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 Nudist Men - From the Male Point of View
 Unwanted Erection
 Frequent Uncontrolable Erections Medical Condition

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Macelroy Posted - 04/30/2006 : 11:13:11 PM
I have read much of the posts in the arousal section and I have something that needs to be said to all of you.

Some of the people here have shown no sympathy whatsoever for those people who can't help but get erections in public. Others here have spoken about their great fear of having erections in public. What most of you don't realize is that there is a sexual dysfunction that they may have that I just found out about when I finally got the courage to speak about it to my doctor for the first time in my life, and believe it or not, my doctor is a woman.

It seems that I have a condition called Retarded Ejaculation. It comes in different degrees but I have a pretty severe case of it. Basically it makes it extremely difficult for me to ejaculate through my own masturbation or through sex with a partner. In fact, I never even had an orgasm until I was 21 years old. How many people in all of the United States can say that.

When you are unable to release your drives through sex or masturbation, erections come very frequently and can last a long time and are difficult if not impossible to control at nude beaches or clubs.

I have enjoyed going to nude beaches and clubs since I was a teenager but I often did and still do get erections. It is especially embarrassing at the nudist club I belong to where we dance or play volleyball or whenever. Often times, when I dance, I start getting an erection and rather than dancing up there and flailing it around in front of everyone, I do sit down. But I don't like to stop doing something because of it. At the same time, I am afraid of making the women mad so that is why I sit down.

I just want all the people and all the women to know that I, and probably many other men, don't do it on purpose and hope everyone can understand and not be hard on hard ons when they happen at beaches or nudist clubs or wherever because it often is very much a true medical condition that can't be controlled.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ActualNudist Posted - 04/19/2013 : 8:37:44 PM
Originally posted by RichNKaren

I have read most of the other "comments" at this point. Have to admit that it did nothing to allay my concerns.

I will probably have someone in here never speak to me but this must be said. If anyone, anywhere would ever walk up to me in a nudist environment and ask me if my erection is the result of a medical condition or if I am just a pervert, I would sue his/her ass, the organization that runs the area, the Board of Directors of that organization, the ANR TNS and all those other groups. All on the basis of disability. (Read the note above to see what I mean) Then I would turn the land over to be a land conservation area and not allow any humans on it.
Now the one (1) main person that has taken a very strong attitude, showing compassion and sympathy for those with medical problems is almost attacked for his concern. I applaud Digital Cowboy and the efforts he has made in here. Thanks DC!
I am shocked at the lack of sympathy and compassion in this room, particularly from CMx2. He/she has just about blackballed all men with ED or implants or any other problem as perverts. What next? Women with mastectomies can't be nudists? Really where does it stop?
This could have been a very good learning experience for all involved. Instead it has deteriorated into a discussion of perversion and injustice.
Please don't accuse me of going overboard on this, Reread from the begining, see what has happened to one gentlemans general concern. He has never been fully addressed except to ridicule and debase him.
Do you want me to show you the stats and explanations of Peyronies and Penile Implants? I assure you the pictures are not for the weak stomaches.
Conditions exist! Deal with the masterbator, no room at all. Kids must always be protected. But don't destroy the person with a problem or a question.


Well said. Aside from the medical conditions (which DO exist - priapism is one that's recognised by every legitimate major medical body - incidentally I wouldn't trust the APA due them ignoring the evidence of the risks of circumcision despite other medical bodies in the world recognising the risks), there are:

morning erections - erections that men get on waking up. I remember sleeping at someone's house and getting one in front of her - she was my friend's mother and I was DEFINITELY not interested in her sexually

nocturnal erections - erections that happen to EVERY healthy male during REM sleep. This is recognised by medical professionals around the world. Are men not allowed to sleep at nudist beaches now?

spontaneous erections - usually occur in younger males during puberty (are you going to throw them off the beach? Not that you need to as when they see the disapproval towards adult men, any lenience towards the teenagers will be irrelevant - they'll feel ashamed and won't return (and nudist/naturist clubs wonder why!)) - but can also happen to males who are not young. I get them occasionally and I'm close to 30

Maybe some of you were sexually abused and that's impacted your view of erections. But that's not reason to attack an innocent person who happens to have one and intends to do nothing with it. An erection is not harmful - it's what you do with it that determines whether it causes harm. Somebody lying on a beach or walking with one or playing volleyball with one (how can they cover it up if they're in the middle of a game) may shock some prudish "nudists" and prudish so-called "naturists" but it doesn't harm anyone, it doesn't spread disease, it doesn't leave anything to clean up, and it's natural. NATURism.

