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 Why are wives reluctant to go nude with spouse?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
docfreeman47 Posted - 01/01/2010 : 6:41:38 PM
My wife is adamant that she will not go anywhere that is even considered clothing optional.
I have read a lot in the forums and see that is an item that is repetitive.

Does anyone have any advice on the subject?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
soonbnude Posted - 10/27/2016 : 07:32:28 AM

The couple of times I got my wife to go to a CO beach we positioned ourselves near some other women once so my wife felt more comfortable and "not the only woman" visible to some of the guys who clearly are either there just to perv or just to show off.

Another time we located ourselves some distance from everyone else.

I think certainly some women feel uncomfortable being the sole woman although a lesser number love being the centre of attention.

Our western society places so much emphasis on what it determines to be beautiful that very few feel like they measure up. Magazines, TV, movies etc. and ultimately all of us who consume that stuff give them the power.

Suggest we all need to re-assure those women closest to us and that we care about that skinny models and lots of the stuff we see in these forums is just crap.

That's enough for a Thursday night rant from Oz.

Hey its slowly getting warmer down under. SBN.
Nudony Posted - 10/26/2016 : 9:25:47 PM

I think it has more to do with the fact that women are more emotional and nurturing, in general. Men's "just get naked" approach to social nudity is ill-fitted for women considering the baggage and hang-ups they face - which is ironically caused by men for the most part!

I've seen it many a times; a female newbie meets nudist women, who understand where she's "coming from" in terms of hang-ups, and embrace her in spite of her reluctance. As opposed to the men who feel that she should "just get naked!"

Emotional intelligence IS a thing. And it matters to women to a larger extent than it does to us dudes.

NaturistDoc Posted - 10/26/2016 : 6:28:22 PM
Don't trouble yourself over Gnarly's misogynist bomb-throwing. It's an old story around here. It's easy to invoke the "herd mentality" when the "herd" is moving away from you.
oldnudyman Posted - 10/26/2016 : 5:21:02 PM
Sorry to read your commentary on woman "Gnarlyoldman". I know that it make take time for woman to embrace what men jump into, but I think that it has a lot to do with other things - like their upbringing, religious beliefs, and probably many more things that impact their ability to make snap decisions. My wife isn't into it 100%, but all she asks is to give her time. I'd say that she is open to more participation. We have been to resorts and she enjoyed our time there, and we have more scheduled including 2 weeks at Club Orient which she suggested. Woman are not cows!
gnarlyoldman Posted - 10/26/2016 : 11:00:01 AM
Over the years I've concluded that women are herd animals. They all go with what the herd is doing, like cows or sheep. It doesn't matter what her husband (her bull) wants, its the herd of cows that she follows. Her husband may want her naked, but unless she has a herd of nudist women to follow, she's going to be following the herd at work, or at church, or wherever.

Yes, there are exceptions to this analogy, but its true for most kinds of female behavior and for most females.

Naked is green.
FullSun Posted - 10/24/2016 : 4:23:46 PM
If you are religious the idea of not having a perfect body is ridiculous. God created us in his image, so if you think you or someone does not have a perfect body and it needs to be hidden or nudity is disgusting then you are saying God's creation should be hidden or is disgusting. I don't think we should be calling God's creation disgusting, just a thought.
Nudony Posted - 10/23/2016 : 7:19:47 PM
Originally posted by ddoger

Nudony: look for Me and DW on Orient beach in March. We will be there for 3 1/2 weeks in March. I will be one of the very few with a blue umbrella. Just ask for Ddoger. I am a Canadian as well. I usually set up closer to the Papagayo end.

You betcha!! :)

Nude in AK Posted - 10/22/2016 : 10:12:33 AM
I think that sometimes the wives are not happy with their bodies, because they may not be the 'perfect body'! To me the 'perfect body' is the one that we are born with and have. The idea of being a '10' or something has been pushed too far! I am not 'MR Atlas' and have no problem being nude or being around people. I know that for me, the wife is not as happy with her body and feels that she does not want anyone else to see her nude. Also I think that it is in part, due to how people are raised. No that it is not bad, just different.
ddoger Posted - 10/21/2016 : 3:47:58 PM
Nudony: look for Me and DW on Orient beach in March. We will be there for 3 1/2 weeks in March. I will be one of the very few with a blue umbrella. Just ask for Ddoger. I am a Canadian as well. I usually set up closer to the Papagayo end.

Diger Posted - 10/19/2016 : 7:12:41 PM
100% correct Warmskin, we do need to stand up and speak out against bad behavior. More than a few times I have called out pervs on the beach. They are like Roaches, you shed some light on them and they scurry away.

Warmskin Posted - 10/18/2016 : 9:58:51 PM
In some ways, people are less polite than they used to be. That may be too generalized, but when I was growing up, good behavior was absolutely mandatory. No coddling of problematic students or adults for that matter.

Seems to me that we have loosened up quite a bit and as much as I love freedom to be myself, I still think good behavior should be highly emphasized in our life.

It is my belief or opinion that back in the 1950s, that people were better behaved and thus nudist places were populated by better behaved people, especially places like natural hot springs, beaches, and the like. Nudism + good behavior = more great places to be nude in unorganized spots like beaches,hot springs, etc.

