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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sally Posted - 05/02/2007 : 4:39:20 PM
Granted I know that Hollywood has a much different opinion of what is and isn't nudity. But I have seen a number of movies where the viewing audiance was warned that there is nudity in it.

Only to have it turn out to be about "5-seconds" worth of bare breasts or a bare backside. I'm sorry, I don't the rest of you, but to me that isn't nudity. At most that is partial nudity. In order for it to qualify as nudity in my book and actor or actress would have to be fully nude on camera for longer then a handfull of seconds.

And there still isn't much, other then a bare backside male nudity. When is there outside of the porn industry going to be as much male nudity in movies as there is female nudity?

I also have to laugh at some of the TV shows that likewise warn of containing nudity and again it's either a bare backside or a breast in shadow.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NaturistDoc Posted - 03/09/2013 : 3:40:11 PM
The relative scarcity of male nudity in the arts predates cinema by several millennia. And there is no shortage of dreary sociological and psychological literature attempting to explain this imbalance. Theories abound. Men are more 'visual' than women. Or women are just inherently better-looking than men. Or women have 'internalized their status as objects' and are thus unable to view men that way. Or blah blah blah. I can't avoid the suspicion that at least one reason was that it was mostly men paying for the art!

I doubt that women and men are equally "happy looking at female bodies", to quote léo's post. More than one study suggests that women tend to compare themselves to the naked women on the page or screen ... and usually not favorably. I'll bet men would react similarly to male nudity, but since men not only tend to pick what movie to see, but also dominate the ranks of directors and producers, we may never find out!

The larger question is not why male nudity is more of a taboo than female nudity. Why is ANY nudity treated as something out of the ordinary? Why do we go to such effort to render mysterious something that is completely familiar to us all?

I was pleased to be reminded by a previous post of the hilariously bad early-60s sexploitation movie "Nude on the Moon". It's a little known gem of movie trivia that much of the music for the film was composed and arranged by former 'Tonight Show' bandleader Doc Severinson. Strange that he doesn't mention it on his website.
léo Posted - 03/09/2013 : 02:41:28 AM
A columnist in a heavyweight paper in Britain wrote a whole piece about the near-absence of male nudity in films. Her tone wasn't lascivious: hers was a philosophical observation and a question of why that should be. Nor was she known for fringe views or deliberate controversy. She said it said something of a society that it felt happy looking at female bodies but often uneasy about male ones. In fact, she went on, why a hang-up with erections in love scenes? Half the population has them and the other half is here because of one [my observation, not hers], so what was the problem?

It seems obvious that even women are happy looking at naked women. Look in any women's magazine here in Europe and there will be more female body than in similar men's magazines. But, while there are plenty of sex mags showing women, there are few that show men. Conclusion: both sexes appreciate naked women, albeit in different ways, but both can feel uneasy with male bodies. For men, there could be a worry that looking too hard is a sign of latent homosexuality.

Incidentally, I have mentioned this elsewhere, but why should it be that the incidence of shaving among actresses and even among male actors should be so much less than in real life?

happy days

firebase Posted - 06/18/2012 : 5:42:03 PM
Old topics...

matc2 Posted - 10/31/2009 : 6:44:11 PM
Site where it is a lot of video and photos about naturists.
Calbob Posted - 08/11/2009 : 04:35:16 AM
Movies like "Blaze Starr Goes Nudist" and "Nude on the Moon" are exploitational films directed by the late Doris Wishman. They are funny in a campy (no pun intended) way. They made it appear that nudists did a lot of reading because they were frequently holding a newspaper or magazine in front of their privates when walking around the camp!

MichiganMan Posted - 08/10/2009 : 10:02:46 PM
Does anyone else find humor in the movies and tv shows where there is nudity but it is conveniently hidden by a strategic camera angle or well placed lamps, furniture, etc? I think its funny how directors will do this just to convey that there is nudity without actually showing it.
What I'm talking about was satired at the end of one of the Austin Powers movies where they move stuff while covering themselves.