Actually doing what I can to positively promote nudism instead of pretending to whilst overreacting and putting my personal biased view into objective questions
ActualNudist Posted - 04/19/2013 : 8:26:49 PM
Originally posted by Cheri

Originally posted by werdna

I have just read all of this thread and am not suprised at the female reaction.
More than 25 years ago, when I was first introduced to naturism, I was in constant fear of having an erection due to a somewhat prudish upbringing. Well, it happened and when I discovered that nobody took any notice, neither did I.
Since then, I have moved naked in circles of friends as well as amongst people I did not know at various festivals where the males were in various stages of erection. I enjoy nothing more than to work on my property with nothing more than a pair of boots and a hat and still get a sometime erection. Good God ladies, it just happens!!. I can assure you that there is absolutely nothing arousing about slaving away making 100 large mud bricks a day or clearing out the dam or planting 100 trees but the effort and abdominal muscular activity tends to trigger an erection.

By the way, women`s nipples get erect when they are aroused. There, the secret is out.

Regards to all and just enjoy the bodies nature gave us.

Antipodeon Andrew

Andrew, As previously stated: a woman's nipples are not genitalia and do NOT always get erect when the female is excited.
Also previously stated, can we get over you sneezing at us. Some things are better left out of the community.

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism

Sneezes spread germs - erections don't. Womens' nipples get erect when NOT sexually excited - so do mens' penis. Deal with it and grow up.

Actually doing what I can to positively promote nudism instead of pretending to whilst overreacting and putting my personal biased view into objective questions
Warmskin Posted - 12/17/2009 : 02:08:34 AM
Originally posted by iamtheone46

Maybe this comes down to being numb to nudity after time. I mean the first time I went to a nudist resort,I was getting hard constantly. After going a few times,the "newness" wears off. I mean,you go thru your whole life trying to get erections when your with a lady,then your told not to get one at a nudist camp/resort?

wayne bell

Life can be difficult, but relative to other place on this earth, you have it good. Be grateful for what you have.

How far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without?
Dwight D. Eisenhower
iamtheone46 Posted - 12/16/2009 : 10:17:56 PM
Maybe this comes down to being numb to nudity after time. I mean the first time I went to a nudist resort,I was getting hard constantly. After going a few times,the "newness" wears off. I mean,you go thru your whole life trying to get erections when your with a lady,then your told not to get one at a nudist camp/resort?

wayne bell
jhnlngn Posted - 07/02/2008 : 11:06:56 AM
Originally posted by nurserobin

I'm now wondering about what the point is of this argument... do you actually think that you will win "erection freedom" and have any and all erections accepted at nudist venues when and wherever they occur? Would the clubs not be emptied fairly quickly when the perverts take over as they would have nothing to stop them as the burden would be on the clubs to prove that each erection is not caused by a medical condition? And the fact that I, as a nurse, should know about all of the men afflicted with conditions causing uncontrollable erections or iatrogenically induced erections, is baseless as I, as a nurse, have not come across any such condition in the 13 years I've spent in this field - so I guess it's not THAT common...and in my experience, I, as a nurse, have found that MOST of the erectile issues have to do with NOT being able to attain one...

Are you a nurse in a narrow field?

There are a number of cases where an uncontrollable, frequent erection isn't the disability but occurs as the result of a disability. Take my case for example. I'm a C5 quadriplegic. I can't feel anything from mid-chest down and have no control over what my penis does. I get frequent, uncontrollable erections and don't even know I have one. They almost always happen when I transfer to and from my wheelchair and dress and undress myself. I'm interested in nudism but feel I have to exclude myself from participating with others because of my disability. As it is pretty much a given that I would get an erection at some point while being nude for any period of time.

If I wanted to visit or join a club what would my plan of action be? Would I bring a doctors note explaining my condition? How would the other members know that I may or may not get an erection for any reason?

I just wanted to chime in and explain that this is a very real concern for some of us. And yes the exact opposite also happens. I can be very turned on and want an erection, but it doesn't always cooperate.

RichNKaren Posted - 04/16/2008 : 08:47:15 AM
I have read most of the other "comments" at this point. Have to admit that it did nothing to allay my concerns.

