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 Nudist Men - From the Male Point of View
 Unwanted Erection
 Nudist Problem - Unwanted Erection

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bassman Posted - 06/03/2004 : 6:07:16 PM

I Try to be a nudist but am having a problem
I can't even go in my back yard with a privacy fence and no one aroung with out me getting hard and the only way i can get it to go away is to get dressed again. Even at the gym around a bunch of men the clothes come off and the penis go up but I am not gay nor have i ever like men.
What Can I Do I Am Very Embarrassed Especially Around Women
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mr Nudist Posted - 10/28/2012 : 5:11:45 PM
When I first started going naked having the same problem when going out in the back yard. I would wear a loin cloth until i got use to it

Bare Island!/naturistisland
n/a Posted - 03/04/2012 : 10:00:09 PM
I only have one concern with my erection is I am mostly a home nudist, my mother in law accepts my nudism when she visits but she has not seen me with morning wood. My fear is her reaction when she ever does see me nude with my morning erection happening.
Warmskin Posted - 08/18/2011 : 02:28:18 AM
I've never had the problem of an erection at a nudist resort. I asked about the chance of that happening in a Christian nudist forum. A guy told me that since nothing sexual was going on at a nudist resort, there would be no erection problem. He was, of course, correct.

Only once did I start to have an erection. For some reason an attractive woman who was sharing a long conversation pool with other people and me, walked over to me and planted a long-lip lock on me. I started to get an erection. True confession!!! That did not happen except in this one occasion, and for me that would be extremely rare. So, this was an anomaly, and not the best behavior at a nudist resort on her part. Maybe she was a swinger; I don't know. It was during an event that drew many more people than usual.

I'm not particularly good looking, (one reason my face is not my avatar) so I have no clue why she zeroed in on me. I have to admit, I was of two minds at that moment -- I enjoyed the kiss, but I didn't like the physical results at all.

I used my "think of my first night at basic training in the military, where the drill sergeants treated us raw recruits in a scary way." That stops any erection. Also, I imagined that the other men in the pool would beat the dickens out of me. Those two things killed my erection right away.

It's all in the mind, and does not have anything to do with nude people around you. After a while, they all look the same. Later on, that day, I began to think that nude women were little more than a herd of people. (sorry ladies, no offense meant!!). It's just that after a minute of two, nude people cease to be a novelty.

Think of it this way - after you spent the day at a textile beach, and you've seen every bikini-clad young woman at the beach, they have less of an effect on you versus the first minute you hit the beach early in the day. You might even yawn at seeing them later in the day.

Under 99.9999% of circumstances, you can count on no erections, period. Just stay away from untrestrained women who might be swingers. If it were not for them, I'd have a perfect record of no erections. Drat that woman anyway!!

"Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on offices, a rottenness begins in his (and her) conduct."
Thomas Jefferson
Bejammin Posted - 08/17/2011 : 11:50:00 AM
It's probably different for each male. When I went for my first time, it was a concern that I had, even though I knew what the true philosophy of naturism was...not sexual. After the first or second visit to my first resort, I was very comfortable...and after 4 years, has never been an issue. I enjoy sex and being arroused, but being in a naturist enviornment is totally different in my opinion...or should be.
SearchingTruth Posted - 01/20/2011 : 5:54:10 PM
What is the plight of the easily excitable in that arena? I only ask because I have an over-active member. At the mere thought of being in a nudist environment, the south rises and there isn't anything I can do about it. I'm in my early 40's. I would venture into that area save the certain embarrassment over an unruly 'child'.
barefootguyinco Posted - 03/28/2010 : 12:13:07 PM
Originally posted by timelord

A healthy male will, have an erection or two, three or four a day, depending how old you are. As for women they also suffer the same but it is not visible.

I was brought up in Italy, I enjoyed their nudist beaches, men will be men, teenage boys will be teenage boys.
Teenage boys, will most likely dawn an erection, because their hormones are in high gear. What are they to do , stay in the water, on lie on the sand all day.

The idea of nudity is to enjoy the freedom, how can I be free if I have to worry about what level my hormones are doing, then look for an escape plan, quick run for the water, or drop and give me 20 pushups, or think of scary movie.

