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 Nudism Places: Around the World
 Europe: Malta
 Malta - nude

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nudeboy Posted - 04/28/2004 : 10:38:46 AM
Little is written anywhere about Malta and nudism.It is alive and well.Those who live here and like stripping off at the beach all know where to go - good word soon spreads:)Summer lasts from end May until end of August.In this time it is HOT and the sky is blue.The sea is cristal clear and incredibly warm to swim in.Anyone else been nude in Malta?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Gozoman Posted - 06/05/2017 : 10:09:57 AM
Hi there,
I am coming over beginning of August 2017
I see there has not been much activity for a while on Hozo but wondered if anyone fancies meeting up?
Any advice on where to go would also be appreciated and if there is any updates on places to go that is ok to bath nude!
I am staying near Gharb.
I have been many times to Gozo and have a car, so can travel .
All advice and tips appreciated.
Many thanks
oliveoil Posted - 12/31/2013 : 2:06:01 PM
Hi everyone, I have just discovered this forum about nude beaches in Malta. I have been practising naturism in Malta for the last 25 odd years and I have gone nude at a few places that haven't even been mentioned in this forum (or maybe I missed them). I'm referring to Delimara area, Slugs Bay, Fomm Ir rih and some other spots of which I don't know the name. Yes unfortunately naturism in malta has changed a lot over the years which is one reason I hardly go to Gnejna/Ghajn Tuffieha any more. Any one wanting more information feel free to email me or write here.
maltanaturist Posted - 10/01/2013 : 1:59:31 PM
The reasons why the situation in Malta is like that can be found at:

freelibero1 Posted - 07/11/2013 : 11:35:20 AM
Check this: a naturist guide (in Italian and with pictures of my wife and myself) to beaches in malta and Gozo,malta

English version without pictures:
stunningmind Posted - 06/08/2013 : 09:13:25 AM
Really looking forward to my upcoming visit to Malta. How far are the beaches from Valetta? Nudist or non-nudist...I'm worried about taking a taxi and being taken for a ride.
MALTANUDIST Posted - 06/07/2013 : 9:51:35 PM
If you support the legalization of nudist beaches in Malta please visit this page and click 'LIKE'
maltanudist16 Posted - 05/28/2013 : 2:44:50 PM
Hi everybody, today i tried to find the unofficial nudist areas around Ghajn Tuffieha and was pretty disappointed as i just couldn't seem to find it.

Could anyone post any photos or anything?

Also it was really quiet and I didn't feel very safe. Are there days when there are more people around?
Gozo Naturist Posted - 05/20/2013 : 07:02:38 AM
I've been camping on Comino island lately & found out that there are some areas frequented by foreign naturists.
There's the North East point of the Blue Lagoon, the area just past the last cruise boats mourings.
Then there's a stretch of sea level rocky seaside between the Blue Lagoon & San Niklaw Bay (Hotel). This area can be noticed by the big Non Anchorage signs due to some pipe lines crossing over from Malta to Gozo.
Another area is a cute tiny sandy beach just off Santa Marija Bay's slipway. Santa Marija Bay is where there's the Chapel, Camping Site & the hotel's bungalows 'Club Nautico'. This small sandy beach is found on the North Eastern point of the bay, just opposite the hotel bungalows pool. There one can visit the Cave where Count of MonteCristo was shot on the open water side.

amabilis Posted - 03/13/2013 : 07:40:13 AM
I am not a great fan of nude beaches but I am a huge buff for life. We are all given a spam of life on this crust we call earth and we are Conscious of this life. We love it and we hate it ¡¥we Feel¡¦; We are alive. Who the hell has the absurd right to make my life hell? Who has the right to not let me do what I like when especially it is natural and is not in any way choking someone else¡¦s life. All has a right to live as each see fit. Then because we live in a community we have to regard the feelings of others. Who has the power to make laws? The Government and who is the secondary power, the votes. The votes for election are usually governed by other entities like the Church which has more say in that country. We see the Jews in the US, Muslim in many other countries and Catholic in Malta. This is the fact. But I suspect that the new Prime Minister is very intelligent and while I do not infer that he agrees with nude beaches or not I see that he would like to separate the Church from State and this is our big opportunity to get this legal ban off Nude beaches. I would like to suggest a group to be formed; an NGO equipped with lawyers and legal representatives and prepare a well explained document stating that it is a human right to bathe in the nude at specific beaches. That the present law is a religious law and is inhibiting the citizen and tourist from their right to do as millions of other people do. Explain that this is not some sex parlor etc. The document can go further is seeking other religious inhabitations which became State Laws and this NGO (Non Government Organization) and not ¡¥Nude Go Overboard¡¦ ƒº can work to FREE the Maltese people from some Pious dark hands created by the Catholic Church. It is not to be done in a revolutionary spirit with protests (burning Bras) and what have you but through legal ways, slowly and peacefully without hardly anybody noticing. I will give a hand in this until I step again on a Jet plane and go somewhere else as I always do. Thank you.
tugo Posted - 11/24/2012 : 1:18:48 PM
the last post was 2 years ago. what changed in malta can anyone explain? are peoples opinion same?
is there new place to be nude?
jinty Posted - 09/15/2012 : 09:21:34 AM
Its a beautiful beach, yes, at Ghayn Tuffieha, but unfortunately has become a 'cruising' area for gays as someone has posted this fact on their website...which is spoiling it for many people

I enjoy getting an all over tan,and swim in the sea, naked as I was born. I don't want to see guys 'getting it on' with other guys, right next to me, when there is a wellknown 'gay' beach less than a km away at Gnejna. If I wanted to watch them, I'd go there.

Likewise the guys who sit on the beach in their shorts and perv on the people who are naked, if you go to a nude beach, remove your clothes! And if you must sit and stare at a woman, make sure you're several metres away, we don't want to see you, hear you or acknowledge you.
Contrary to your opinion, women are not there 'looking' for sex!!

Does it have to be naturism in segregation nowadays? a male beach and a female beach..??

And as for the voyeurs up on the hill, get a life!! You can watch porn for free nowadays, so a naked body shouldn't be THAT interesting!?
Gozo Naturist Posted - 04/01/2011 : 02:04:48 AM
You're much more than welcome MrMax!

Just as was FreeLibero . . We passed a full day hopping from one beach to another on my tiny island of Gozo.

Thankgod, the weather is warming up gradually. The last week I had my first experience for this year 2011. The sea so calm, so quiet, all around so green . . just amaizing!!

mrmax Posted - 02/12/2011 : 11:38:21 PM
i think there is another reason why locals do not visit nude beaches.... you will agree that 98% of population is catholic, and this is a reason (one of them)!

i visited malta several times, but never visited nude beach... too busy to doscover all aspects of this tiny but just wonderful island country! maybe next time... i'll let you know!

freelibero1 Posted - 10/29/2010 : 06:28:07 AM
I will be in Malta with my wife for a week November 14th to Nov. 20th. We would like to meet local naturists and enjoy some nudist sunbathing together. Anybody interested please mail me at

Will it be warm enough in mid November?

prism2525 Posted - 09/07/2010 : 5:01:01 PM
I don't know how you guys find only nice people there. What I find practically every time so far are voyeurs and masturbating perverts.

That is one reason I want to get OFF this blasted island and go live somewhere else.

Love Malta, Hate most Maltese people. (I also hate that there are too many people on this minuscule island and I can't get a bit of solo-with-nature time)


"If God had intended mankind to run around naked, surely we'd have been born that way!"

oh, wait....

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