P.S. I couldn't get the link of "Innocent Nudity in Films" to work.
ROB g Posted - 06/30/2009 : 10:32:28 PM
If I remember correctly personal best showed some nudity. It was about a female track team. Where two of the girls fell in love. then out because one of them fell in love with a man. There was more to than that.
But I remmeber they showed some nudity.
rooftopwilly Posted - 06/30/2009 : 9:12:12 PM
I saw both Blaze Starr Goes Nudist and Nude on the Moon recently on tv here in Canada. They were both hilarious movies. In Canada, we have a channel called "Drive-In", and on every Friday night, they show these types of old movies. It's funny too see the actors/actresses going out of their way not to expose their fronts below the waste. Also, a lot of these are set in Florida, near where I lived, so I like to look for places that I recognize.

Warmskin Posted - 06/30/2009 : 9:03:17 PM
Originally posted by Digital_Cowboy

I picked up a cute DVD from f.y.e. not too long ago it was a double picture entitled Blaze Starr Goes Nudist, and Nude on the Moon. It was shot I think in the late 30’s or so. There were scenes that I just had to laugh at. Such as the ladies sitting or standing with leg’s bent so that the only thing visible were their breasts, and none of the men were shown from the waist down. But over all both of them were good movies.

That Blaze Starr movie was funny, but not because of clever lines. One of the main characters had a "moustache" on him that was merely drawn on him with a grease pencil or something quite similar. A low budget production!

The one thing I didn't like about it was a cheesy scene at a theater where Blaze was watching a movie about a nudist resort. The men in the theater couldn't keep their eyes off her.

The main part was about being at a nudist resort and that part was enjoyable.

“In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress.” -John Adams
agde Posted - 05/21/2009 : 8:04:40 PM
Originally posted by Butt_Naked_Boy

I found some interesting info here:
Innocent Nudity in Films...

I like the label of "innocent nudity" as a counter-weight to "indecent exposure" and as a substitute for "non-sexual nudity". "Innocent nudity" says what it means and is unambiguous enough even for legal use.
capecodjack Posted - 05/20/2009 : 3:07:03 PM
Im not trying to hijack the topic but I would like to say that nonsexual nudity would be more enjoyable than all the gratuitous violence that can get a "G" or "PG" rating. Decapitations and severed body parts are supposed to be less objectionable than the human body nude. Unbelievable !!
ROB g Posted - 05/20/2009 : 12:29:45 PM
I rember seeing a documentary a few years a go on the Olympics. To where the orginal particapants
compeeted in the nude.
Butt_Naked_Boy Posted - 05/20/2009 : 10:12:28 AM
I found some interesting info here:
Innocent Nudity in Films
(Long url because it's a google cache of a page that apparently no longer exists.)

Note: Moderators, I'm pretty sure the above link is okay to post. If not, then my apologies and please delete it.

Phydeau Posted - 01/18/2008 : 9:03:55 PM
I can absolutely see movies where nudity would be an integral part. I remember even seeing "Winds of War" on television where Jews were being led into the gas chambers, and the FCC didn't seem to have a problem with it, since it was not only historically accurate, but a supremely moving and disturbing scene. More recently, some movies have had scenes that were not gratuitous. One of my favorites was actually "The Whole Nine Yards", where the amazing Amanda Peet's Character disrobed to create a distraction. It was brief, sure, but it made sense.
Part of the problem, though, is that nudity in film is usually used for one of two reasons: Sex or comedy. Now to be fair, Those both have their parts in storytelling. I laughed heartily at the character of "Areola" in "Not Another Teen Movie", but the problem is that realistic nudity (normal life situations even for textiles) is rarely depicted, and casual nudity (people reading the newspaper, and the like) are NEVER depicted, so the result is furthering the perception that nudity is either sexual or undignified. You could further that argument that most male nudity in film (almost never frontal) is used for comedic effect.

I've got my gears churning. Maybe I can come up with a screenplay where nudity actually fits into the script. I'll keep thinking about it.

By the way, I loved that Arby's commercial.
Digital_Cowboy Posted - 01/18/2008 : 5:40:28 PM
What’d y’all think about the “new” Arby’s commercial where the guy an gal are sitting by a lake, and she suggests that they go for a dip. Then runs to the water undressing as she goes. Showing just her back, then her just from the tops of her breasts looking at him like he’s crazy for running off for fast food instead of joining her?

Also whatever y’all think of the Wamu commercial where the “bankers pen” are nude save for shoes an socks. And “Bill” can’t believe that they actually went nude?

Personally I think the Arby’s commercial is the better one as there’s no surprise or possible disgust over the nudity, as there is in the Wamu commercial. Are there other commercials that use nudity or the suggestion of nudity in a positive manner?


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