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T O P I C    R E V I E W
barefoot n nude Posted - 03/27/2008 : 5:04:57 PM
Do any of you come from anti nudism families?
My family was strictly clothed everywhere, except the shower. We were literally taught that nudism was wrong. But now that I want to experiment, they have absolutely, 100% refused. Can anyone give some advice or share some stories on this matter? Thanks.

Nude and barefoot forever!

And Ever!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mariarose Posted - 06/26/2009 : 2:49:40 PM
Michigan Man,
Why would someone who did not enjoy it be on this forum to post that they did not enjoy it?

As for the original poster, I wonder how he got all the way to 20 without being able to care for himself? Can't cook other than noodles? Maybe I misread and he said his age was 02, not 20! LOL.

Seriously, though. If young people wish to be treated as adults able to make their own decisions, they need to act like adults and be able to care for themselves.
MichiganMan Posted - 06/26/2009 : 12:01:45 AM
I hear everybody's posts saying that they tried nudism and loved it. It just seems strange to me that the people who didn't love it haven't posted any thing saying why that's so.
Just trying to get another perspective.
pilot Posted - 05/02/2008 : 10:47:57 AM
Given that nude vacations are being advertised and reported on in mainstream media, it's likely that your family (and neighbors, and coworkers and...) have read about ii, talked about it, considered it or even tried it.
Diger Posted - 05/02/2008 : 09:16:56 AM
I guess this all goes to show you never know for sure how a friend or family member will react. They may be keeping the same thing a secret themselves. :)

Calbob Posted - 05/01/2008 : 11:19:31 PM
This discussion reminds me of a case here in California where two brothers ran into each other at a nudist club and neither knew that the other was a nudist! (A little lack of communication there).
Diger Posted - 05/01/2008 : 10:16:35 PM

Isn't it funny how we can look back and see the oportunities we have missed to share with others. If we had known then what we know now. LOL .... We have a couple of those stories.

FireProf Posted - 05/01/2008 : 8:33:29 PM
Originally posted by Diger


Maybe you should try a page from your brother’s playbook and leave a few of your nudes in your vacation photos, when you are showing them to your siblings. Just maybe leaving the nudes in wasn’t a mistake, he could have wanted you to find them. It would definitely be a door opener.



I would have thought this to also be true but his wife is the one that snatched them out of our hands, looked through them, took out the nudes and then handed them back to us. She was pretty embarrassed and that's one reason we didn't pursue conversation in that direction.

The other reason was because, at the time, we were nothing more than home nudists and my wife was not about to let anyone know that we lived that way.

As time has passed, the Prof has become increasingly proud and unembarrassed by our nudist lifestyle and is at a point where she is willing to talk about it with others but...only if the topic arises. She's still not there, where I am, to open the conversation on nudism. She tells our grown daughter's that she and I wish we had pressured just a little to get them back into nudism so we could all have gotten through that awkward stage, when they were teens, and could now be enjoying lots of great trips and nudist venues together.

Diger Posted - 05/01/2008 : 6:05:02 PM

Maybe you should try a page from your brother’s playbook and leave a few of your nudes in your vacation photos, when you are showing them to your siblings. Just maybe leaving the nudes in wasn’t a mistake, he could have wanted you to find them. It would definitely be a door opener.

FireProf Posted - 05/01/2008 : 2:05:42 PM
I am one of seven offspring and the oldest of the seven. My mother wasn't a saint but she was still a bit conservative. She divorced my father when I was a pre-teen and a couple of years later, married my step-father.

My stepfather is a bit more liberal but can be conservative about certain things. I think nudity or casual nudity, as we nudist know it, would be something he would be a little conservative about. Just from comments he's made, I'd say he'd think it was okay for adults to do but "we shouldn't do it in front of the little ones."

My mother has passed and he's remarried a women that seems a bit more liberal and is changing his ideas but not sure what they are exactly...nowadays.

