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 how do you compliment a nudist ?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nudenwv Posted - 03/14/2005 : 8:49:49 PM
as my wife and i recently attended a c/o nudist lodge, i saw many good looking people! i don''t mean that in a suggestive way! i have commented on pics on other sites and began to think they took it the wrong way! i see no such thing as an ugly nude being! if you see another beautiful body and wish to compliment them is it wrong to do?

nude and smooth in the mountain state
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Nudony Posted - 08/10/2009 : 8:52:35 PM
Originally posted by Charged

This is a bit off topic, but do women specifically dress their hair to match a new shape or body figure or a tan? I know that some people like to have their hair cut to match a new shirt or dress, but what do they do when there is no dress to match?

Usually, nudist women go to the nudist beach or resort with the expectation that they're possibly going to get their hair wet; so little effort is put into how their hair is going to look there. Mostly, they just tie their hair back.

Charged Posted - 08/10/2009 : 7:04:34 PM
This is a bit off topic, but do women specifically dress their hair to match a new shape or body figure or a tan? I know that some people like to have their hair cut to match a new shirt or dress, but what do they do when there is no dress to match?
B and S Posted - 08/08/2009 : 12:47:03 PM
Surprisingly, we had a nice compliment on our first lengthy visit to Rooster Rock, a couple had been looking our way from time to time, not staring, so we were not uncomfortable, but just glancing over frequently. After awhile, we went over to talk to them, just to find some answers to some general questions about the area & its history, since we were relatively new to R.R. After a few minutes of chit-chat, the woman spoke up and said to us "You have beautiful bodies." I was not offended at all, I thought it was very tastefully done, and very sweet of her to say. I then returned to compliment to her & her husband, "And you do as well." All this and my husband & myself are what I would call plump! I was highly impressed.

Which is interesting, we've been to Rooster Rock 2 times and been to Collins Beach 4 or 5 times now, no compliments per-se at Collins, but plenty of smiles.

So to answer the question, yes, by all means, give people compliments - I think it encourages a friendly atmosphere where people feel free to get to know one another and helps people, especially newbies, to feel much more comfortable much quicker. Just my opinion.

Warmskin Posted - 07/12/2009 : 2:31:30 PM
How would you compliment someone at a textile beach? Use the same technique at a nude beach, except regarding a great looking swimsuit or bikini.

Also, you could tell someone, "I'm mentally dressing you, and I like it."

"The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home."
James Madison
Cactus Jack Posted - 07/12/2009 : 11:49:09 AM
I don't. I'm not there to pay attention to who is or isn't attractive. If they do something praiseworthy, that's one thing. If they say something praiseworthy, that's another. Otherwise, I don't go there. Maybe comment on the weather, but that's the extent other than idle conversation.

How can people develop wholesome clean thoughts about nudity when they are taught that immorality is ok?
People can only harvest from what is planted.
Anniebare Posted - 06/03/2009 : 10:11:55 AM
I realize that I must have a distorted perspective on this question. As a long-time (former) art model, a great deal of my experience involved being nude around non-nudist people. Perhaps for that reason, whatever compliments I may have received were far less "diplomatic" than the ones suggested here. Most artists treat you like a mannequin and seem startled or disturbed if you actually speak to them. But some were friendlier and would say things like, "nice tan" "nice physique" "nice musculature" "nice definition" or "you're not fat like our last model" etc. Those were the typical comments. Other comments were of the sort that I have to believe only an artist could think to say. Stuff like, "you have a nice butt; it's really fun to draw" (this was from a 68 year old woman!), or "nice abs! how many crunches can you do?" to even more detailed critiques of specific body parts that I probably should not mention here :)

The result of all this on my psyche is that if a guy on the beach says to me, "you got a great body, babe" I just smile and say thanks. It never occurs to me to be insulted. Usually the guy smiles back and goes his way, thinking he's probably made my day. Come to think of it, he probably did.


