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 Bikini Bottom Mystery

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
McNigel Posted - 01/16/2013 : 2:41:33 PM
Why are women so attached to their knickers?

A large proportion of women on a southern European beach will happily go topless, but only a very small proportion of those are happy naked.

As far as appearance is concerned you would have thought that exposing their breasts would be a huge issue, considering how much women seem to worry about them.

Topless is everywhere, but many of the same women will react with horror at the thought of removing their bikini bottoms and reveling not a lot really.

I have asked my wife and she didn't understand either. However she agrees that going naked was a much bigger step than topless, but doesn't know why.

Any ideas?

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Nudony Posted - 05/23/2017 : 02:48:31 AM
Originally posted by gnarlyoldman

Of course children are curious. Children should grow up with an abundance of opportunity to learn about themselves and their own species by observing a wide variety of other humans.

Those were my thoughts exactly around the time my daughter turned 3.
Her Mom and I had been to nudist resorts and clubs; and were often nude together at home. A nudist friend brought up the fact that we should bring our daughter to a nudist venue. Her Mom and I discussed it: and came to the conclusion that a trip to a nudist resort would benefit her, in terms of learning about the wide variety or other humans, in their natural state, besides Mom and Dad.

And so our daughter got to be around a wide variety of humans. Babies, kids her age, teenagers in different stages of development (that gave her an idea of what was to come); and older people (that also gave her an idea of what was to come...much later.)

The experience of growing up around nudists gave her a priceless lesson in humanity. I would say that people should try it at least once for their kid(s); but as it often said, "nudism is not for everyone."

calgarymark Posted - 05/23/2017 : 01:03:37 AM
Originally posted by soonbnude

Guys, you are right, kids are like a sponge, they just absorb things, information as well as observations....

A long time ago, my wife and I were visiting my sister and her family... my (then) wife was born in Canada and had a strong prairies accent. I was sort of mid-Atlantic accented at the time. My sister and her family live in a village in Cambridgeshire, England. My very young niece, after listening for a time said (in her strongly Cambridgeshire-accented voice) to my wife "You talk funny" and then repeated some of her words, complete with prairies accent. What a learning experience ... be careful what you say or do, because it will quickly be picked up.

Growing old is mandatory, Growing up is optional. Laughing at yourself is therapeutic.
soonbnude Posted - 05/22/2017 : 5:22:41 PM

Guys, you are right, kids are like a sponge, they just absorb things, information as well as observations. My BIL who I go off road driving and camping with has a young son, 1/2 way through primary school. They are often naked in the pool at their place and we get naked for a wash in the river when away camping, so we are not hiding and trying to be normal. Not everyone is comfortable doing this but we are so we do. This guy is a teacher and I think is on the money, just like the examples above.

It's about education of communities and society more broadly. Being comfortable in change rooms at public places like community pools. Ours recently were re-furbished and I could not believe it when I went there the first time but the mens showers now have cubicles instead of an open area with multiple shower heads, a step backwards sadly.

Kids get too much bad information about bodies and sex from the internet and normal is totally lost.

gnarlyoldman Posted - 05/22/2017 : 09:20:53 AM
Originally posted by Nudony

I had a co-worker once who knew I was a nudist. She asked me a lot of questions about it; she was concerned about her son, who was experiencing "nudity-curiosity" at age 4. He would try to sneak in while she was showering or changing; and she would invariably "freak out" about it. I told her everything I had personally experienced as a nudist Dad. She then resolved to be nude in front of her son: if he was curious about nudity, she should be the one to resolve his curiosity.

Of course children are curious. Children should grow up with an abundance of opportunity to learn about themselves and their own species by observing a wide variety of other humans.

The primary job and occupation of children is to learn all the information they need to know to become functional adults. Most of their learning is done by passive observation of normal adults doing normal adult activities. Children need to learn about themselves and their own species by passively observation of a wide variety of other humans engaged in a wide variety of normal human behaviors. Systematically depriving children of an opportunity to see and learn about themselves and their own species by blocking their view of normal human bodies or normal human behavior is deliberately harmful and hurtful to children. Educate children, don't block their education.

