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 Where can I put my keys?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NaturistDoc Posted - 02/08/2014 : 7:16:33 PM
A perennial challenge for naked people is the lack of pockets. While gearing up for a trip to Club O, I came across this potential solution. Not bad for 20 bucks.

Anybody else have a solution to this daunting problem? And please, no anatomically risky ones.
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Warmskin Posted - 02/24/2014 : 02:25:12 AM
My plastic surgeon took care of that problem for me. Makes for great conversation at the beaches.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

calgarymark Posted - 02/17/2014 : 6:38:34 PM (not cheap but good value for money) are excellent and feature a secret pocket (is that an oxymoron?). Browse the collection - I have a summer weight one with a vented crown in 'Nylantium' which is 12 years young now. The 'secret' pocket lets you carry keys, money, in comfort - except for the hotel keys with a really heavy fob to discourage checking out and not finding the key until you go through airport security. I have no connection with the company except as a satisfied customer. These are the 'official' hats of the Federation of Canadian Naturists.

Growing old is mandatory, Growing up is optional. Laughing at yourself is therapeutic.
FireProf Posted - 02/15/2014 : 3:26:17 PM
hahaha ... nice one Doc! We hid ours in a conch shell ... then thought ... what if someone decides they like that shell and takes it!

I ended up buying one of those wrist pouches with Velcro straps and if we are going for a walk to down the beach to eat ... I just put that on. The Prof also wears a SPF shirt when we walk or go down the beach. It has a pocket ... we are good with that.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
NaturistDoc Posted - 02/15/2014 : 3:00:53 PM
Last time we were at Club O, I just hid the room key under the door mat. Clever, eh?
ROB g Posted - 02/15/2014 : 2:10:47 PM
I don't go to resorts alone. Kim always carries a bag with her so we put our keys in there.
Pat Posted - 02/13/2014 : 11:12:22 AM
Gee Gnarly I guess when you get old you became part of the hat police. A hat is a hat tomato, tomato.

Pat also old but not gnarly
sailawaybob Posted - 02/11/2014 : 7:39:00 PM
i have several hats with pockets easy to keep keys and a few dollars in, my wallet and cellphone usually stay in car . one time at beach i buried my keys under blanket so i could take a walk funny how when the towel gets blown by the wind the sand all looks alike.
gnarlyoldman Posted - 02/11/2014 : 4:29:18 PM
A ball cap is not a hat. I usually wear a real hat. In summer its a straw hat.

When buying a beach towel I buy a matching wash cloth and some Velcro. In 5 minutes I can stitch about 1/2 of the wash cloth to a corner of the towel, with a Velcro close.

Naked is green.
Pat Posted - 02/11/2014 : 11:06:07 AM
I usually wear a hat & attach the key ring to the Velcro strap in the back.
MrsAzLagoon Posted - 02/11/2014 : 09:23:12 AM
Or you can support the Southern California Naturist Association (SCNA) and buy one here for $15 plus shipping!

Enjoy the sunshine!

MrsAZLagoon-AKA C-OHome
Horace Posted - 02/11/2014 : 08:25:35 AM
Doc. They actually sell those in the shop at Club O. You can get a Club O pocket hat right in their shop. The joke is back at home friends, not knowing that Club O is c/o think it's hilarious that I have a hat with a pocket in it.
free2be Posted - 02/11/2014 : 07:17:14 AM
You are right Doc...not a bad deal for $20!

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