We need to be more self-policing to sustain the world of naturism. We will either regulate ourselves, or it will be done by others who are more hostile to our intent.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

soonbnude Posted - 10/18/2016 : 08:32:03 AM


Agree here in Australia from what I know and can see. There are no new resorts here in Southern Oz, not sure about the swinger change, there seems to be less people at the beaches and yes guys do behave like jerks regularly here too. So what to do? I've seen police at some of the beaches I go to and that is a bit concerning.

Guys trying to pick up other guys for sex in the sand dunes is not what the beaches were legalised for and while I dno't care and am not interested it is not a good look. Guys harassing women would certainly be a deterrent for most women and very few ever seem to go to the beach alone here.

Guess we all need to try to make our beaches in particular a more friendly (in a good way), less sleazy and less confronting place to come. Well maybe its somewhere to start.

Jimmie2 Posted - 10/12/2016 : 08:32:45 AM
When I first joined this forum in 2009, I was nude just in the summer around the pool. I always laid in the pool naked, even when my kids still lived at home and they just blew it off as "Geez dad!" Mrs. Jimmie would make her comments, but NEVER participated with me in the pool...maybe on a rare occasion she might. She was always "too fat, saggy boobs, saggy butt or not into nudity". As the kids went off to college and started their own lives, I started "pushing" nudity a little farther. I have always slept nude from the time Mrs. Jimmie were married in 1983. So I would get up in the morning before anyone else and stay naked while I had my morning coffee and read the newspaper. One morning Mrs. Jimmie got up early and there I was sitting there naked and the only reply that I got was "Already?".

Over the years, I stayed naked more and more around the house or when we were camping. I would try to talk Mrs. Jimmie into joining me, but never succeeded in doing that. Then about four years ago, she had a new "tan-through" one-piece swim suit. Since we were going on vacation the next week, Mrs. Jimmie announced to me that she needed to get some sun on her stomach so she wouldn't burn on vacation. I said to her why don't you just take off the one that you're wearing. To my amazement, she did! Mrs. Jimmie spent the rest of the day sitting around the pool naked with me. That was the beginning of Mrs. Jimmie's naked adventure! Over the years she has stayed nude more and more around the house and the pool. Since I turned 60 this year, she asked if there anything that I would like to do special for that day. Of course! Let's go to Cypress Cove for the weekend! Mrs. Jimmie thought about it for the weekend and after calling our long time nudist friends to see if they would go with us (duh!!!), she agreed to give it try. After spending the weekend at Cypress Cove, she realized that we all come in different shapes and sizes and it really is no big deal. Since that time, Mrs. Jimmie is naked more than ever to the point now that when someone comes to visit for the weekend, she says, "Its a bummer that we have to wear clothes all weekend!" Success!!!

Next weekend we are off to Cypress Cove again for 5 days!!! AND even have plans to go again next July for Parrot Head Weekend!!! As our nudist friends have said after our June trip this year, "I think we've created a monster!!!"

MrsAzLagoon Posted - 10/11/2016 : 11:40:06 PM
Bingo! Nudony hit the nail on the head!! You are a good man, Nudony...

Enjoy the sunshine!

MrsAZLagoon-AKA C-OHome
Nudony Posted - 10/11/2016 : 9:49:45 PM
Since my last post (6+ years ago!) a lot has happened in my life. My current GF was a "confirmed" textile when I met her, with a lot of the same hang-ups about social nudity I had previously experienced from my SO. But I had been down that road before so I was up for the "challenge" of dating a non-nudist.

When we started dating, I followed some of the basic principles I had learned from before. Gentle nudging, frequent conversations, active listening and patience. Nudity started at home, gradually. Sleeping nude, spending more and more time just relaxing at home nude; just not being so eager to put clothes on when it could be avoided. She grew accustomed to it in a fair amount of time.

Our first foray into social nudity happened at Club O. She was very reluctant; but had been dreaming of a tropical vacation with me for some time. She fell in love with St Martin; which greatly helped her agree to accompany me to Club O. When we went, I was very accommodating as far as not setting expectations for her. She didn't want to be completely nude; and I didn't even bring up her nudity.
Club O. turned out to be a perfect opportunity for her. The tropical and "party" atmosphere suited her personal proclivities. Everyone around us was nude and having fun. She went topless fairly quickly; I supported and encouraged her, without being too demonstrative. At the end of our stay she decided to try being nude by skinny-dipping; and enjoyed it so much she decided to just stay nude when we got out of the ocean.
In March we will be returning to St Martin. She offered to this time stay at Club O. for two days; during which she has stated she is planning on just staying nude the entire time. The fact that she has decided - on her own - to go for the "full clothesfree" experience is very positive as far as her "coming into her own" when it comes to social nudity.

My take on reluctant SO is the same it was 6 years ago. Women are dealing with a LOT when it comes to nudity. It is up to us (their partner) to make it as easy as possible. Discussion, reassurance, patience, starting at home and then finding the venue best suited for them are all part of bringing women into nudism. To find the best venue you have to research, figure out which is best for them and make adequate preparations. All it takes is one bad experience early on for it to be all over.

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