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 Cute Walgreens ad showing a first time nude beach

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MrsAzLagoon Posted - 10/12/2015 : 10:41:14 AM
Really cute TV ad showing two women obviously try a nude beach for the first time. We see woman accept the experience like this at our clothing optional B&B's all the time.

Enjoy the sunshine!

MrsAZLagoon-AKA C-OHome
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
soonbnude Posted - 01/27/2017 : 04:24:01 AM
What s it with people assuming they know the sexuality of others. These women I inter-pretted as giving each other a bit of support in getting nude the first time.
My first time (apart from showering after sport) was with a mate at a nude beach in Perth (Swanbourne), Western Australia. Bit of support for each other, does that make me gay?
If that's the case my wife and three kids must be a figment of my imagination.

That ad was great and had nothing to do with homosexuality. There seems to be an unhealthy homophobic interpretation here.

Cheers, SBN.
nudesunguy Posted - 01/26/2017 : 10:55:57 AM
A bit late to the party here; never saw the ad until just this morning. It's about as perfect and tasteful as you can get for a mainstream depiction of nudism. Hats off to Walmart. I found the comments interesting. At least one person was convinced the women were depicted as being Lesbians; I never got that feeling at all. It was very refreshing that there was not a single comment to the effect that "the only people who go to nude beaches are the ones you never want to see nude." But that might have been because they didn't get to see their full bodies. Ah, the humanity!

soonbnude Posted - 01/24/2017 : 06:41:56 AM

Great Ad. We don't have Walgreens here but there are lots of similar companies. Pity those great looking women didn't try it years earlier.

There is the occasional risque ad along these lines down under but as soon as there are a couple of complaints from the far right types from the middle ages they get dragged.

PC has gone a little mad in this country.

Cheers, SBN.
shanz1 Posted - 05/28/2016 : 6:27:22 PM
I absolutely love this ad.I hope they bring it back this summer.It's a great message for body acceptance and that your never too old to enjoy nude recreation.I got the feeling from the ad that maybe they did this regularly.Great job Walgreens.The person who wrote the description should change elderly to mature.It would be more accurate.
Nude in AK Posted - 11/03/2015 : 10:03:45 AM
I have seen this TV ad a few time now on our local station, I think it is great!
FireProf Posted - 11/02/2015 : 11:47:04 PM
Seen this commercial several times now ... all on different channels!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
MrsAzLagoon Posted - 10/30/2015 : 2:43:56 PM
Don't know if you realize it, but you can vote multiple times. More importantly, I think it's a good idea to post positive comments on the page.

Enjoy the sunshine!

MrsAZLagoon-AKA C-OHome
steady78 Posted - 10/30/2015 : 11:47:34 AM
Over 97% now !
rkitek Posted - 10/29/2015 : 12:22:29 PM
Saw this on CBS last night while watching Code Black. Was afraid it was going to be limited to cable channels.
Nude in AK Posted - 10/21/2015 : 09:28:58 AM
The yes vote is now up to 94.08, after my vote! I love the ad and yes I am at that age also! Time to have some fun!
Daretobare Posted - 10/21/2015 : 06:07:12 AM
Up to 93.8 with my vote. This has to say something about society's true feelings.
NaturistDoc Posted - 10/20/2015 : 9:18:46 PM
And the vote is now up to 93.33% positive.
NaturistDoc Posted - 10/20/2015 : 9:17:41 PM
MrsAz, you need to be more understanding. Yes, he's a Southern Baptist pastor, but that alone doesn't explain his knee-jerk negative overreaction. His Facebook page reveals him to be a graduate of Texas A&M University. As a product of the rival University of Texas system, I can say with certainty that for the most part, Aggies simply lack the mental bandwidth to appreciate the advantages of a clothes-free lifestyle. It's not clear whether A&M produces knuckleheads or attracts them, but the end result is the same. So don't be too hard on him. He just can't help it, bless his heart.

(Full disclosure: As a Recovering Texan, I grew up in an integrated community consisting of Aggies and Everybody Else. I've known many an Aggie, clothed and otherwise, and they're fine folks one and all. But I could not pass up the opportunity to make fun of one of their tribe.)
MrsAzLagoon Posted - 10/20/2015 : 8:50:22 PM
A pastor wrote a comment stating he won't be back to Walgreens until they quit running the ad...I left a comment for him. :-)

Enjoy the sunshine!

MrsAZLagoon-AKA C-OHome
free2be Posted - 10/20/2015 : 6:47:27 PM
Up to 92.8% with my vote just a minute ago...but it doesn't show how many votes had thumbs up or how many thumbs down. It just says 7.2% were boo.

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