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 The most nudist friendly president in 2016?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 07/13/2015 : 03:28:52 AM
Who would be the most nudist friendly president in 2016?

Here are some of the announced candidates for the 2016 Republican and Democratic nominations. Please vote for the presidential nominee you feel would be the most nudist friendly, supporting the individual's right to be nude in appropriate settings. If unsure, vote for the candidate you would lean toward on this issue.

This poll addresses particularly nudist issues, and the candidate's support of the traditional family nudist lifestyle.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gnarlyoldman Posted - 08/06/2016 : 3:08:54 PM
Seeing the anti-nudist attacks happening in Germany and other places its obvious that Hillary's plan to import hundreds of thousands of Muslims to America will result in aggressive attacks on nudism and even clothing less covering than their burkas.

Islam and all Muslims are a threat to nudism. Hillary and Johnson advocate open borders policies that will result in shutting down nudism across much of America. In areas where sufficient Muslim populations can dominate they attack women on the streets for wearing western fashions. In all areas they object to nudism completely. These attacks in Germany will spread to other nations as the Islamic invasion continues.

Naked is green.
NaturistDoc Posted - 08/06/2016 : 1:06:00 PM
Melania's nude pics might have been considered soft-core porn back in the day, but are almost quaint nowadays. Still, they do mesh nicely with the GOP Platform's declaration of pornography as a "public health crisis".

In the meantime, rumors abound that Trump is going to drop out before Nov 8. Pick your reason. He doesn't really want the job, just the glory. Or maybe he really does have something to hide in his tax returns. Whatever. I think his real reason is obvious. Even HE realizes it would look extremely tacky when he kicks Melania out of the White House when she turns 50.
Warmskin Posted - 08/05/2016 : 3:03:39 PM
Rumor has it that Ted Cruz did not endorse Trump because Trump has not praised nudist resorts publicly. But then, rumors can be untrue.

I still think Gary Johnson is the one who could embrace nudism more than any other candidate. If he does a bit better in the polls, he'll be in the presidential debates. If they have Twitter, or other similar messaging services that allow people to ask the contenders questions, I'll pin down the candidates on their vies on nudism away from home.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

FireProf Posted - 08/03/2016 : 12:11:11 AM
Oh come on ... seriously? Acceptance of nude pictures of Melina Trump is good for acceptance of naked people in general? Hardly! She's a beautiful woman and has a terrific body and THAT'S what most people like. They would NOT feel the same way about seeing an older person naked.

How 'bout if Hillary had naked pictures of herself? You don't think she'd be attacked in a very negative way? Hell ... we'd probably have conservative nudists crying foul! hahahaha

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
gnarlyoldman Posted - 08/02/2016 : 12:42:36 PM
One of the things going on in US elections lately is the publication of nude photos of Donald Trump's wife Melania.

Liberal media is publishing them partly in a failed attempt to besmirch Trump, but of course it isn't working. Everyone loves to see Melania, and the political acceptance gives a new level of acceptance of nudity. Melania's professional career was a photo model, and her photos included nude pictures.

Seems to me the whole thing with Trump's wife being in published naked photos is good for general acceptance of nudity. They got published. Most everyone said, "Lovely wife you have there Donald." Nobody but the most aggressive political opposition said anything negative.

Good for Donald. Good for Melania. Good for everyone involved. Its good for acceptance of naked people in general.

Download Attachment: Melania.jpg
50.11 KB

Naked is green.
Nudony Posted - 07/22/2016 : 08:48:04 AM
Originally posted by FullSun

Trump just hasn't gotten far enough down his list of people to piss off in a speech so he hasn't pissed off the nudist community YET.

That's just a matter of time.
"Being a winner in life has allowed me to buy many expensive clothes that I enjoy. People who don't wear clothes are losers. And I don't like losers."

FullSun Posted - 07/21/2016 : 2:23:05 PM
Trump just hasn't gotten far enough down his list of people to piss off in a speech so he hasn't pissed off the nudist community YET.
gnarlyoldman Posted - 07/21/2016 : 11:15:40 AM
This question has now been pretty much limited to Clinton and Trump. The rest have dropped out.

Sure, there is the Green Party, the Constitution Party, the Libertarian Party, etc., but none of them are serious contenders. So its Hillary or Trump. I suspect that Trump will be the least likely to use the federal government to interfere in the lives of people.

Naked is green.
oldnudyman Posted - 07/20/2016 : 5:22:06 PM
You leave out Trump, but even though he is running as a Republican, he has always had a liberal lifestyle. Don't count him out.
gnarlyoldman Posted - 07/20/2016 : 09:05:01 AM
Originally posted by NaturistDoc

Spencer Tunick is doing what he can. Do you suppose the candidates will see the light?

Nice photos. They got quite a bit of media attention, but nobody at the Republican convention paid much attention to the naked women. My guess is that Donald Trump would say its a state issue, not his bailiwick.

Naked is green.
NaturistDoc Posted - 07/18/2016 : 8:44:24 PM
Spencer Tunick is doing what he can. Do you suppose the candidates will see the light?
Warmskin Posted - 10/18/2015 : 03:55:43 AM
Still holding forth, Bob, but sometimes feeling like I need to hold a fifth, even though i don't drink.

I agree, the goobernment is way too involved in our life. I think I probably have enough skills to take care of myself, although I often can't find where I put my clothes.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

sailawaybob Posted - 10/07/2015 : 6:31:17 PM
Oh and Hi Warmskin hope evevything is well in your world.
sailawaybob Posted - 10/07/2015 : 6:22:31 PM
actually we need to look at the real truth of these lawmakers, they want a million laws for us but none for themselves, these politicians are nothing like Our Forefathers and i even have a few issues with them but nowdays they are way to far in your presonal life.
Warmskin Posted - 10/06/2015 : 04:13:15 AM
One politician, US Sen. Lieberman, has been to a nudist resort. I wouldn't vote for him though - his political preferences bother me.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

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