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 Nudist Women - From the Feminine Point of View
 Nudism From a Woman's Viewpoint
 Women Nudists

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Phydeau Posted - 01/06/2008 : 10:25:39 PM
Men are certainly free to respond to this as well, but I thought the title would get more attraction.

I've been trying to get at the heart of the disparity between men and women involved in naturism. From what I've been gathering, there's anywhere from a 2:1 to 10:1 ratio of men to women. In almost all cases, it seems men outweigh the women (except in places that have regulations to prevent that).

In trying to uncover why that is, it seems women have legitimate concerns (not surprisingly, a certain percentage of men actually ARE pigs, and unfortunately, it seems their numbers are only low at resorts because of the ratio.).

Now here's the thing: Men keep coming back. Obviously, it's not the ratio that's keeping them there, so keep that in mind.

I looked. Nobody's asked it the way I have. How do we fix this? Keep the pigs out? How? Get women to ignore the pigs? If the women stay, will the pigs leave? Ideas?

I'm preaching to the choir, sure, but the choir's educated, so shoot.

As The title suggests, I'm curious to know if and why any women here were nervous to get involved, and what won you over. Apparently, guys are easy (I can assure you, we're not).

(P.S. Thanks to another forum member for pointing me to the appropriate thread. Search wasn't working for me)
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nudesunguy Posted - 02/16/2016 : 10:55:19 AM
The way I see it, it's no different than a clothed beach, or a grocery store for that matter. People look at each other. Staring is rude anywhere, but a look and a smile never hurt anyone and feels great for all involved.

soonbnude Posted - 02/14/2016 : 5:55:37 PM

Great comments by the women on this thread. Guys, we might know our partners but we are just observers.

The girls are always going to feel like they are being looked at because they will be. But I can't believe the girls are not going to look at the guys too, especially a guy who looks fit, is attractive, has a great tan or whatever. On the couple of occasions my wife came to a CO beach with me years ago she definitely looked, made comments and asked me questions about why guys did certain things. I think it's natural to look and either wonder, inquire or admire anyone who looks OK naked and is comfortable being that way without pretending.

JimmieMac51 Posted - 11/07/2012 : 01:47:04 AM
That's OK Fire...we won't tell on ya.

FireProf Posted - 11/05/2012 : 01:28:19 AM
Yikes ... didn't realize that! OH WELL!


Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Diger Posted - 11/04/2012 : 9:40:09 PM
Your in trouble, you just told the Prof's age. LOL

FireProf Posted - 11/04/2012 : 9:07:19 PM
We've been married 39+ years Dig and together for 43 (since we were 16) and I still can't figure the Prof out! LOL

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Diger Posted - 11/04/2012 : 7:22:00 PM
I agree with you 100% Fire,

Angie was 17 when we started dating 33 years ago and we have grown into this life together. I'm not saying we didnt have some rocky roads and I'm sure she wanted to strangle me several times, but through it all we are beeper in love now than then.

FireProf Posted - 10/30/2012 : 12:51:03 AM
I don't know ALL there is to know about women. They are a mysterious and beautiful group ... but I do know that no matter the woman ... she ALWAYS appreciates being admired, respected, supported and complimented. My wife does not possess the 16 year old body she had when we started dating ... nor do I. We've grown older together and I have always made it clear to her that she is still the most beautiful person inside and out and she still gets my heart racing. Does she think I'm pullin' her leg? Who knows ... not sure what she's thinking all the time but ... I ensure she has her self esteem and the knowledge that I love her more than the day we began dating. I tell her she's beautiful every chance I can and tell her how much I love her and how much she means to me. Maybe ... that's why she was so willing to live as a nudist 39+ yrs ago and still lives that way today. Not sure ... she's not telling!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
MrsAzLagoon Posted - 10/30/2012 : 12:01:36 AM
Originally posted by Mr Nudist

After many years of marriage and myself being nude I still can't get my wife to go nude even around the house with just her and me.

Bare Island

Mr Nudist...Aren't you the guy putting together investors to buy and build a nudist community on an island in Belize? Won't it be tough to live on a nudist island with a woman who won't go nude at home? Just curious how those two things go together.

Enjoy the sunshine!