I will probably have someone in here never speak to me but this must be said. If anyone, anywhere would ever walk up to me in a nudist environment and ask me if my erection is the result of a medical condition or if I am just a pervert, I would sue his/her ass, the organization that runs the area, the Board of Directors of that organization, the ANR TNS and all those other groups. All on the basis of disability. (Read the note above to see what I mean) Then I would turn the land over to be a land conservation area and not allow any humans on it.
Now the one (1) main person that has taken a very strong attitude, showing compassion and sympathy for those with medical problems is almost attacked for his concern. I applaud Digital Cowboy and the efforts he has made in here. Thanks DC!
I am shocked at the lack of sympathy and compassion in this room, particularly from CMx2. He/she has just about blackballed all men with ED or implants or any other problem as perverts. What next? Women with mastectomies can't be nudists? Really where does it stop?
This could have been a very good learning experience for all involved. Instead it has deteriorated into a discussion of perversion and injustice.
Please don't accuse me of going overboard on this, Reread from the begining, see what has happened to one gentlemans general concern. He has never been fully addressed except to ridicule and debase him.
Do you want me to show you the stats and explanations of Peyronies and Penile Implants? I assure you the pictures are not for the weak stomaches.
Conditions exist! Deal with the masterbator, no room at all. Kids must always be protected. But don't destroy the person with a problem or a question.

RichNKaren Posted - 04/15/2008 : 09:32:08 AM
I have to jump in here, although I could not get past Page 2 in the discussion.


If seems that so many are getting bent out of joint over it and going off the deep end.

I have a medical condition called Peyronies Disease. It is a SEVERE curvature of the penis. Relationships between my wife and I were so difficult because penetration could not occur. (I refuse to go into discussion of how we settled that situation as it is not up for discussion)Suffice to say that I had to live with this condition for over two (2) years before anything could have been done. No, I did not have unwanted erections at the beach or with others during this time.

After the miserable two (2) years, I went through severe injections to correct it to no avail. I am talking a curvature over 165 degrees. Finally the only thing left was surgery. In addition to correcting the curvature, an implant was inserted. The implant is the length of my erect penis. I am always erect at this point. It is not that raging Hardon you imagine, but still a full 8" at all times.

We men refer to this as a "shower" not a "Grower".

I have no control over it and can only hope that once the heat of the sun and time will allow things to quiet down. If not, I do not plan to stop being a nudist because I may insult someone. Nor will I stop being a nudist because a younger person, or anyone for that fact, be upset at a nude function.

Please have some compassion, do you think I am the only male with an implant?

By the way, Digital Cowboy, it is spelled Fibromyalgia Syndrome. I know, I have it too


CoolNude72 Posted - 10/27/2006 : 10:22:38 PM
ok Point Blank. It does not matter if its due to a medical condition or not. Because it is a medical condition does not exclude you from using common decency. If you become erect in mixed company or at a club/resort/beach, cover it up. Also see a doctor. If they can make medicine that corrects ED like Viagra or Cialas, then they also can treat this. And don't even get me started with the nipples. My 2 cents.
sueallday Posted - 10/27/2006 : 5:04:24 PM
Topics like this are like throwing a rock in a lake, the ripples go on forever. I agree with "later" unbelievable!
Cheri Posted - 08/23/2006 : 09:03:31 AM
Originally posted by werdna

I have just read all of this thread and am not suprised at the female reaction.
More than 25 years ago, when I was first introduced to naturism, I was in constant fear of having an erection due to a somewhat prudish upbringing. Well, it happened and when I discovered that nobody took any notice, neither did I.
Since then, I have moved naked in circles of friends as well as amongst people I did not know at various festivals where the males were in various stages of erection. I enjoy nothing more than to work on my property with nothing more than a pair of boots and a hat and still get a sometime erection. Good God ladies, it just happens!!. I can assure you that there is absolutely nothing arousing about slaving away making 100 large mud bricks a day or clearing out the dam or planting 100 trees but the effort and abdominal muscular activity tends to trigger an erection.

By the way, women`s nipples get erect when they are aroused. There, the secret is out.

Regards to all and just enjoy the bodies nature gave us.

Antipodeon Andrew

Andrew, As previously stated: a woman's nipples are not genitalia and do NOT always get erect when the female is excited.
Also previously stated, can we get over you sneezing at us. Some things are better left out of the community.

