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 Not Lewd, Not Crude, ...Just Nude.
 Does your family know you are a Nudist?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
IslandGirl Posted - 08/01/2002 : 3:59:35 PM
This is a question I have discussed with many people from time to time. Some have said their family knows and it is accepted, others say that their family wouldn't understand and so keep it a secret. I would like to know others views on this....

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ROB g Posted - 10/24/2020 : 11:01:26 PM
back in August we bought a small at TLR in Michigan. Told my family they said cool. Looked up the resort laughed. They won't visit but don't care. My wife's family has always known.
oldjeepers Posted - 09/19/2020 : 12:46:26 PM
Only my brother, sis in-law and friends know that we are nudiits.
Nude in AK Posted - 09/19/2020 : 10:02:46 AM
What family I have left, knows that I prefer to be nude, rather then wear cloths. I have been that what for too long to change. Most of the friends that I still have know I am a nudist and are OK with it. Those that do not like my chosen life style are not part of the group I associate with any more. Their loss!!!!
HomeRules Posted - 09/18/2020 : 11:32:37 PM
Originally posted by Centauri4

What are your reasons for going nude? What, ultimately, is it meant to accomplish in your social setting? (between yourself and ??)

I've found that I'm more comfortable and outgoing when there is a total absence of clothing. It's like hiding your body is the same as hiding secrets. I've come to believe that clothing actually makes us more worried about our appearance.

Originally posted by Centauri4

I "give in" to the idea that others may not want to see me naked even though I know I would be happier as an "Absolute Nudist" or "24/7 Nudist".

Anytime I can be nude, I go for it. But if the situation calls for it, I reveal I'm a nudist and let them decide.

Originally posted by Centauri4

In America it seems we do many things out of respect for our elders, and even sometimes out of respect for what we "suspect" our elders want even without directly asking them. Is this exclusively an American behavior?

There are plenty of cultures that think like this. Japan, especially, where age is tied into wisdom.

If clothing didn't exist, everyone would have a lot less worry about our appearance.
HomeRules Posted - 09/18/2020 : 11:01:07 PM
Not my family! They're all stuffy and would show up in full protective medical attire with heavy clothes and sanitizer! Yes, I'm exaggerating, but the point is the same.

House Rules
russ2722 Posted - 03/28/2015 : 07:08:06 AM
I have followed this thread and like so many others my parents were not aware of my nudist lifestyle. However, just recently that has changed. My mom came for an extended stay, and late one night, I woke with a need for a cold drink, and in my semi-awake manner went to the kitchen in the nude. Three in the morning, house dark, never imagined my mom would be up, she was sitting in the den, when I walked by. She startled me when she spoke, asking if I was ok, I did the "freeze in the headlights" as I came to full awake. I told her my need for a cold drink, followed by me asking what she was doing sitting in the den in the dark at this wee hour. She told me she had been having bouts of insomnia, and lying in bed never helped, so she would sit and look out a window to relax. All this time it was racing though my head that I was standing nude in front of my mom, and it had not seemed to be an issue she needed to speak about. So for a few minutes, we talked about lifes little challenges, my nudity aside, like normal people do. Now I know it was dark, but not that dark, and mom could see me fairly well from the light coming in the den's sliding glass door. Her demeanor never changed, and I felt this odd sense of relief that my being nude was not something she was concerned about.
ian_j Posted - 03/21/2015 : 2:15:05 PM
My family don't know that i am a nudist, My mum being a strict christian and even thou she knows that i have an interest in nudism , its like we watched an item on a current affairs show in my (awesome beautiful) country,lol and we watched the the whole item .

The next morning the neighbour came over for her morning coffee, lol and all 3 of us were talking about the item, I said "that nudity wasn't a bad thing" the two of them looked at me as to say i can not believe you just said that, lol

I have always in the past never undressed and got naked around mum especially when I'm about to have a shower last year i decided that had to change so one day when mum got out of the shower and was drying off i walked in the bathroom and we chatted about something for about 5 - 10 mins without saying anything about me standing there, other than mum noone in my family about seen me nude.. i am sure it wouldn't be an issue with one of my two sisters thou

Diger Posted - 09/09/2012 : 9:51:35 PM
That's great steady, Angie's sister use to go to nude beaches when she was stationed in Hawaii many years ago. We have talked to her and her husband about joining at the nude beach and even the hot tub at our house. Her husband would be fine with it but she can't get past not being as thin as she use to be..... Who Cares!!!