MrsAZLagoon-AKA C-OHome
Mr Nudist Posted - 10/29/2012 : 6:58:34 PM
After many years of marriage and myself being nude I still can't get my wife to go nude even around the house with just her and me. Everytime I bring up going to a nude resort or something like that she says ohhhhh I don't want others to see my ugly body and of course I have mentioned all the reasons why others don't care about what your body looks like, its not about who has the prettiest or sexiest bodys. So in some ways I can see why women don't wanna go nude and that they have to go through that first time of feeling
acceptance but it isn't easy, I can remember the first time I went to a landed club, it took me about an hour to get out of my textiles so I can understand her feelings and those of others trying it for the first time. I do aggree that its a non stop educational process and maybe it will change over time.

Bare Island!/naturistisland

openess Posted - 12/04/2010 : 08:28:17 AM
Agreed. All women, clothed or nude, should be treated with respect.

jimfuturenudist Posted - 12/03/2010 : 5:24:51 PM
An interesting forum;very thought-provoking!

As a future nudist (male), I would like to assure the female nudists that I will behave
as a gentleman at all times! I am wanting to be a nudist for the feelings of relaxation,
freedom, and peace of mind; not to be a voyeur or a "pig."
freelibero1 Posted - 11/24/2010 : 6:45:34 PM
Originally posted by melissastarr

A male admitting that men are pigs- alright!!!! Now you're talking!!! OK, I'm under control now. Breathe easy, 1-2-3-4. I'm ok now, I think I can respond to the question.

First question, was I nervous to get involved? Absolutely. But not just because of the men, more because I was scared of me. I equated nudity with sex for a very long time and it was hard to get out of that mindset. I was scared that if I was nude I'd be raped (or gang-raped, if I was in a nudist environment.) Beyond that fear, I was scared that I wouldn't 'be right,' ie. that my body was too fat, not the right proportions, etc. I've seen TV and the movies and they just don't show imperfections there. Keep in mind, at the time I became a nudist I was exactly the right weight for my height and my proportions were optimal.

Second question, how do we get more women involved or better the male/ female ratio? I dunno, but I respect the question. I think part of it is teaching body acceptance to those around us. I think another part of it is not being shy about being a nudist with women around us- especially those of us who are women. As a woman myself, I think it's easier to share my being a nudist with men than with women because men are generally more accepting of it. But I need to share this with women, too, in hopes of being able to spread the message that every BODY is acceptable, unique, and special and there is nothing to hide in the way God created us. I've opened the door of nudism discussion for my sisters now. I don't know if either of them will join me, but maybe they'll at least examine their preconceived notions of what kind of body is acceptable for showing.Melissa

"Be who you are and say how you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter" -Dr. Seuss

What kind of body is acceptable for showing? I don't understand the question. Tall or short. Slim or fat. Male or Female. Young or old. Blonde or dark. Hairy or shaved........

Who cares!!!!!

Being naked is pleasant. Being naked together with other naked persons is "a cultular experience".You get to know people as they are, instead of knowing them for that they wear. Custom made Italian shoes or fancy 2500$ dresses.

I've just spent a week of vacation in Malta where nudism is not legal but there are some beaches where it's practiced. Those who I've met ( we met: I was with my wife) were very nice persons. Naked and nice. Maybe, if I had met them in business suits, ready to do their best in their own profession, they would have been just strangers. Being naked they were, very naturally, friends.

My best guess is that nudism gets thebest out of us and that clothes purport our worse.

One last comment about men being "pigs". Some are, most are not. The same applies to women. I think sex and nudism are things that don't belong in the same sentence. My experience: there is a very sexy lady I have made friends with in the nudist resort I go to often. When wemeet (naked) we hug and kiss. Never had a hardon. I'm sure that in a different context, clothed, sexy dress... etc. her hug and kiss would get me hard.

My 2 cents.

Carnelian Posted - 11/23/2010 : 5:08:45 PM
As a single man, I do not like and avoid the disparity myself. One reason is that some of the men are probably gay (not myself) and some think wrongly that they will meet women in this way. Highly unlikely because the slightest comment or gesture or action may be viewed as "inappropriate"and reported to the office.Evenif it is totally innocent. That's a reason why I have stopped going to clubs. Single women don't go because then men will think that they are available for dating,etc.(I recall a gal once stood up in a group and announced that she was available to meet up!)
ddoger Posted - 11/12/2010 : 11:10:46 AM
Magazines like these will never promote naturism or social nudity because, the need to be clothed is the lie that these magazines promote. To be socially acceptable you must be dressed appropriately, the way they dictate, you must look a certain way, have no fat or bulges, you must be sexually alluring at all times. In reality they are anti naturists at all levels.

Naturism goes against these socially screwed up idea. Our self worth isn't based on what we look like or what we are wearing.


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