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 Are We About to Lose San Onofre as a Nude Beach??

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nudenewbie Posted - 05/24/2008 : 04:03:45 AM
I just read with horror an action alert from the NAC (Naturist Action Committee) that the State Parks Department will no longer permit San Onofre to remain a clothing-optional beach as of July 1st.

If that's true, I'm heartbroken. San Onofre is a beautiful beach, and it's the first place I ever tried public nudism. It holds a special place in my heart and I will be so sad to see it go.

There's going to be a rally tomorrow (Saturday, May 24th). Although it's last minute and the weather promises to be uncharacteristically dismal, I am going to show up and do whatever I can to try to prevent this from happening. But it already seems to be a virtual fait accompli based on what I read.

Seems that there is a new crop of authorities in the Parks Department who don't like social nudity. They are claiming that the nudity equals illicit sexual behavior. There is that problem in some areas of the (off limits) military base, but they're really using a broad brush in painting everyone that way. From what the Action Alert says, the actual amount of illicit behavior has declined in recent years, but the new Park Managers are looking for any excuse to ban all nudity itself--

I haven't been this truly glum in years.

[Moderator addeded link to NAC alert) [Link]
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nudewithfriends Posted - 01/31/2010 : 11:21:30 PM
I LOVE San O and I have been going there for years. While January is not the high season, last summer ended with a bit of a stalemate.

While the appeal process seemed to go against the nudists, the practical matter remains that there have been no citations for simple nudity.
FireProf Posted - 05/24/2008 : 5:06:28 PM
My hope is that this thread does not become yet another political banter and that from here on out the only posts are from those that actually sent an email or letter to Director Ruth Coleman and voiced their opposition to the revocation of the Cahill Policy.

Like we both did!
FlCpl4NewdFun Posted - 05/24/2008 : 11:11:16 AM
Perhaps naturists ought to write letters to Congressional Representatives for the area (either Darrell Issa or Ken Calvert) and suggest that they look into why the Marine base isn't patrolling the beach better to keep out the sexers. Since they're conservative Republicans, best not to say anything about naturism or you'll be ignored (except for being added to an
FBI/CIA/NSA database). Instead point out that perverts are endangering family values of innocent Marines on the base by not patrolling the beach more effectively. Tell 'em the terrorists in Iraq might win if something isn't done...

Really Cheri? what does this have to do with conservative republicans and iraq???? That's the sure-fire way to get any letter ignored. (although, I appreciate your sarcasm, glad to see you have it in you)

This isn't a national issue and writing Congress will have little impact. All politics are ultimately local. A better plan would be to have a grassroots letter writing campaign to the local county officials and state level reps. I don't know who wrote what you quoted, but I couldn't find it anywhere on the NAC website. Here's what NAC recommends:


The Naturist Action Committee is asking you to contact the Director of CA Parks to express your concern and outrage over this turn of events. NAC is also asking you to attend a rally at San Onofre this coming Saturday.


NAC is requesting ALL NATURISTS and other concerned individuals to contact the Director of Parks and Recreation, regardless of your place of residence. California understands the importance of out-of-state visitors who come to enjoy the state's beaches, lakes and streams. The change in policy applies to those visitors, as well as to California residents. While all are encouraged to make their voices heard, the participation of Californians is, of course, particularly important.

Send a letter, a fax or an e-mail, or make a phone call.

Director Ruth Coleman
Dept. of Parks and Recreation
1416 Ninth Street,
Sacramento, CA 95816

DIRECTOR'S OFFICE FAX: (916) 657-3903

NAC encourages you to send copies of your faxes and paper mail to:
NAC, P.O. Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54903.
Send copies of your e-mails to:

When you write or call:

a) Be polite. You have a right to be outraged, but you will achieve nothing positive by name-calling or rudeness.

b) Be known. Give your name and address. If you are a California resident or a frequent visitor to California, point that out.

c) Be focused. Keep your call or your correspondence brief and on target.

d) Be clear. Say that you OPPOSE the revocation of the Cahill Policy at San Onofre State Beach in San Diego County.

Additional talking / writing points:

a) The precipitous change to public policy was done without public input. That's not an acceptable way to administer public resources.

b) The so-called "solution" does not address the real problem.

c) A recent public opinion poll (the 2006 NEF/Roper Poll, commissioned by the Naturist Education Foundation and conducted by the Roper polling organization) shows that a majority of Americans favor the setting aside of public lands for clothing-optional recreation.

d) In that same poll, an impressive 74 percent of Americans believe that people who enjoy nude sunbathing should be able to do so without interference from local officials as long as they do so at a beach that is accepted for that purpose.

e) Rangers and park managers must NOT confuse simple nudity with lewd behavior. Rangers presently have the autho
Cheri Posted - 05/24/2008 : 10:19:58 AM
(written by a long-time acquaintance)
Let's look at what the NAC alert specifically said:

The traditional clothing-optional beach at San Onofre is adjacent to Camp Pendleton, a Marine Corps training base. Although those who wander onto the military base are subject to arrest for trespass, the area is lightly patrolled. For those who seek sex in the open, the military beach has become the site of choice, and the razor wire field fencing at the property line has proved to be no obstacle.
Naturists have shown reluctance to pursue the scofflaws onto the military base, and State Park Rangers have no authority there.

This is the key to this situation. It shows that NAC recognizes how this situation is different from most other threats to CO beaches.

Namely, the public sexers go there not because of the nudity, but because there is a kind of a "safe" haven where they can go, and not be hassled either by naturists or "authorities". They go to the
military-controlled part of the beach. Naturists, rightly, don't want to go there. And the Rangers have no authority. This is unlike most other naturist beaches.

So ending nudity on the State part of the beach should have little or no effect. The baddies won't go away because nudity is forbidden.

The military-controlled beach is what lawyers call an "attractive nuisance" (not to be confused with Paris Hilton). It's a nice beach that law-abiding people, including naturists, don't intrude upon. So
it's wide open for public sex.

Legally, the parties which lay claim to the place have a responsibility to do whatever behavior control is genuinely needed. Perhaps naturists ought to write letters to Congressional Representatives for the area (either Darrell Issa or Ken Calvert) and suggest that they look into why the Marine base isn't patrolling the beach better to keep out the sexers. Since they're conservative Republicans, best not to say anything about naturism or you'll be ignored (except for being added to an
FBI/CIA/NSA database). Instead point out that perverts are endangering family values of innocent Marines on the base by not patrolling the beach more effectively. Tell 'em the terrorists in Iraq might win if something isn't done...

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism

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