Like you said it would be nice traveling to some nude beaches with some family. Well we still have several couples we are friends with that join us at the nude beach every year and we have not given up hope on her.

steady78 Posted - 09/09/2012 : 8:12:38 PM
Well, our adult children and my wife's familly know we're nudists, but only one of my siblings( my younger brother ) knows.
None of them is interested in joining us, although they all admit to enjoying skinnydipping .
My brother's wife has mentioned she would like to skinny dip in our pool but she and my brother live in another province . They enjoy holidays in hot sunny places and know we prefer nude friendly places. Until recently he has always said he couldn't be naked around others.
Well, I guess our no non sense attitude to nudity and our honesty when they've asked us questions about our enjoyment of naturism has had a positive effect!
A couple days ago my brother called to tell us they are booked on a trip to Cuba and will be staying at a hotel that is nude friendly with a nude beach!
I hope they enjoy it cause it would be nice to travel with them more often!
nudiststory Posted - 07/13/2012 : 04:40:46 AM
My family don't mind and they know....they blame it on my German grand father (nudism is popular in Germany and he used to do it in the 40s and 50s) Naturist property for sale and rent in Spain, France and more!
n/a Posted - 03/04/2012 : 09:07:49 AM
My family does and most do not discuss it or even talk to me. My mother who of all should accept it over anyone and support it, refuses to ever see me nude. My mother in law is conservative but even she is ok with me nude when she visits. But to me telling family is no good nothing good comes from it.
Centauri4 Posted - 05/26/2011 : 02:38:15 AM
I have told several of my immediate family members that I am a nudist, but I do not get to practice the lifestyle full-time on a daily basis.

The last poster asked about nudists making compromises, and I do think this happens as a natural side-effect of being in the minority of social behaviors. Since nudism is not widely accepted or widely practiced, the perception of it as a less mainstream or non-traditional practice is dominant. We are at a state where the majority of people simply have more reasons for wearing clothing than we do for not wearing it.

The "Fors":
1. Warmth
2. Protection against injury (sun, hot grease, etc.)
3. Emotional protection (body defense)
4. As a status symbol/to attract a mate
5. As a status symbol/authoritarian

The "For nots":
1. Cooling/feels good to us
2. Psychological or psycho-social freedom
3. Enlightened acceptance of the self
4. As a self-imposed form of mental evolution
(challenging ourselves to accept ourselves)
5. For sexual pleasure (?)
(can/should this be included??)

What are your reasons for going nude? What, ultimately, is it meant to accomplish in your social setting? (between yourself and ??)

I "give in" to the idea that others may not want to see me naked even though I know I would be happier as an "Absolute Nudist" or "24/7 Nudist". This is partly due to my current living arrangements and partly due to the economy/unemployment issues.

If you live with family members who have a greater stake in the ownership of the property where you reside, is it "respectful" to allow them to determine the (even unspoken) "dress code"? For example, if your family built a second home on a large plot of land and you were renting from them, would it be "required" to allow them to say the entire property is not clothing-optional?

In America it seems we do many things out of respect for our elders, and even sometimes out of respect for what we "suspect" our elders want even without directly asking them. Is this exclusively an American behavior?


"Why didn't I think of going nude sooner?!"
wishwarm Posted - 05/17/2011 : 5:55:18 PM
Must be a common dilemma. I am a socially conservative but politically liberal educator who is nude as often as life allows, but I can't leave the house except for hiking in our woods, and do not want to offend family or friends. Why is it that nudists have to make all the compromises??

D in Upstate
barefootguyinco Posted - 12/10/2010 : 09:39:13 AM
My whole family knows all about our nudism. I kept it from them for years but one day they caught me nude in my backyard and I decided to just tell them all after that.

Turns out it was much less of a big deal than I thought all those years. No one freaked out or disowned me, lol. And even all our friends know and again, no big deal.

Folks, it's generally not nearly as big a deal as you envision it to be. If you present it with a positive attitude and don't sound like you're telling them about some perverted thing you do, they'll accept it just fine. Tell them you simply like going without clothes because it's more comfortable, feels better with the sun on your whole body and there's nothing more to it than that.

Body shame, like prejuduce, is not natural. It is learned from others and benefits no one.
david nichols Posted - 12/04/2010 : 9:34:50 PM
just my wife and i

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