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 Nudist Men - From the Male Point of View
 Unwanted Erection

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
schworak Posted - 05/27/2004 : 09:45:42 AM
I have a medical condition that some would call a blessing but at times it feels more like a curse.

I get many erections through out the day for no real reason. I am not always sexually aroused and they often last for a long time.

I enjoy being nude. I don't do it often because of my condition. I have never been to a nudist area because I am worried that people will think I am a pervert when I really have no control over this problem.

Any thoughts?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
soonbnude Posted - 08/20/2016 : 12:46:28 AM
If its real I would say go to the beach, lay back and enjoy the sun and ocean. Suggest you don't walk up and down the beach seeking attention or making excuses. Just my thoughts. SBN.
jhnskinn Posted - 08/19/2016 : 7:22:45 PM
Just be prepare to cover up. Don't make it offensive to others.
I have a medical condition that some would call a blessing but at times it feels more like a curse.

I get many erections through out the day for no real reason. I am not always sexually aroused and they often last for a long time.

I enjoy being nude. I don't do it often because of my condition. I have never been to a nudist area because I am worried that people will think I am a pervert when I really have no control over this problem.

Any thoughts?
Daretobare Posted - 08/09/2016 : 06:20:53 AM
I have seen a few guys at the resort pool who have penis pumps. They pump just enough to have a slight enlargement. One fella must not have been getting the attention he thought he deserved and kept going more. He eventually had a full erection displaying for nearly an hour. Management finally asked him to leave. He was a snowbird and was asked to remove his rv from the park. Funny part was his wife sat there with him the entire time. I made mention that maybe the punishment was a little strict but soon found out he had been warned a few times.
soonbnude Posted - 08/08/2016 : 08:03:31 AM

There is one guy I see regularly at Whites Beach at Torquay (near Geelong in Victoria, Australia) who either pops a pill and walks around with his erection waving around or has a very long lasting erection.
He parades up and down the beach I believe trying to the get attention of people. He was also part of a group sex act in the sand dunes last year that I witnessed.
Feel sorry for the guy who started this thread but that seems to be the exception it appears to me.
The guy I mention above and others seem to be trying to impress or pick up. There are other guys constantly fluffing and playing with themselves looking to hook up and it seems to work.
Here in Oz due to the low numbers of people at some of these beaches this type of behaviour goes on and I believe probably deters some people from trying nudity.
Just my thoughts based on my observations.
Nudony Posted - 07/27/2016 : 8:33:01 PM
I can count on one hand the number of times I've had to deal with that "issue"; and we're talking in many years of social nudity. In all cases, it was just the result of deep relaxation and/or increases in blood flow deriving from physical activity.
Most times, I was sitting or laying so it was just a matter of turning and laying on my stomach, or grabbing a towel and laying it across my legs.
Only once did it happen as I was exiting the pool and walking across the pool area. When I felt it happening I just turned around and made a bee-line for the showers.

If and/or when it does happen, there's no point in panicking; or just sitting it out uncovered. Just act naturally. Surrounding nudists will usually not care as long as you're not just sitting and standing around with an erection in plain sight.

iiioffbuddy Posted - 07/27/2016 : 12:47:18 AM
I'm very new to it all but I was very worried the first first time me and my partner decided to try a Nudist resort as I thought that I may get an erection and it would be embarrassing. It was more through the fear of not wanting to get one that I was worried I probably would because I'd be thinking about it. As it was, I was absolutely fine and the whole experience was a lot less daunting than I'd expected it to be. I did get a bit of one whilst in the pool but nothing when walking around. We have only been on one occasion but are due to attend another resort soon so I will see how I get on then. As some people have said, its a natural thing that occurs and we should probably not be so shy and uptight about it, as long as we aren't acting out of turn.
Warmskin Posted - 01/09/2016 : 04:33:35 AM
I had the same fears, too. The very last thing I wanted to do was to be an offense to someone else. There were enough men around to put an end that the very thought that I would have an erection. I was actually more anxious about if I would fit in, and find someone with whom to engage in conversation. Sometimes, I get bored at nudist resorts if nothing is going on, or if people tended to be too cliquish or exclusive. So, you can see that worry about erections goes away in rapid order if you arrive at the resort with that fear. Your experience will dismiss any fears. It's great, though, that you're courteous enough to be considerate of other people's feelings.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

getnekked Posted - 12/16/2015 : 11:00:37 PM
Always, always take a very large towel around. It is has happened in the past but that is usually out of nerves!
Badgerguy Posted - 03/12/2015 : 12:57:28 PM
I was kind of worried about that same thing, but once you get there, and realize that everyone is just naked and there's not a hint of sexuality (at least where I was), it's no big deal. Never had urges. I was at a Couples resort, so it was just that - couples, 50/50 ratio, so no pick up lines, no hitting on others, you give them the obligatory "down-up" with the eyes and you're done. No big deal.
peterhussey79 Posted - 02/26/2015 : 04:51:28 AM

It is quite normal that you can get erection multiple times in a day. However, if you are facing early ejaculation problems then you may have sexual disorder. Please consult your doctor and if he prescribes some medications to treat your early premature erection problems then you can take help of [deleted]. But before taking these pills, consult your physician and only then take these medications as these medications are available only with the prescription.


Edited by - Admin to remove links to "pills" sites.
txnatnud Posted - 05/19/2010 : 8:10:49 PM
I knew I shouldn't have played with that erector set when I was little. Afflicted for life. Damn!
FlCpl4NewdFun Posted - 05/19/2010 : 6:45:58 PM
Sweet! a topic about erections that only has two pages of posts! Now that's something to get excited about!
Broooz Posted - 11/14/2008 : 09:48:50 AM
I think it depends how easily aroused you are. I got one in pool aerobics - just the movement of the water and once with the wind, but not jumping around the dancefloor! Just need to be aware but not worry too much.

Little John Posted - 11/14/2008 : 07:53:26 AM
Thanks for the wise advise. It really does help us newcomers when we receive your words of wisdom and encouragement. I just wish I had made the decision to be nude years ago, but at least I have now.
Thanks again,

Little John
elad Posted - 11/13/2008 : 7:56:16 PM
I just went to my first resort and I'll be honest with you, it never even crossed my mind the whole time I was there. There really is nothing sexual or arousing about visiting a nudist resort, at least there wasn't for me. Just think of it as going to a resort where people just happen to be nude.

We don't receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.
Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922)

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