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 Nudism and The Law
 Nudism and Children / The Law Concerning Children
 just starting nude and with children

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ajlquinn Posted - 01/08/2008 : 4:40:21 PM
i have always been into being nude. my brothers wife who pasted away in a car crash. He moved in with me with his two sons he works in the city so i watch them alot. i dont wear cloths unless i have to his two sons who are 16 and 13 are also intrested in being a nudist. they don't wear cloths when their father is gone but is afraid to tell them what should i do
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
naken Posted - 04/13/2010 : 11:54:28 PM
Ajlquinn,its interesting that you list your age as 20,an your brothers oldest son is 16 so it looks like your brother may be twice your age. I would suggest that you be honest an have a private conversation with him about your lifestyle an being clothesfree with his boys,if he has no problem with it then his boys will enjoy the freedom instead of posible guilt by not being upfront with there dad. Naken
NAKED CHELSEA Posted - 04/12/2010 : 3:53:23 PM
Originally posted by Diger

I guess it's a good thing they only draw the stick figures. LOL

That reminds me of a time wen I was at Pr School:

We used to Draw Stck Figures and Put Triangles to Reresent Skirts and Dresses on Female Figures, and Boxes to Represent Mens Clothes. Anyway, one day we had to draw Our Family as Stick Figures: I proceeded to Draw the Normal Type of Stick Figures just with Straight Lines ..... bit I added two small Circles on the Chest part of my Mum, and two smaller Circles on My Figure ... AND I put two Round Dots and a Thicker short line between the legs on My dad.

The teacher Freaked and curiously asked me what we were wearing . . . . . "Nothing Miss, We's All Nekked", I replied.


NAKED CHELSEA Posted - 04/12/2010 : 3:35:30 PM
Originally posted by mummichelle

I have two daughter, 14 and 10, and we are almost always naked together around the home. It has been very educational for them, especially to see the changes in each others bodies.

Some of my oldest girls friends have got nude with us too, but only with their parents consent.

It is freedom of expression and we should encourage such expression and individuality in the young. As long as they are happy to do it of course. Both my girls know it is entirely their choice.

That's Beautiful Michelle :)
mummichelle Posted - 09/02/2009 : 09:53:10 AM
I have two daughter, 14 and 10, and we are almost always naked together around the home. It has been very educational for them, especially to see the changes in each others bodies.

Some of my oldest girls friends have got nude with us too, but only with their parents consent.

It is freedom of expression and we should encourage such expression and individuality in the young. As long as they are happy to do it of course. Both my girls know it is entirely their choice.
Diger Posted - 07/26/2009 : 2:26:31 PM
What you do in your home is private, but when you open that front door you are in the public's view so you need to be carefull.

oscurochu Posted - 07/26/2009 : 06:25:20 AM
if someone were living in a state where only public nudity was not legal and CPS was somehow involved, when they come knocking at your door would the nudist answer it in the nude, or would the nudist family have to get dressed first? it's probably unlikely this will happen, but just curious if it would be a bad idea or not.

this is off topic, and im sorry if anyone gets offended because i dont think this deserves a new thread. if ANY unexpected guest, for that matter, such as the UPS guy or a door-to-door sales person, is it legal to answer the door in the nude?
HearthfireSpring Posted - 02/13/2009 : 4:10:26 PM
My wife was raised as nudist from birth and she still is. I have a hard time getting her to ware clothing at the best of times. She and her parents lived in Maryland while she was growing up and they never had any problems.

Missing California Posted - 02/13/2009 : 05:28:06 AM
If it is any help we really started going nude around the house when I turned about 9 years old and did it when my dad was generally away. Really took to it until I was 14 or so and that picked it up again in my late 20s. I can't really sense that there were any issues with it.
pilot Posted - 01/27/2008 : 1:02:14 PM
If a married couple chooses to be nude at home, CPS has neither authority nor reason to do anything. Even if the 7 year old tells his/her teachers "we don't wear clothes at home", there is nothing particularly unusual here nor will teachers take any action. By far the greater worry for teachers are children who have learning deficits because of some real or imagined fear for their own safety. Physical abuse, drug use and so on are major concerns. Nudity is not.
Diger Posted - 01/26/2008 : 4:06:47 PM
I guess it's a good thing they only draw the stick figures. LOL

McNigel Posted - 01/26/2008 : 11:18:18 AM

Worst case, if he told his teacher, believe me teachers have heard it all, and if you spend much time around these boards you will find more teachers here than any other occupation.

What always gets a laugh in the teachers common room, is when the children got out the crayons and do the 'what-we-did-on-our-holidays' pictures.
Diger Posted - 01/25/2008 : 10:39:07 PM
At 7yo your son should take to the change like a duck to water. As far as him telling his friends and teachers, why should he? He doesn't tell them you all wear clothes because it's just normal to him. If you make healthy family nudity natural to him what reason would he have to tell anyone?

If he did tell his friends, they probably wouldn't care cause at that age they are natural nudists anyway. Worst case, if he told his teacher, believe me teachers have heard it all, and if you spend much time around these boards you will find more teachers here than any other occupation.

Just tell your kids that some people feel different about being naked than you do. Keep it simple and set a good example and you won't have any problems. Just remember they take their cues from you, if it's natural to you it will be natural to them.

mjelsey78 Posted - 01/25/2008 : 7:34:03 PM
Originally posted by pilot

Generally speaking, what you do in your own home with your own kids as a family is a matter of preference not subject to interference by government.

Whether "public" knowledge of your preference might affect employability or acceptance into the (new) community is another matter, one that should be considered. Public nudity (e.g. nude beaches) is not legal in HI.

When there are others in your home--playdates with kids from school for example--you will be obliged either to make sure that your family is clothed or else to get explicit permission from parents/guardians to have the visitor see your family without clothes.

I appreciate the answer very much, thank you. I am still a little confused though (maybe I am just having one of those slow days today)... If our 7 year old was to mention to a teacher at school that we don't wear clothes at home, is there any way that we would legally be in any kind of trouble? We are planning on sitting him down before we transition into nudism and talking with him about what is and isn't appropriate behavior when nude, but as many posts on this site and others have mentioned "society in general equates nudity with sex". I am just concerned that if our son mentioned it to a friend or teacher that CPS would get called and all kinds of problems arise.
pilot Posted - 01/25/2008 : 4:20:31 PM
Generally speaking, what you do in your own home with your own kids as a family is a matter of preference not subject to interference by government.

Whether "public" knowledge of your preference might affect employability or acceptance into the (new) community is another matter, one that should be considered. Public nudity (e.g. nude beaches) is not legal in HI.

When there are others in your home--playdates with kids from school for example--you will be obliged either to make sure that your family is clothed or else to get explicit permission from parents/guardians to have the visitor see your family without clothes.

mjelsey78 Posted - 01/25/2008 : 3:05:14 PM
My husband and I are having a somewhat similar situation. We have decided that we want to live a nudist life at home, but our 3 children (ages 7, 4, and 18 months) haven't ever been around it before. The two younger ones aren't a concern as far as if they would join us...we can barely keep clothes on either of them. Our concern comes with the 7 year old and if he was to mention to friends or teachers at school what the legal ramifications would be. We currently live in WA state, and I know from reading some other posts here that they have pretty strict laws, but we will be moving to HI soon and was wondering what the laws are there with regards to nudism in the home with young children. If anyone can help us out with this, I would appreciate it. This is our ONLY roadblock to getting started on the path to the nudist life. Thanks.

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