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism
werdna Posted - 08/22/2006 : 7:07:00 PM
I have just read all of this thread and am not suprised at the female reaction.
More than 25 years ago, when I was first introduced to naturism, I was in constant fear of having an erection due to a somewhat prudish upbringing. Well, it happened and when I discovered that nobody took any notice, neither did I.
Since then, I have moved naked in circles of friends as well as amongst people I did not know at various festivals where the males were in various stages of erection. I enjoy nothing more than to work on my property with nothing more than a pair of boots and a hat and still get a sometime erection. Good God ladies, it just happens!!. I can assure you that there is absolutely nothing arousing about slaving away making 100 large mud bricks a day or clearing out the dam or planting 100 trees but the effort and abdominal muscular activity tends to trigger an erection.

By the way, women`s nipples get erect when they are aroused. There, the secret is out.

Regards to all and just enjoy the bodies nature gave us.

Antipodeon Andrew
JustJim Posted - 07/14/2006 : 07:38:32 AM
Cowboy... presenting a "bill" that has been proposed most definitely isn't the same as citing a law that has been passed. While you're trying to "educate me" I think you might use a little remedial work yourself.
Organizations that receive federal or state funding cannot discriminate based on the "protected categories"... but private organizations or clubs can do as they please if they are self funded and don't expect to do any business with the government.
Otherwise, the Harlem Globetrotters would be forced to represent the community standards by being 80% white...and the Ku Klux Klan would need to undertake an aggressive affirmative action recruiting plan to meet the standards of having enough minorities in their ranks.
Thanks for your input but it's grossly flawed.

CathyK Posted - 07/13/2006 : 9:24:36 PM
Originally posted by later

Totally unbelievable! From some guy attempting to justify his erections to Tourette syndrome! Unbelievable!

Mega dittos!!

later Posted - 07/10/2006 : 5:36:03 PM
Totally unbelievable! From some guy attempting to justify his erections to Tourette syndrome! Unbelievable!
Digital_Cowboy Posted - 07/09/2006 : 6:37:18 PM
Originally posted by JustJim

A “Private” club, such as a nudist resort, can freely “discriminate” in any manner they see fit based on the owner or operator’s personal bias or concerns about any applicant. They can control the number of “singles” to keep the ratio of men/women where they want it....they can decide not to extend membership or even admission to anyone they wish, just as you can decide who you allow to enter your home when they knock on the door.
The unenlightened few who contend they have a “right” to be on the premises of a private nudist resort sporting a constant erection (whether medically induced OR erotically induced), are dead wrong. If the owner/operator of the resort determines that it’s disruptive or threatening or offensive to the membership, that person can and will be asked to leave.
The argument that an erection can be a medical condition and therefore exempt or protected by the ADA in a private resort environment is incorrect and ridiculous. Other medical conditions are not tolerated in a nudist resort such as: Leprosy, Severe Tourette’s syndrome, uncontrollable flatulence...etc etc... get it?



You are the one who is wrong. Clubs here in the United States can NOT discriminate against a person based on any of the Federally or State Protected criteria such as age, gender, sexual orientation, race, creed, or medical conditions. ('s%20View/Thought%2026.html) There are plenty of clubs that USED to be men’s only clubs, but women have successfully sued for admittance because the men in said clubs would discuss business and that put the women at a disadvantage. There are also PLENTY of schools that used to gender exclusive but are now “co-ed,” such as West Point Military Academy as well as other military schools, and Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY, to name just a few.

Also if you take the time to read the article that is linked to above, you will see that the courts are ruling more and more that IF a “private” club or organization does business with, or rents their facilities to the public (such as a club/resort that rent’s it’s buildings or grounds for weddings), or if they receive any kind of tax break, then they DO fall under the anti-discrimination laws. The United States Jaycees have had to admit women into it, because of the actions of its Minnesota chapters allowing women as Full Members.

You can also learn more here as the bill discussed in the following article is aimed at clubs like the PGA/Augusta Masters golf tournament (, I’ll admit that I do not know what the eventual outcome of that bill is/was, but it clearly shows that “private” clubs are NOT as “powerful” as they once were, nor are they “free” to discriminate against anyone for one of the aforementioned Federally or State protected conditions such as age, gender, creed to name but a few things.

A club would be acting responsibly in restricting access to certain areas to people with say Leprosy, or other health conditions that would put the majority of it’s members at risk. But a club would hard pressed to justify denying access to a person with Tourette’s Syndrome regardless of how mild or severe as Tourette’s is NOT a health “hazard” to other members.


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