Laws, prudery, and customs that prohibit or block children from seeing a wide variety of human bodies engaged in a wide variety of normal human activity and body functions are harmful and hurtful to children. They violate fundamental human rights of children to learn.

Naked is green.
Nudony Posted - 05/20/2017 : 1:49:49 PM
Originally posted by FireProf

This really makes a lot of sense. Though the Prof never said this exactly, her reasons for being naked in front of our girls when they were younger and our grandchildren ran along the same lines. It was her thoughts that our girls and grandkids would see others naked in dressing rooms, in shower areas and at home, so why hide the fact that grandma gets naked as well and our bodies change with age but are still pretty much the naked. Plays well with others!

I think that for a lot of women who embrace family nudism; it's really a lot about being connected with the kid(s). It's the "nurturing", or "bonding", that it taken to a much greater level with the absence of clothing that only "gets in the way."
I know it was my ex's primary motivation for embracing family nudism. Close, quality time spent nude with our daughter.

I had a co-worker once who knew I was a nudist. She asked me a lot of questions about it; she was concerned about her son, who was experiencing "nudity-curiosity" at age 4. He would try to sneak in while she was showering or changing; and she would invariably "freak out" about it. I told her everything I had personally experienced as a nudist Dad. She then resolved to be nude in front of her son: if he was curious about nudity, she should be the one to resolve his curiosity.
When she came back to me later, she was happy. So she had left the bathroom door open while she was showering; and he had walked in and was looking right at her. And she resolved to not hide or "freak out." And it turned out to be very natural, easy and educational experience for the both of them.
Once that first step was taken and the "nudity-curiosity" was dealt with successfully, she could have stopped there. But one following night the idea of being nude "with him" as opposed to just "in front" of him just hit her. So while he was bathing she just decided to undress and be nude with him.
What she reported to me was one of the best times she ever had with her son. After his bath they just lounged around the house naked; cuddling, chatting and playing. She told me she felt an unparalleled, deep connection with her son. When she put him to bed, he asked her some questions about why "Mommy looked different"; and she sat next to him and explained. When she finally left him to sleep, she went back in the living-room, and was overtaken with a deep sense of well-being after having bonded naked with her son.
As she related all this to me in great detail, it was quite clear that the time spent naked with her son had had a profound effect on her. She made it a regular routine to be nude with her son in the evening before bedtime. My ex demonstrated the same feelings about being nude with our daughter.

FireProf Posted - 04/29/2017 : 04:45:42 AM
SBN ... is your wife open to home nudity and backyard/garden nudity? If so, then I agree, the nude beach is the next step. But if she is not comfortable being naked at home or in your private property ... best to start there!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
soonbnude Posted - 04/28/2017 : 6:23:08 PM


Just saw I had never responded, we have not really been to any CO beaches for years as our kids have only just finished high school and moved away, she would not do it around them. I'm a regular at CO beaches in the area and getting both of us there is the plan but sadly that will be next summer now, it's getting cool here.

nudieboy and jenni Posted - 01/27/2017 : 09:09:30 AM
They, our grandkids, have seen us all naked, their parents, us, each other and they are some pretty well adjusted, intelligent, respectful and supportive kids. We're glad we took that path and exposed them to simple family nudity and to nudism and social nudism. They now have a basis to decide if it's something they'd like to explore more, when they get older.
It has been our experience that kids raised in a nudist family are more respectful and better adjusted that those of the textiles.
Does your wife got topless?
soonbnude Posted - 01/27/2017 : 04:36:17 AM

You guys seem to have a very healthy attitude to nudity with your whole family. I reckon a great example and am a bit jealous.
My wife won't join me and its a source of sadness for me as I think she would enjoy the freedom of it once she got over the initial stuff.
She went to a few nude beaches with me when we were young but like this thread suggests, kept a small bikini bottom on.
In her case I think it goes back to some sexually repressed issues from her mother who was abused as a child and struggles with nudity and sex.
Anyway the bikini bottoms I think are a little bit of protection / modesty from all of this.