My brother's and sister's are all over the place. I am the only full fledged, practicing, card carrying nudist in the family....I think! The brother next in line has some tendancies and was showing us some pictures of he and his ex-wife on vacation and forgot to take some out. There were a few pictures of her nude in the hotel room and out in the woods. We never pursued the nudism question with them

The next brother is far too conservative as is the sister, next in line. My youngest sister did lots of traveling while in college and after finishing college. She told us that she and her room mates vacationed in Europe and went to topless beaches. She thought it was great and didn't know why is was such taboo here in the US.

The two younger brothers (twins) are also too conservative and wouldn't think about doing this, although I really don't know for sure about any of my siblings.

Even if they wanted to tell us, they would hesitate or decide not to because they all think my wife...The Prof, is so conservative and would think that it was disgusting or immoral and I think they are actually afraid to say anything about it or even talk about it...................if they only knew!

I was already out of the house, in the Navy and married when I was barefoot n nude's age. When I was younger, I had my own room, was able to be nude and not be bothered while in my room, slept nude and spent as much time as I could nude around the house when they were all gone, which wasn't very often.

My only patient and take advantage of nude time when you can...when they are not around. Work hard to get your own place and then you'll be able to be nude when you'd like. Until should respect their wishes for you to remain clothed, if that's what they desire. If the opportunity for discussion is still open...I'd take advantage of just talking with them together or one at a time. You may find that you have some allies in the family that may simpathize. It may not help your situation but at least you'll know you're not alone.
Little Fellow Posted - 05/01/2008 : 1:24:25 PM
Alot of people say that their family was completely against naturism, but don't thin that is always the case. With 99% of the people i speak to, their parents were not against it they just never had to deal with it.

They were raised to beleive that people should always wear clothes so they taught the same to their children they were not anti-nudism, just ignorant of it.

If you know what I mean....
I am sure they would be surprised if you started but they are not opposed to it :)
Alot of people say that their family was completely against naturism, but don't thin that is always the case. With 99% of the people i speak to, their parents were not against it they just never had to deal with it.

They were raised to beleive that people should always wear clothes so they taught the same to their children they were not anti-nudism, just ignorant of it.

If you know what I mean....
I am sure they would be surprised if you started but they are not opposed to it :)

prism2525 Posted - 03/29/2008 : 04:52:41 AM
This summer I'm going to try to have a little skinny dip and maybe I can convince my gf how great it feels and all.

It isn't going to be easy because it's hard to find a deserted beach here on this little island but maybe later in the afternoon there will be less people around. Heck if need be I'll go alone but I don't want my gf to be suspicious or anything.


"If God had intended mankind to run around naked, surely we'd have been born that way!"

oh, wait....
catbird Posted - 03/28/2008 : 8:01:50 PM
Patience. Eventually you will have your own dwelling; however that is probably years down the road. I agree that when you live with your parents, you must abide by their rules.

I grew up in a household that was always clothed, except when taking a shower. I took up nudism years after I was on my own.

Naturally, Catbird
prism2525 Posted - 03/28/2008 : 6:47:21 PM
I know Diger don't worry but that doesn't change the fact that it just stinks

The worst part of it is that I don't even have a full-time job yet so I really can't move out just yet. (even if I DID have the resources I'd need some cooking lessons unless I want to eat noodles and pre-cooked stuff for a looong time


"If God had intended mankind to run around naked, surely we'd have been born that way!"

oh, wait....
Diger Posted - 03/28/2008 : 6:31:00 PM
I agree with cheri, It's your parrents home so it's their rules. Belive it or not they are doing what they think is right. They do have your best interest a heart, just remember that.

prism2525 Posted - 03/28/2008 : 6:14:24 PM
Cheri, I can't even stay in my underwear/nude in MY BLOODY ROOM! As I wrote in my bio that privacy is non existant in my house. At least I can still sleep nude (for now, they don't know that bit either)

*looks forward to own his own house*

"If God had intended mankind to run around naked, surely we'd have been born that way!"

oh, wait....

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