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 amusing commercial i saw on tv last night

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
agmetal Posted - 05/23/2008 : 11:36:50 AM

thought this would be appropriate to post here...
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
FireProf Posted - 11/05/2012 : 01:30:09 AM
Exactly ... or maybe ... brave enough to at least admit to "doing that." I'm not surprised at many people who will say ... "well yeah, I walk around naked in my house all the time, but I'm not a nudist." I say ... "what do you think a nudist does?" Then the education begins! LOL

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Diger Posted - 11/04/2012 : 9:24:16 PM
yeah I think some people are looking for something to complain about. These commercials will always be taken wrong by some people no matter how they make them but it just may be what gets some people curious about nudism.

FireProf Posted - 11/04/2012 : 9:05:39 PM
I think many of these commercials are done for fun, they actually make light of being naked and they are not meant to be taken so seriously as a dig on nudism/naturism or being naked.

This Honda Pilot commercial, the Nescafe commercial where the woman walks by in a towel, assuming she just got outta the shower, talks about "finding the best Cafe where you get your coffee, just the way you like it and ... it's clothing optional." I thought it was great to have some business/company make a commercial that speaks to being naked at home.

But it's amazing that "some" thought it sexual. Yeah ... some thought it was sexual because her hair is wet, and they are focusing in on her face while she sips her coffee and a drip of water from her hair slides down the side of her face. I didn't get that argument!

We shouldn't be so concerned about the "true" meaning of our lifestyle being preached in these commercials. We should at least be glad that some of these companies are willing to see the clothing optional side of marketing.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Diger Posted - 11/04/2012 : 8:44:53 PM
I love the new cable commercial where the lady is getting out of the shower wrapped in a towel when she runs into this big popup. She tells her husband who is brushing his teeth that she doesn't like it cause she feels like it's watching her walk around naked. He says with a chip on his shoulder,"At least somebody gets to."

LOL I love it.

Diger Posted - 08/20/2008 : 3:32:14 PM
Originally posted by abstract

Any thoughts on this article,2933,405681,00.html at Fox News today?

It was surprisingly well done. It had some good advice and lots of true facts, it sounds like they studied before writing it.

I just wish it was done by someone besides The Sexpert .... LOL

OLD BUZZARD Posted - 08/20/2008 : 1:53:02 PM
yes it looked like there were two females in the back .I liked the add. good taste in using nudists..........old buzzard

not as good as i once was.......dammit

go n nude Posted - 08/19/2008 : 03:49:32 AM
We have come a long way in convinceing the masses and mass media doesn't miss much. If its good for mind, body and soul.

go n nude
abstract Posted - 08/19/2008 : 01:55:44 AM
Any thoughts on this article,2933,405681,00.html at Fox News today?

go n nude Posted - 08/17/2008 : 08:58:57 AM
The multi billion dollar industry of advertizing in this world, has people working day/night trying to come up with ideas to sell anything/everything to the masses even though they may not realize it, they're appealing to their( psyche unconscious) without conscious knowelge to a degree. The humerous commercials have won awards and left lasting impression's and sold millions to their ideas. On TV some say the commercials are better than the shows at times.

go n nude
Diger Posted - 08/17/2008 : 08:32:33 AM
Go nnude,

You hit on the humorous part of these advertisements and newscasts we all are seeing. Some people see this as making fun of us, or putting us down, but I see it as a positive. Humor is how most people deal with difficult subjects to keep everything positive and upbeet. Textiles may get a good laugh but it gets them thinking.

go n nude Posted - 08/17/2008 : 07:15:30 AM
I agree Diger its good, for all who enjoy this lifestyle, and many are seeing it as a positive,acceptable,wholesome,and often humerous lifestyle, to the impressible world at large its something we can be proud of knowing its nothing to be ashamed of or ignored.

go n nude
Diger Posted - 08/16/2008 : 11:35:55 PM
go n nude,

It does seem the advertising world is taking notice of the Naturist life style. Like Martha says, "That's a good thing."

go n nude Posted - 08/16/2008 : 6:26:28 PM
This commercial has several versions and i have noticed that. Its shows marketing does know whats going on out there. We have a bus advertizing for medical alert saying the only thing you need wear in an emergency is your medical alert necklace (picture of female from chin to above the chest) with it visible. A cell phone commerical,a family with a nude beach in the back ground and because the cheap phone was out of range the family ended up at the wrong beach and they covered the childrens eyes so they couldn't look. It helps if we can laugh at the funny side, this all portray's nudism as a lifestyle and is growing in popularity and they are taking notice and using it now more than ever. I heard a radio commercial this week for a restaurant/nightclub saying all who showed up nude didn't have to pay the cover charge that evening to hear a jazz band, and no news if any did or didn't. I was tempted indeed, A recent story in the news a pizza shop advertized, show up nude and the pizza's free at least six people did and got free pizza's and ran, most stripped before entering and 2 were female, they claim someone else posted the ad. Why'd give out the pizza's if they didn't run the ad. The police showed up and thats their story lol.

go n nude
cony Posted - 05/28/2008 : 06:52:37 AM
Originally posted by Phydeau

Originally posted by Diger

I think it was funny also, what do you expect, they were advetizing a rearview camera, they had to look for a reason not to look back.


Exactly. It wasn't non-friendly. The driver let them into the car. He just didn't want to stare at the passengers. There's still the issue of people being disgusted at the nude body, but he was still friendly.

Funny, when I first saw the clip I assumed that after the baloonists said they were nudists the driver looked into the back of his car to see how much room he had for more nudists. Apart from that he had his son in the car who needed the rearview camera!

Diger Posted - 05/27/2008 : 6:19:38 PM
This commercial is all over the TV in the last couple days, it must be popular. After watching it several times there are definitely two ladies in the shots. One with black hair and one gray.


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