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 Textile taking photo's at a CO beach

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
soonbnude Posted - 10/17/2017 : 07:21:13 AM

Had an experience today where a woman (textile wearing a one piece suit) was walking along trying to hide a large camera, an SLR type with a large tele-photo lens. I thought she was taking photos of the great sandstone cliffs above the beach but no, she was taking shots of other naked people at the beach.

When she walked back past me I asked her what she was up to and suggested she should not be doing this without the consent of these people. She ignored me and kept walking, then she blatantly took some more photo's.

Given every phone is also a camera I wondered whether I should say something. But most people I've seen with a phone take photo's of themselves or people they are with.

This woman was taking photo's of other people without them knowing.

What to do?

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
soonbnude Posted - 02/22/2019 : 3:40:35 PM

I can understand women taking the photo's I mentioned above if being hassled, if not being hassled well maybe not. However this ironically this is a way to stop the poor behaviour at the beach I have mentioned elsewhere on this site and others. We may have to put up with cameras (agree with the comment of how do you stop them) and maybe it will improve behaviour. The sad thing was that both times I have had this experience it has been at the beach where behaviour is good, not the place where sex in the dunes is common.
sailawaybob Posted - 02/01/2019 : 10:15:40 PM
at one of the nude beaches i visit the textiles stand up on the boardwalk that overlooks the nude beach with binoculars and cameras with telephoto lens and sure they probably take some wildlife pictures but i imagine most are of nude sunbathers. i have taken pictures of the beach with nudist in the distant but no close ups. it's a public place so unlike a nudist resort not much you can do.
soonbnude Posted - 01/19/2019 : 5:12:18 PM

I started this post a year or so ago and was bothered by the experience I had at the time. Last week I had my back to a girl (wearing a suit) who walked her dog past me, she took a photo of the beach and the waves and me from the back but she was taking photo's of everything. I spoke with a guy I know at the beach and he said she took photo's of everything and that I was just part of it. He also said there had been some trouble at this or another CO beach last year where girls were hassled by men at the beach. The local newspaper suggested they photograph any such guy and then try to shame them on social media.
Nude in AK Posted - 12/31/2018 : 01:44:57 AM
If I was concerned about my picture being taken, I would not nude any place. I am just an out of shape old man! Click away if that fits your fancy!
sailawaybob Posted - 12/30/2018 : 6:45:19 PM
even at nudist camp this seems common with [IS THIS A PHONE AD? Please ignore.] now they act like they are talking on the phone but in reality taking pictures, not much you can do at beach but camp-resort you could complain i really don't care if my picture is taken but surely there are better things to photograph.
calgarymark Posted - 11/21/2017 : 6:50:22 PM
Hope your family are OK, FP. What it takes to live a normal life, eh?

On my first foray onto a C/O beach in Spain, after trepidation followed by exhilaration , I went for a walk (perambulation?) along the beach. Along the way I saw a young family with a naked mother taking pictures of her naked kids, being watched by her naked husband (presumably). At that point I had two more moments of exhilaration and revelation :
(1) If I can walk naked along a beach, I can conquer the world! and
(2) I can expect to be photographed by someone, so get over it . After all, 50% of the world looks like me, and the other 50% isn't far off.

BTW, this is not intended to make light of the OP; I share the concern over 'professionals' with long lenses who don't look for permission from their subjects. That's just plain rude!

Growing old is mandatory, Growing up is optional. Laughing at yourself is therapeutic.
FireProf Posted - 11/21/2017 : 08:07:08 AM
dodger ...

Probably right! Our club actually has several of those that break the rules continuously but want to make sure everyone else is following those rules!

Slightly back on topic but staying with this side topic in mind; the Prof and I were visiting the club on a Friday. There were quite a bit more people there than on a Mon-Thurs. We needed to stay close to our phones due to illness in the family and the need to leave and return home, if needed.

We were in the middle of a texting conversation with our daughter, cell phone down on the towel as we typed away. Some woman comes up to us and says, "you're not suppose to have cell phones out here. I looked around noticed several others on cell phones and her own husband on a tablet. I said to her, "when your husband puts his tablet away, the tablet that also has a camera and is NOT lying down on the towel like our cell phones, then you can come over here and lecture me on the rules... and make sure you make the rounds and tell the rest of these people the same thing your talking to me about."

She retreated to her lounge chair and spoke to her husband. He stared at me, I stared back and I won the staring contest. After that, I raised the cell phone off the towel and made sure she saw me !
ddoger Posted - 11/21/2017 : 02:39:46 AM
Hey FP: it was probably the same woman that stopped DW and I while we were on our initial tour of your resort. She stopped the woman giving us the first time tour (who was also dressed) and demanded that we should be naked. The person escorting us politely told her to mind her own business and we carried on our way. I find in every walk of life there are those that can only function by judging wether or not others are obeying the rules.

