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 Funny obsolete laws.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nudeisntlewd Posted - 02/10/2004 : 4:07:22 PM
Are you aware of any funny, out-dated laws on the books where you live?
Tell us about them.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jim in Boston Posted - 02/25/2011 : 9:41:58 PM
Originally posted by Kimberly

Found these obsolete Florida laws:

Women can be fined for falling asleep under a hair dryer, as can the salon owner.

A special law prohibits an unmarried woman from parachuting on Sunday, or she shall risk fine, arrest and/or jailing.

If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid as it would for a vehicle.

It is illegal to sing in a public place while attired in a bathing suit.

Men may not be seen in public in any type of strapless gown.

Having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal. (ouch!)

Its illegal to skateboard with out a license

When having sex, only the missonary position is legal. (boring)

You may not fart in a public place after 6 PM on Thursday.

It is considered an offense to shower naked.

You are not allowed to break more than three dished per day, or chip the edges off more than four cups and/or saucers.

Oral sex is illegal.

You may not kiss your wifes' breasts.

Penalty for horse theft is death by hanging.

Kim =^.^=

Hey! Seems only reasonable to hang horse thieves, doesn't it?

Diger Posted - 02/17/2011 : 6:08:50 PM
In Danville PA .... All fire hydrants must be checked one hour before all fires.

Diger Posted - 02/17/2011 : 5:58:46 PM
In Lenior County TN .... When you pull up to a stop sign you must fire a gun out the window to warn horse carriages that you are coming.

Diger Posted - 02/17/2011 : 5:54:09 PM
In Memphis TN .... It’s illegal for frogs to croak after 11 PM.

balataf Posted - 02/17/2011 : 5:04:34 PM
Warmskin wrote:
It is illegal to drive a car wearing any clothing.
Well, it sounded good, anyway

Now, how do you put clothes on a car for driving it, anyhow?
Warmskin Posted - 02/09/2011 : 05:53:50 AM
Los Angeles:

It is illegal to drive a car wearing any clothing.

Well, it sounded good, anyway.

"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."

James Madison
pbmaise Posted - 02/08/2011 : 08:28:55 AM
An innkeeper is not responsible for the vehicle you bring to the hotel, however, if you arrive by horse the innkeeper is liable if horse dies.


Philip Maise
Marina Bay
Miri Malaysia
Malaysian Cell # 013 843 5630 (Country code 60)
Sora Posted - 04/19/2009 : 03:49:15 AM
It is illegal to throw an onion out the window.

New to Nude
sailawaybob Posted - 01/22/2009 : 10:21:03 PM
Ft. Lauderdale, upon entering the city limits you were required to sound your car horn.
Clark Posted - 01/05/2008 : 01:19:03 AM
Kansas: when two freight trains meet at a crossing both shall come to a complete stop and neither shall proceed until the other has passed. Supposedly passed by the Kansas legislature to discourage the railroads from building a track connecting Wichita with Texas, thus depriving the state of the stockyard industry.

California: it is illegal to hunt whales from a automobile or airplane.

Pennsylvania: it is illegal allow a lion to run wild in the streets.

Ohio: it is illegal to own a feral cat. I thought the definition of feral was an animal without an owner?
Balto Bob Posted - 01/03/2008 : 1:26:37 PM
Originally posted by chic


I think is like the county board of freeholders or town council here in NJ.


When visiting NJ I hear references to Freeholders but, still not sure what they are.

Have a nice NUDE day !!
Diger Posted - 01/03/2008 : 08:52:10 AM
Mrs Diger is proud of her tan and we both hate tanlines. It kills us when we have to go to a textile beach.

David, For the life of me I can't see how you could lasso a fish. LOL

D-TX Posted - 01/03/2008 : 12:46:44 AM
Originally posted by Diger

In my home town there is a law still on the books making it illegal to lasso a fish.


And that makes you really want to sneak out and lasso a fish, doesn't it?

Take Care & Be A Bare,

"Gosh that takes me back ... or is it forward? That's the trouble with time travel, you never can tell." - 4th Doctor in the Doctor Who story "ANDROIDS OF TARA"
Phydeau Posted - 01/02/2008 : 9:35:05 PM
Off-topic, but Diger -- You and Mrs. Diger make me look like a ghost when our avatars appear together. LOL.
Diger Posted - 01/02/2008 : 4:32:33 PM
In my home town there is a law still on the books making it illegal to lasso a fish.


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