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 What's the pulse now in regards to piercings

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dna72 Posted - 03/22/2011 : 9:31:47 PM
Hi folks!

My wife and I are heading to Jamaica for our honeymoon. She has never been in an AN setting before do I was playing around with the idea of us going camping at a local nudist resort her in Indiana for the weekend. I've seen a lot if buzz regarding genital piercings..which actually surprises me, considering how common place it is in 2011. We are 30-something professionals and I font want my wife's first "practice run" at nudism to be an experience where everyone is looking at us as if we are the spawn of evil. LOL. Do what kind of reception should we expect? By the way, the club I am referring to handles this issue on a case by case situation.

Thanks in advance for the input.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Cookie Posted - 04/26/2011 : 8:35:40 PM

We enjoy the piercings that we both have.

Mrs. Cookie has her nipples pierced, and
her belly button. and also has 3 piercings
below the waist!!

I have my nipples pierced, and also my belly

During the winter Mrs. Cookie has a string
of piercings on he ear lobs. If I am not
mistaken she has 5 on each ear.

She is very proud of them and she enjoys showing them off!!

Just remember, we are here for a short time,
so let's have a good time.

nudesunguy Posted - 04/08/2011 : 10:16:14 AM
At least you have some self-awareness, ha!

NaturistDoc Posted - 04/06/2011 : 10:17:21 PM
Not that I'm one to talk. My 'do' would look right at home on "That 70's Show".
NaturistDoc Posted - 04/06/2011 : 10:15:53 PM
Personally, I find most genital piercings slightly ridiculous. By way of analogy, they remind me of the 'mullet' hairstyle - a ridiculous, but at one time wildly popular cut that fairly quickly ran its course. Its popularity has waned, but there are still thousands of grown men rocking the mullet, apparently believing, despite the evidence of their own bathroom mirrors, that they can pull it off without looking like fools. I predict that, outside of swinger resorts, the number of people with genital piercings will gradually dwindle to a small, vaguely embarassing sub-group ... like the guys with the mullets.
ridoos Posted - 04/06/2011 : 4:55:25 PM
I have a Prince Albert piercing and yes, it was painful, but I love the look of it and so does the wife. I've never felt out of place at any resort And I have never felt like I was being gawked at.

Warmskin Posted - 04/06/2011 : 04:51:36 AM
I can just imagine a shot of novacaine being injected into a penis. That does not make my day! Haha.

"Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto." Thomas Jefferson
PeteWhim Posted - 04/01/2011 : 4:36:44 PM
[quote]Originally posted by sunflower

Quite agree with you warmskin.

Ouch ! Never thought of body piercing...what is the common type..Where on the body...and where do you go to do it? A ring, a pearl or a diamond ? Kind of like the pearl idea..
Thanks for the information.

sunflower Posted - 04/01/2011 : 3:26:29 PM
Quite agree with you warmskin.

As an ex nurse I once saw a man with tattoos everywhere, including along his penis, the thought of the pain made me cringe.
Warmskin Posted - 04/01/2011 : 04:31:48 AM
Some piercings I have seen have almost forced me to take pain medication.

I am comfy with my body as it is naturally. Why interfere with nature's almost perfect work, give or take some flaws? Okay, so maybe a lot of flaws, but I'm still comfortable. Hehehe

"Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto." Thomas Jefferson
FireProf Posted - 03/30/2011 : 09:31:49 AM
Originally posted by ddoger

You walked right into that one. I couldn't resist. ;)

Thanks...buddy! LOL

ddoger Posted - 03/30/2011 : 03:34:34 AM
You walked right into that one. I couldn't resist. ;)

FireProf Posted - 03/29/2011 : 11:57:57 PM
Originally posted by ddoger

FireProf. I think you have too much time on your hands and need to get out and get some sunshine. I sounds like too much time on the computer to me. :)

Oh....sure...throw it back in my face. Just cuz you just got back from the vacation I need to go on!

ddoger Posted - 03/29/2011 : 10:09:25 PM
FireProf. I think you have too much time on your hands and need to get out and get some sunshine. I sounds like too much time on the computer to me. :)

FireProf Posted - 03/29/2011 : 12:03:08 AM
Only one piercing a piece?? You're right there with the majority of those that are pierced. Single piercings are as common as shaved pubic areas nowadays.

Good luck and have fun on your visit/trip!

dna72 Posted - 03/28/2011 : 7:54:27 PM
Good to know. We certainly wouldn't fall into the extreme category with one piercing each. I suspected that the nude world would naturally follow suit with current trends (although I think body piercing is as old as civilzation itself, LOL). Anyway, good information. Thank you.

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