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 Telling my parents

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dtidew Posted - 02/20/2010 : 8:28:36 PM
I'm just about 20 and I want to be a member of AANR but my debit account is joined with my parents' account so they would see the charge against me. I have wanted to tell them about me being a nudist, just to get it out, but I don't know how they'll react. I have no desire to be nude around them or them around me but I'm tired of sneaking around. Is there any way I can tell them gracefully?
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
n/a Posted - 03/19/2013 : 07:18:48 AM
outdoorfun----I think you come from a very rare species of nudists the family nudist :) I envy what you have for sure my family nudism is a battle...
outdoorfun1 Posted - 03/18/2013 : 4:35:46 PM
I have been lucky. My parents are both nudists, and we all enjoy the nudist lifestyle. My dad is registered here..and we all just use his account. We have been open towards each other about nudity since I can remember, and even though he is my stepdad...I could not ask for a cooler set of parents...:))
FireProf Posted - 03/17/2013 : 03:08:49 AM
There is no easy way to break news to your parents that they may find ... upsetting. You'll need to have all your facts ready for their assumptions, if and when you decide that is what you want to do. If you feel that them finding out you're leaning towards living as a nudist, will upset them too much or cause them to throw you out ... then wait til you're on your own and decide you don't want to tell them. Our parents don't know and we don't care that they don't know. Our daughters and their husbands know and that's all that matters because we don't lie to "them" about where we are vacationing, where we go for the day and how we live at home. It's up to you to decide what's right for you.

You'll have to make many decisions in life in the future. Some of those decisions are much more important than whether or not you wear clothes when you don't have to or where you vacation. There are more important things in life besides telling EVERYONE, you're a nudist.


Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Bob Knows Posted - 03/16/2013 : 9:23:52 PM
If you are over 18 you should have yoru own account and make your own decisions. Go to anohter bank and open another debit account. And at age 20 you should be moving out of your parent's home.
n/a Posted - 03/16/2013 : 08:07:39 AM
It took me a while to get the nerve up to tell my mother about it, this wasnt something I could tell my dad no way. For me it worked out that giving subtle hints helped out alot. My family was the type who found humor in all accidental nudity so this made a way to test comfort levels among being nude. For a while I did the only being in boxers or breifs around them thing, then one afternoon while home alone I chose to sun nude in backyard but left a note on kitchen counter so if my mother arrived home from work it stated to her as a warning I was trying out sunbating nude. Few days later it comes up in discussion and end result is she said I can be nude if I want but she prefers not to see me nude.
MTBnudist Posted - 03/22/2010 : 12:49:57 AM
Hey Dtidew, I told my parents when I was 22. I told them I went with my ex-girlfriend to Sandy Hook a clothing optional beach, an of course my mother was shocked! lol cuz she knows how selfconsious I used to be an cant imagin me doing that. She got a huge laugh out of it an still teases me about it. An we both make it perfectly clear to each other we DO NOT wanna see each other naked LOL!! First you should probably be look into getting your own bank account. An Second, there is no rush to tell them. So just think about it an when the time is right an you feel comfortable an confident, go for it! Let us know how it goes when you decide to tell!!

Life is short,PLAY NAKED!!
Blessed Be!!
blackrebel Posted - 02/22/2010 : 3:47:05 PM
A debit account? You dont need them for one.

Next thing is what do you have to tell? Just keep your mouth shut. Too many have a need to tell, when they can just go about their business.
Warmskin Posted - 02/22/2010 : 04:37:51 AM
Don't forget about the literature you will get from them that will be mailed to your home. That could get interesting, but you could get a PO box nearby.

You might tangentially bring up the topic of nudism by mentioning an "article" that you "ran across" about nudism. Then you could ask them for their opinion. See what they say. If they are hostile about such a thing, you might want to wait until you are living on your own. Right now, you're living in a fish bowl. You know your parents by now. Do they seem quite prudish, or are they more open-minded? Think about that first before you cautiously approach that subject.

Tread lightly until you get your own place. Be extremely subtle about soliciting their opinions about nudity in the home if at all. Personally, I try to be very oblique in something like that, thus the desire to be indirect while testing someone.

If you ask them about this "article" or "radio report" you encountered, they may be glad to impart their feelings on the subject, even if they are negative about it. I would think you can't be blamed if a radio station "mentioned this topic" on the air. That could happen to anyone.

Sneaky little runt I am!!

"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."

James Madison
emmanos Posted - 02/21/2010 : 06:01:42 AM
First of all you can get your own account,but the best way to tell your parents is face to face.Sit down with them and tell them what you enjoy about being a nudist and clarify the fact that you don't expect them to join you.that's what I did and they had no problem with it.
Meliah_returns Posted - 02/20/2010 : 10:17:51 PM
i would help if i could. sorry

Meliah <3

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