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 Nude Beaches and Public Lands / Nudism Places
 Unofficial Nude Beaches
 California Rivers

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Warmskin Posted - 08/31/2009 : 5:21:26 PM
I took a trip recently in the Sierra Nevada. I went to a river where there were some semi-official skinny-dipping spots were. The exact river name is "South Fork Yuba River."

One place you could almost drive all the way to, had only a walk of 4/10 of a mile to the nudist part of the river. It was lightly populated with nudity along the various water holes in this fairly deep canyon. There were a lot of clothed people there, too.

I had not quite experienced mixed textile and nudity before. At first I felt funny being nude with a textile family around at the same pool in the river. I felt a little like a male version of female stripper, but then I'm rich in inner interpretations of imagery. I felt far more nude with these clothed people around than I have at a nudist resort. It's an interesting contrast of clothed people and my solo nakedness. The textile family didn't appear too disturbed by my nude presence. I can only assume they didn't know this was a skinny dipping hole.

The wife did manage to sneak peaks at me, which I found flattering, and also made me feel like I was on stage. I had an small umbrella pounded in the sand for shade. Because of a sudden wind, the darn thing blew out of its stance and fell into the water. Fortunately, the family's boys were right near it in the water, and they retrieved it for me. I felt funny running naked over to them to get it back. They caught it and handed it to me without skipping a beat. They were not at all taking notice of my nudity. Seemed to them like just another day at the river. Youth often doesn't stop and become alarmed at things like that.

Later a couple around their late 50s showed up at the hole and stripped down. As would be thought, the husband took the lead in skinny dipping while the wife hesitated, possibly because of my presence. Later she became more courageous. I talked cheerfully with the husband who was a nice guy, and verbally responsive. The wife would turn her front side away from me all the time, but later felt comfortable enough to turn her front side toward me. I'm as much a threat as the late Mr. Rogers on his gentlest day.

In a palpable way, the river experience was much more sensitive for me, and somehow more enjoyable than a resort, on average. Contrasts of textile and nudity, interactions between them and me were adventurous, for lack of better word. What does a textile person say to a nude person at a river pool? Not much, but the textile person sure does politely look at you. So, it's a bit of a thrill to be the brave one who likes to be nude, despite the textile compulsive people right across the narrow river from me. I felt like I was doing a "Candid Camera" stunt, sans video camera.

So, if you need a break from the nudist resort experience, try a known skinny dipping hole in a river nearby. You never know what you are going to run into, people-wise. Fortunately, no undesirables were there.

This offer not valid in parts of Nevada where there are no rivers.

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James Madison

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