Warmskin Posted - 11/19/2017 : 3:13:31 PM
"Apparently, she likes to make sure everyone is following the rules that she often continually breaks"

The textbook definition of "hypocrite." It could be worse; you could be married to her.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

soonbnude Posted - 11/16/2017 : 06:45:50 AM

Enough said.
FireProf Posted - 11/16/2017 : 01:45:45 AM
Originally posted by soonbnude


At least she said something to you, she could have just ignored the situation. In hindsight maybe she should have asked what you were up to and not accused you. God knows why she then went to management, maybe she was checking the Prof was your partner. Hopefully her motivation was of trying to keep voyeurs / pervs at bay.

Cheers, SBN.

The woman in question was a resident and community busy body. She tattles on everyone, as I understand it. We'd seen her throughout our 3 day and night stay. She'd waved at us a few times prior to this incident while we sat under our awning next to our motorhome. Nah ... she was just flapping her "resident know it all, wings!" Apparently, she likes to make sure everyone is following the rules that she often continually breaks

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Nudony Posted - 11/15/2017 : 10:43:50 PM
Originally posted by FireProf

Thanks for your reply. It was exactly as I thought it would be. Be well!


I'm probably still a bit sensitive to this issue due to my experience last year.

I don't think one can truly understand the "violation" aspect of it until you've seen someone noticeably go "out of their way" to get a better look between your naked significant other's legs. And seeing your significant other being truly discomforted by it.

It changes your perspective on it.

soonbnude Posted - 11/15/2017 : 3:49:41 PM


At least she said something to you, she could have just ignored the situation. In hindsight maybe she should have asked what you were up to and not accused you. God knows why she then went to management, maybe she was checking the Prof was your partner. Hopefully her motivation was of trying to keep voyeurs / pervs at bay.

Cheers, SBN.
FireProf Posted - 11/14/2017 : 11:28:23 PM
Originally posted by soonbnude

I think there is a clear difference between being "gawked at" and your photo taken without consent. At a CO beach we all get gawked at by passers by, usually textiles, that goes with the territory and being nude (legally) in a public place, ie. the beach. You can give them a wave, roll over to hide or just ignore .... plus plenty of other options.

My point was this person had a hi performance Digital SLR camera with a large long distance tele-photo lens, the type you use to get really close to things without being really close. She may not have been zooming in on individuals but she may have, in any case she did take some photos of people naked without asking.

I don't think it's right but while trying to challenge her she just waved me off and ignored me and took more shots pretty much saying up yours (that's the way I took it). I didn't think I had many options at the time, that's why I posted the question.

Anyway I suggest there is strength in numbers if we choose to take a common approach. Others can ignore if they wish. SBN.

We visit Black's Beach near San Diego. There is a group there and their approach is to take pictures of these voyeurs and post their pictures on Facebook. It seems to deter many of these people, some don't care.

We don't visit that often anymore, only because it is difficult to make the trek back up the hill after a day at the beach. I keep telling my wife ... "if we go more often, we'll get in better shape and that trek won't be so tough!" Not sure she's buying that logic but it's the truth!

We just spent 3 days and nights at our club in our motorhome. I was taking some pictures of my wife by my Jeep and while she was helping me get the motorhome ready for departure. As I was taking a couple of pictures of her by my Jeep, a woman walked by and said, "you're not suppose to be taking pictures here." I said, "you're not suppose to be taking pictures of "others" here. I can certainly take pictures of my wife!" She then said, "you're right. I apologize."

I went to check out and the front desk lady needed some paper work from me. She followed me out to the motorhome. I was still naked and she asked if I drove naked. I told her, "almost always and especially in this (the motorhome)." She said, "that's so cool!" Then she said, "by the way, ignore that lady that said something to you about taking pictures. She's a busy body!" Apparently, this tattle tail walked down to the office and told them I was taking those pictures. So ... I actually had someone in the front office say it was fine that we took pictures of each other, just not others without their consent.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Diger Posted - 11/14/2017 : 10:47:39 PM
Several times in the past I have compared these people to Cockroaches saying if you shed light on them they will scurry away. One other similarity is if you have roaches and do nothing about them they will multiply. You need to make their lives impossible and they will move somewhere else. I have never been able to stand the bad behavior of these people and if we make their lives impossible they aren't having fun and they will move somewhere else. If we ignore them they will multiply.


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