Life is best lived bare
PopandMomBear Posted - 06/03/2009 : 09:46:00 AM
Great answer to a Very difficult question there and quick thinking. To me everyone has some beauty be it physical or be it personality. Myself i want to know someone i can have a good time with and enjoy their company and talk on various subjects because physical beauty may fade but internal beauty only grows as time passes.

balataf Posted - 06/03/2009 : 02:03:42 AM
This is not an event from Nudism, but it's worth repeating. One day, my Wife's closest girlfriend grabbed her as they were conversing, spun her around and suddenly asked ME, "Which of us is prettier?" Fortunately, I had a line in my memory that was saved for just uch an occasion. In a 1950s Andre Norton SF Novel, the hero is suddenly put in that same position. He salvages this no-win disaster by replying "It's like comparing a ruby to an emerald. They may be gems of equal shine and luster, but they are different." This pleased both of them, and got me off the hook. I think the original point was to make me sweat on it, but I didn't.
thornapplebison Posted - 06/02/2009 : 7:36:15 PM
Most people look goofy naked. That's my opinion, and I haven't seen much to change it over the years. However, some people, both male and female, seem to actually look better without clothes than with. When I see something like that, I tell the person. I say, "You know, most people look goofy naked. I know I sure do (though I'm not going to let that stop me). You, however, look spectacular (for a guy) or gorgeous (for a girl) or beautiful (for my wife). Most just say thank you and we carry on from there.

Generally, in conversation, if you tense up and make something a big deal, it will be a big deal. If you are relaxed, straight forward and honest, most people will take a complement pleasantly and thank you for it.

That said, I probably wouldn't get into specifics. (Though I did once tell a dude that he should have told God to save some to give the rest of us...)

Nekkid Tiger Posted - 04/01/2005 : 7:51:32 PM
Funny story, Ashley! Seems to me like a simple "good to see you" would work fine.
Ashley Posted - 03/26/2005 : 7:19:12 PM
You know... it just occurred to me that maybe there's too much "strategiery" going on as to what you can compliment someone on. I the objective first to "compliment someone" and THEN find something to compliment them on?? OR..shouldn't it be perhaps that you inadvertently NOTICE something about the person worth complimenting..something WORTHY of a compliment..something at INSPIRES a genuine compliment..and THEN proceed? We're kinda getting the cart before the horse here it seems lol
Years ago I heard a story about a boy who was at a cotillion whose Mother kept telling him before he went .."Be sure you ALWAYS compliment the young lady you're dancing with...don't forget!!" So..preoccupied with this directive..the boy danced for about two minutes..and nothing came to finally..just before the music concluded..he blurted out, "Hey..know what? You sweat less than most fat girls I've danced with."
Sometimes the compliment can remain unsaid with better results.

homenude Posted - 03/26/2005 : 12:30:27 PM
I'm the boss in an office with eight female employees. I've learned that the only three safe compliments are 1) that she has lost weight; 2) her hairdo looks great; or 3) nice shoes. Of course, these only work if you've seen the lady before.

If you've never met the lady before, don't saying anything at all--just smile. It is better to look stupid than open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Nudony Posted - 03/26/2005 : 12:50:47 AM
Complimenting a person should be proportional to the amount of time and the extent to which you know them. I have some friends to whom I can say anything as long as it's respectful, and vice-versa; but I've known them for years. Otherwise, only when I'm asked for an opinion do I say something; and even then I keep it "unspecific."
Tim Posted - 03/25/2005 : 6:37:58 PM
In the UK, when a naturist is clothed, it seems perfectly acceptable to say "I didn't recognise you with your clothes on" to someone you already know a little.
bornnude Posted - 03/22/2005 : 08:37:29 AM
Originally posted by Gary Douglas

Cheef's comment that "all bodies are beautiful" reminds me of a comment made by one of the characters in "The Incredibles", where the realization statement was made, "If everyone is special, then no one is special". The truth of the matter is that there are ugly people, beautiful people, and a whole lot of people in the middle. If what was really meant was "everybody's beautiful, in their own way" (per singer/songwritter Ray Stevens), I can appreciate the sentiment. I hope our tendencies towards political correctness will diminish, but I doubt it...

That wasn't quite the way a friend of mine put it when referring to women... He said, "All women are beautiful, some are just more attractive than others".

I think the same could be said about all bodies.

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