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 Nudist Fashion - Apparel and Body Jewelry
 Piercing, body jewelry, etc.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
stucker111 Posted - 06/12/2003 : 12:36:17 AM
What is everyone's opinion on body piercing? Belly button and nipple rings have been around for some time, but of late it seems that the piercings have become ever more extreme, i.e., clit and labia rings, penis rings (OUCH), etc. Also, how about those little rigs that some guys wear around their penis and scrotum to make them (for the lack of a better term) stick out more?

Nude when possible, clothed when practical.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpt-noble Posted - 12/12/2006 : 6:50:22 PM
I tend to ignore single minded people like that, Plus i refuse to have a battle of wits with the unarmed..great reply Aussie... oh btw taky is spelled tacky
Aussienudedude Posted - 12/12/2006 : 6:19:02 PM
No ONE IS INTERESTED IN SEEING YOUR STUPID TATTOO. so don't bother showing it. They mostly look like a birthmark from a distance or a skin disorder.

WOW.!! How accepting of you of others. Frankly.! For me, nudism is about self acceptance and acceptance of others and that includes what ever jewlery they choose to where.
n/a 04jan08 Posted - 12/12/2006 : 11:56:18 AM
I don't like tattoos, piecings or body jewellery. its taky. at least the jewellery can be taken off, some piercings are ridiculous and ugly. tattoos are especially ugly and News Flash to everyone with a tattoo. No ONE IS INTERESTED IN SEEING YOUR STUPID TATTOO. so don't bother showing it. They mostly look like a birthmark from a distance or a skin disorder.
Marco Posted - 12/12/2006 : 11:50:19 AM
I have only vgone as far as shaving but its gr8 that people can be nude and still express themselves with jewllery tec
cpt-noble Posted - 12/12/2006 : 08:05:14 AM
great post nudistime I couldn't agree more. All people are doing when frown on such peircing is showing thier true roots. "Biggits"
nudistme Posted - 12/11/2006 : 11:38:31 PM
In my opinion there is nothing bad or dirty in any body decoration! Lets be free and detached by such ideas . There must be freedom of choice for everybody . I would not pierce my penis but i wont be a critic for those who feel better this way. Also if a woman choses to have her clit or whatever pierced its her own right and body and if that makes her feel prettier , sexier , it is like a new haircut and nothing more
cpt-noble Posted - 11/21/2006 : 3:30:16 PM
The only person that makes it difficult to be yourself IS yourself. Peronally I enjoy my tattoo's and piercings and I can't see myself with out them. But when I see someone that doesn't have them it does not make me think of them any of the lesser for it, it is their choice. That is the very defintion of individuallity, we are who we are
allnaturalwife Posted - 11/21/2006 : 2:57:26 PM
I think its all a form of personal expression.
GeeWilly Posted - 11/21/2006 : 2:51:08 PM
Isn't being nude, in itself, a form of personal expression?

Couldn't that mean that being nude and wearing genital piercings and the like is yet another form of nudity?

Why is it so difficult to be "just as I am"?
cpt-noble Posted - 11/20/2006 : 6:19:07 PM
That was the best response I have seen here allnatural you hit the nail on it's perverbeal hed
allnaturalwife Posted - 11/20/2006 : 5:57:15 PM
The purpose of nudism is to not wear clothes."Being natural"is subject to a lot of interpretation. For some, being completely natural is a part of nudism. Tattoos, piercings,shaving, dyed hair,and such are just as much personnal expression... as enjoying being nude. I would say it is a big stretch to say that having some body jewelry is anywhere near the same thing as wearing clothes.
GeeWilly Posted - 11/20/2006 : 5:47:15 PM
Please be mindful and considerate of others. They are not imposing their agenda upon you; so doesn't basic respect for your fellow man require that you not impose yours on them?

Just seems that at some point we might as well be wearing clothes instead of all the "stuff" we have on? Isn't the purpose of nudity to be natural?
cpt-noble Posted - 10/26/2006 : 01:06:32 AM
I never had any problems with my piercings. And age is only in the mind I am 55. It all depends on how closed minded you are.
Spiker51 Posted - 10/25/2006 : 11:55:28 PM
Question bout piercing don't they hurt??? Well know they must hurt when get them. But when wearing them don't they get caught on things??? I had a ear ring when was young an had it pull out couple that sure didn't feel to good. I have seen few web site that sale body jewelry an piercing. Like I said I just don't care for the piercings but I do like some of the body jewlery. Don't know why maybe it my age.
cpt-noble Posted - 10/25/2006 : 10:18:15 AM

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