can't remember, I'll say again: All of my closest friends know that I'm not a fan of clothes, and don't wear underwear. Almost all of them have been naked together at the local clothing optional camp ground. I think the fact it's "optional" helps, since they know nobody cares what they do, or don't wear. I even made my annual Cinco De Mayo party "clothing optional" after the girls left, though I was the only one to actually get naked (margaritas helped).

As far as my family, my mother made a remark about going to "the naked lake" one time, and I know I didn't mention it to her, so it must have been passed through the grapevine from my childhood friend that I've gone with. My immediate family knows I don't wear underwear, but not something we really discuss, unless I'm unzipped, or my crack is hanging out (as it does most of the time).

When we were in Berlin in August, we passed the clothing optional section of the Tiergarten, and my mother commented something about she "guessed that was the naked part of the park!" I made a mental note of where it was, so I could return as soon as we got back to our hotel with my boyfriend, where we sunned, but never told anyone. Not necessarily ashamed, just not something to discuss, which is how I would feel about most people that ask. Gay friends, no problems with, and I'd invite them next time we went to the lake, but coworkers or acquaintances, not something I'd go telling, unless it were to come up organically.
stealer Posted - 10/22/2017 : 1:23:23 PM
I'm planning my first visit to a nude resort next summer. This will be my first nude experience in a public or social environment. I don't really see the need to tell friends or family about it anymore than if I was going out of town for the weekend for any other reason, so I'm just keeping it to myself.
Daretobare Posted - 06/05/2017 : 05:19:47 AM
They do now. Conditions were such that my wife and I knew that our one son of 32 was probably going to hear it from outside sources. Curiosity of things were already being questioned. We thought it best come from us then an outsider. We then asked him to keep quiet of it until we disclosed it to his two brothers at the right times. All went well. Better than we expected. In fact two of the three has since become visitors of the resort with the other possible too. But their rules are no nudity around thethem

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