I don�t like the beaches here, because I do get erections, and I do like walking down the beach. In Italy we can do both, and yes women notice, the young giggle, the old wink, and the middle age stare and rate them. Most enjoy seeing them. This is not to say to have them deliberately, but to say, it can happen, it�s natural. But flaunting it is rude and uncalled for.

I know the nudist society is a non-sexual atmosphere, but we are sexual beings, and men are visual animals. You women that think having an erection means a compass for sex is mistaken and misguided by old grandmother ideologies.

I understand this is a north American thing, but a nudist beach is a nudist beach. The idea is to be free of all in inhibitions, including when the next time the compass points north. I don�t feel comfortable here.

I know this thread is going to be discussed forever, but I think that is good because I believe our view of this subject needs to change here in America.

And I totally agree with Timelord above as he said it well. We as nudists proclaim that we enjoy being amongst others as nature intended, nude, and without clothes. We also state that new people should try it and that they should not feel inhibited about their nude bodies as we are a Totally Accepting group of people and accept others naked bodies just as they are and that a nude body is not lewd. We say that we don't judge you by your body, whether large or small, sagging or firm, tall or short, but instead we accept you for who you are as a person, and it's not based on anything physical or immaterial such as clothes, money or how big your muscles are. We say that we accept our bodies just as god intended.

Yet some of us have a double standard and say that erections are something to be ashamed of and having one amongst others makes us a pervert or something, EVEN IF it was an unwanted erection. Personally, it's been a long time since I've had an unwanted erection around others, but I KNOW it can happen, and sometimes the harder you try to make it go away, the more it happens. Yes, if someone does things such as oogling a nude woman and then get an erection, then it is NOT an unwanted erection and the person should leave, but we are not talking about that.

I've had full body massages for many years and always do so nude, but with the standard sheet or blanket over me. But once while having a massage at a professional massage I noticed myself having an unwanted erection, and the more I tried to make it go away, the more it happened. I was very embarrassed as I did NOT want it to happen. The point is we sometimes have no control over this NATURAL bodily function.

I do believe that when children are around that it's best to minimize their exposure to another persons erection, mostly so that an outsider doesn't see this and report us to the authorities, possibly causing problems for the parents.

And I believe that if you have an erection that you should NOT strut down the beach as if to show it off, although if it happens while out walking, you may have to walk back to your towel or chair and just not worry about it.

But expecting men to rush to jump in the water, cover up etc, is a bit silly. Yes, we should do these things if amongst people we are not good friends with, but we shouldn't rush like we have done something wrong. It's similar to being seen nude by a non nudist, say, in your backyard. If you rush to cover up you are sending signals that you are doing something wrong. And if we are standing or sitting in such as way that it is not overly obvious we should be able to just let it pass and act like nothing is wrong. If EVERYONE ignores it, it will not be an issue, unless you make it into one.

It's natural and it's not lewd or sexually aggressive, unless the person makes it so. And if they do anything that is overtly sexual while having an erection, they should be asked to leave immediately. There's a big difference between having an erection and ignoring it and acting on it or flaunting it.

Just because some of us can be nudists and never get an erection doesn't mean that those who occasionally get an unwanted erection are to be shunned. Maybe when we see nudist men with an erection we should bind them with ropes and chains and throw them in the water, then if they sink, their heart was pure, and if they get out unharmed then they are perverts....

Let's get real folks. It's time to move out of our archaic way of thinking and be truly free non-judgmental nudists we proclaim to be.

