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 Nudism Places: Around the World
 Europe: Denmark
 Are there nudism places in Denmark?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 02/20/2009 : 9:47:43 PM
Are there nudism places in Denmark?

If you don't find what you are looking for here, see also the forum, "Hey, is there a club or nudist resort in ...?" The question may have already been asked and answered there.

If you have helpful and reliable information to share about nudism places in Denmark, please add it to this thread by clicking Reply to Topic while logged in.

* All beaches in Denmark are clothing-optional unless marked otherwise.
* The Scandinavian Naturist Portal This Naturist Portal covers naturism in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
* Strandguide Naturist beach map provided by Danske Naturister.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
FireProf Posted - 07/17/2011 : 09:51:48 AM

I might have gotten a better deal on the Volvo and had a more interesting time in Sweden if I could speak Swedish as well as I write/type it!


Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Warmskin Posted - 07/17/2011 : 03:29:32 AM


Furoom Member

Thees is zee seete-a thet zee Pruff und I used tu mep oooot oooor noodeest desteeneshuns vhee ve-a feesited Denmerk seferel yeers egu.

It helped qooeete-a a beet und ve-a elsu poorchesed a tuoor buuk thet ves ectooelly qooeete-a guud und deteeeled muny netooreest beeches. Um gesh dee bork, bork!

Lufes beeeng neked. Bork bork bork! Pleys vell veet oozeers!

Hmm, I think you spent too much time thinking about Scandanavian beaches judging by your English in my quote of your words just above. Hehehehe.

Your site looked very comprehensive. Anything you want to know about Danish nudism is in that site. Thanks.

"How far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without?"
Dwight D. Eisenhower
FireProf Posted - 07/16/2011 : 09:33:20 AM
This is the site that the Prof and I used to map out our nudist destinations when we visited Denmark several years ago.

It helped quite a bit and we also purchased a tour book that was actually quite good and detailed many naturist beaches.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Warmskin Posted - 07/16/2011 : 01:44:22 AM
Hmmm, on second thought, maybe Denmark is the place to go. Sounds like they don't have Volvo dealers at Antarctica. Of course, you could have paid cold cash if they did. Think of the air-conditioning expenses you could save there. <teehee>

"How far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without?"
Dwight D. Eisenhower
FireProf Posted - 07/12/2011 : 09:56:19 AM
Antarctica, on average, is the coldest, driest, and windiest continent, and has the highest average elevation of all the continents.[5] Antarctica is considered a desert, with annual precipitation of only 200 mm (8 inches) along the coast and far less inland.[6] The temperature in Antarctica can reach -89 degrees Celsius (-129 degrees Fahrenheit). There are no permanent human residents, but anywhere from 1,000 to 5,000 people reside throughout the year at the research stations scattered across the continent.


I don't care what kinda cars they sell or if they are giving them away. I like being naked too much and will get naked in just about any reasonable temp but......-129 F ... NOT a chance! LOL

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Warmskin Posted - 07/12/2011 : 02:36:32 AM
I was wondering if you would have more luck in Antarctica. I hear they have sunshine 'round the clock there in the summer. At least it would have been better than Denmark. I don't know if they sell Volvos there. If you were to walk around naked there, who would arrest you? Do they have police there?

"How far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without?"
Dwight D. Eisenhower
FireProf Posted - 07/10/2011 : 09:36:04 AM

The weather man can't give me next years weather forecast!??? They're usually wrong anyway!


Thing is...we checked the weather and it wasn't "the norm" for that time of year. When we got there, everyone stated that it was one of the worst summers they'd had in quite a while...just our luck!

It wasn't cold, but cool and overcast most days. We were in Stockholm for our anniversary, before we left for Denmark for a couple of days, and it was funny to watch the locals stop, sit and unbutton shirts, open shirts and hike up skirts each time the sun poked through the clouds.

It was an awesome trip, nonetheless, and we can't wait to buy another Volvo and go back but will return for 2-3 weeks next time!

Warmskin Posted - 07/10/2011 : 03:39:05 AM
Get some long-range weather forecasts, FireProf. A 5 year forecast might be pushing it, though.

"How far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without?"
Dwight D. Eisenhower
FireProf Posted - 07/08/2011 : 10:11:33 AM
Several years ago we took a trip to Sweden to pick up the Prof's car. We ordered a Volvo from the factory and we took a trip to pick it up. While there for 10 days/9 nights, we visited Denmark.

We stayed in Copenhagen for a few nights. We did some research on naturism and Denmark, in several travel books, and found that in every book the same comment was made about beaches in Denmark.

Nudity is permitted on every beach except two beaches in the entire country. It stated that even though you are permitted to be nude on any beach, it's suggested that you not place yourselves next to a family that is clothed but to seek places where there are other nude bathers.

If there were none, then you should walk a ways from those clothed and remove your clothes and you are welcome to enjoy the beach nude. As fate would have it...the weather was crappy the entire 3 days we were there and we didn't get to the beach.

A return trip to Sweden and Denmark is planned in the next 5 years!

mikaelch Posted - 07/08/2011 : 06:30:14 AM
who I am
I am a man from Denmark by.
Most beaches are allowed to be naked on.
However, near the town is only partially allowed the gauge fields.
I can easily find a beach that is reasonable squandering where I live just outside kokkedal a small town 40 km from Copenhagen which is our capital city in Denmark

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