Cheers, SBN.
FireProf Posted - 01/27/2017 : 01:53:45 AM
Originally posted by nudieboy and jenni

Our neighbor resolved on new years eve to start going totally nude in front of her boys. At our NYE party she took off her shorts, was already topless, and told her family she would be nude. Her boys had no reaction and her husband was happy this finally happened. She told me she had finally realized that the boys were seeing other women totally nude, so she might just as well be that way too.
I really think that after Nb and I talked to her she made up her mind, as Nb was raised in a nude family and it had no effects on him seeing his mom totally nude.

This really makes a lot of sense. Though the Prof never said this exactly, her reasons for being naked in front of our girls when they were younger and our grandchildren ran along the same lines. It was her thoughts that our girls and grandkids would see others naked in dressing rooms, in shower areas and at home, so why hide the fact that grandma gets naked as well and our bodies change with age but are still pretty much the same.

They, our grandkids, have seen us all naked, their parents, us, each other and they are some pretty well adjusted, intelligent, respectful and supportive kids. We're glad we took that path and exposed them to simple family nudity and to nudism and social nudism. They now have a basis to decide if it's something they'd like to explore more, when they get older.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
nudesunguy Posted - 01/26/2017 : 10:39:13 AM
Neighbors that go nude? I'm curious, do you live at a nudist resort or are you just lucky?

nudieboy and jenni Posted - 01/23/2017 : 2:54:27 PM
Our neighbor resolved on new years eve to start going totally nude in front of her boys. At our NYE party she took off her shorts, was already topless, and told her family she would be nude. Her boys had no reaction and her husband was happy this finally happened. She told me she had finally realized that the boys were seeing other women totally nude, so she might just as well be that way too.
I really think that after Nb and I talked to her she made up her mind, as Nb was raised in a nude family and it had no effects on him seeing his mom totally nude.
soonbnude Posted - 11/06/2016 : 06:41:40 AM

I reckon fiesty grandma is on the money, I think its a vulnerability issue too. There is a girl I see at one of my nearby CO beaches and she wears a tiny string thong that must be uncomfortable as well as just being ridiculous and it must cover only the bare minimum, literally. Haven't asked her why but I will if I see her this summer down under. Just seems unnecessary but it must make her feel safer or something. SBN.
gnarlyoldman Posted - 11/04/2016 : 11:57:11 AM
Originally posted by Bill Bowser

It seems to me that this discussion is ample proof that there is no rationale for wearing clothes when they aren't necessary for comfort or protection.

I have also observed that many, or perhaps most women in a Clothing Optional location will take their shirt off but keep their knickers on. Perhaps it comes from female understanding that breasts are for showing off, but her crotch is for giving up only when "suitably compensated." It is part of nudity equals sex, or her crotch equals sex, so she keeps it covered.

Naked is green.
Nudony Posted - 11/03/2016 : 06:56:03 AM
Originally posted by nudieboy and jenni

Since I last responded to this, we have had a new family move close to us. Husband, wife and two boys each around 10 years old. Their mom around 35 years old will go topless around the boys all the time, but always has on either a bikini bottom or shorts. When she comes over to our place she will take it off only if her boys aren't with her. The boys and father go nude quite often and it doesn't bother her for the boys to see me nude. I asked her why and she told me she really didn't know why she could not take her bottom off in front of her boys but at the same time it was ok for them to be around other females totally nude.

That's kinda like how my Mom felt. She went topree and brafree around me while growing up...but never nude past my infancy. It was a fear of her complete nudity being TMI for me, of creating an "Oedipus complex" or confusing me in some way. I think a lot of Moms feel the same way as their sons get older.

When I got older, and a nudist, she told me that she'd realized her phobia wasn't rational. She actually applauded my decision to not hide from my daughter. I don't blame her for her hang-ups; I blame Freud and modern psychiatry for associating a mother's vagina with emotional problems for her children.

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