Body shame, like prejuduce, is not natural. It is learned from others and benefits no one.
freecospirit Posted - 03/02/2010 : 08:52:51 AM
I must take issue with "parrotile" on the matter of relative privacy. I simply say being naked on your own or in your home with clothed/unclothed family members to get accustomed to being naked is no way to counter unwanted erections. You are far more likely to get an erection on your own especially if you are only naked to get used to being naked without getting one. I used worry about this happening on a beach but it so rarely does that you shouldn't be overly conccerned, you should be to disguise it rather than flaunt it until it subsides. Unless you are on Viagra or similar medication it will subside soon enough.
Parrotile Posted - 03/01/2010 : 4:35:13 PM
Apart from the commonsense suggestion that you should get more used to being naked in relative privacy - (once the novelty value wears off so does the "erectile potential"), the only thing I might suggest is to think happy thoughts!. One "traditional" suggestion was always to dunk the offending appendage in a nice cool swimming pool, river or ocean - which is "supposed" to relieve the problem. Well, some of us seem to be wired differently from the norm - I've found that the cold dunk (in my case) has the opposite effect - which simply exacerbates the condition! If the problem persists you could have a word with your GP - many of the older Beta-blocker antihypertensive medications had a potent anti-erection performance too (sort of like Sildenafil (Viagra) but in reverse) - and at low dose too. I would suggest a trial of propranolol, say 1/2 x 10mg, and keep on this until you are more comfortable with being naked in public.

Hope this helps - it would be a shame if a relatively minor problem prevented you from doing what's probably best fro us all!

Phil S.
50something Posted - 09/06/2009 : 10:10:15 AM
Three and half years this particular topic has now been running. No doubt debate of this subject will continue infinities.

Back in June of 2006 Bassman must have wished he'd never asked.

To any male, and whatever age they be and can read this comment and understand the intent, who is contemplating taking his clothes off in public, and suspects he is likely to have an erection, especially an unwanted one, there is no one answer that will meet the requirements of everyone.

Just as in life, clothed or otherwise, no matter what we humans do we will always manage to upset someone or another and without meaning to, or even knowing we have done so.

This goes for both male and female genders.

What is acceptable to one is not necessarily acceptable to another.

Some, both male and female, will say that the uncontrolled erection is OK, whilst others will frown and criticize.

So the end result is, we are all right, and we are all wrong.

Whatever else we are, male or female, we are human and humans for the most are consentient beings.

My own suggestion is:

Go with the flow of the more experienced males in the current surroundings. If another male gets an erection and discreetly hides it away, by whatever means, then follow the example.

Alternatively, If your at a site, beach, resort, and those present note your erection, but don't comment or admit to even noticing it, assuming that it's not being deliberately flaunted or put on exhibition in which case the likelihood will be that it really is unwanted by all around, then once again go with the flow.

Go cautiously into this world of freedom. Enjoy whilst being enjoyed, but with respectability and acceptability from the majority in mind.
blackrebel Posted - 08/18/2009 : 11:43:06 AM
For a long time whenever I would see this topic I would sit back and roll my eyes and laughed. But for some reason today it reminded me of the situation years ago when I had a nudist friend of mine stay over for a day and the problem did occur. Keep in mind that we had been in that situation a number of times at nudist events, but when she was staying over, as a friend and nothing more, I found myself fighting off an erection.

What I found was this, when in a nudist event I have absolutely no problems even if I am the only man around a number of women. But when I am home, one-on-one, it may be a different situation. There was a situation once before however, where on a dare during a modeling session the model joked about me being dressed when she was undressed and it was not fair. I simply removed my clothes, pick up a camera, and continued with the photo shoot with absolutely no problem.

So the reality is this, even as a nudist in certain situations you may have an issue to deal with.
Admin Posted - 08/18/2009 : 09:20:20 AM
The best way to combat spam is to alert the Admin, either by email or PM.
MichiganMan Posted - 08/18/2009 : 04:59:45 AM
what can we do to prevent unwanted spam? (referring to the now nonexistent previous post consisting only of a hyperlink)
Balto Bob Posted - 08/09/2009 : 09:18:24 AM
Young guys 14-20 get hard for no reason, the rest of us have learned.

Have a nice NUDE day !!
Duke_of_Leeds Posted - 08/09/2009 : 03:12:29 AM
Perhaps I've just been lucky over lots of years, but I don't believe I've ever had an unwanted erection while both nude and awake in public. It's not something to worry about in any case as it is a purely natural action/reaction. In a worst case situation I suppose the best action to follow might be to simply sit down and put a towel over it.
Cookie Posted - 08/04/2009 : 8:33:13 PM

Jump in the pool, or the lake/pond!!!!

Remember, we are here for a short time , so let's have a good time.


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