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T O P I C    R E V I E W
barefoot n nude Posted - 01/17/2008 : 5:11:18 PM
Hi guys. It's me again. I am relatively new to nudism, but have been barefoot nearly my whole entire life, and hate wearing shoes. I was wondering if people who like being nude like being barefoot like me, or vice versa.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
msmykonos Posted - 03/25/2009 : 4:37:12 PM
sneakers i prefer or flips. I don't like my feet to get dirty or ruin my pedicure lol
nude gardener Posted - 01/14/2009 : 3:35:10 PM
In the summer I either am barefoot or wear sandals, nothing else. It is great living at a nudist resort full time.
nude4comfort Posted - 01/14/2009 : 12:38:00 PM
As for what Warmskin said about erections, I second it. Being a noob at nudism myself it was a big concern. That is, until we went to our first resort. Not even a hint of an erection ever occured. I think what helped me is I was concentrating on getting sunscreen on for both myself and my wife in order not to burn. When that was over we just relaxed and enjoyed the day. Even watching people go by, swimming, and talking to others (include many attractive ladies). Only if you want it to happen will it happen.

Back on topic, growing up in sunny Sothern California I grew up in flip-flops, being bare foot, and swimming. Any chance I can go bare foot I take. I find it comfortable.
sailawaybob Posted - 01/14/2009 : 10:58:02 AM
When spring arrives I wear croc's, shorts, and tee shirt and when i'm nude croc's unless i'm at the beach or wading in the river, i've had too many thorns prick my feet. When I was a kid I was always barefoot in the summer why did'nt I get poked then.
n/a Posted - 01/14/2009 : 10:04:06 AM
Almost no one goes barefoot where I live. Most homes here don't have nice grassy lawns to walk on, and there's also the thorns on the desert plants. I've had cholla thorns penetrate right through rubber-soled shoes.

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smoothy Posted - 01/14/2009 : 09:19:09 AM
Since I moved to Florida alomst 7 years ago. I have worn real shoes only when I had to wear a suit. The other times I am barefoot or use flip flops. I have a large box full of flip flpos. I like to buy good ones such as Teva that give arch support. In the car the flip flops come of ewasily when I am driving or being a passneger.

Warmskin Posted - 01/13/2009 : 11:38:42 PM
Hi Anthony!!! Welcome aboard.

The old erection concerns are often with the new nudist. I had them too, and I am older than you. You might try going to a nudist beach, perhaps in Florida, and not sit very close to other people, especially women. Just see how it feels while you lie on your beachtowel. Contemplate the waves coming in, or something like that, while you assess how it feels to be nude. There is assurance that a mass of nude people are far less sexy than you think. I found that to the case on my first visit to a nudist locale. I didn't even get close to getting an erection. Remember that you will not likely be getting any romantic gestures from any nude women at the beach, so you're autonomic mechanisms will not likely fire off.
Also, I find that erections come from sexual expectations, and again you won't find them in the crowds. That is the good news for you.

As you sit there, you will get used the new feeling of being nude. After a while you may want to go to the ocean water and wade in. You will see that no one is noticing you intently, but may see you more a pure happenstance of a guy walking toward the water, which is hardly a novelty if everyone is doing it. If you are like everybody else, you are average, and thus will not invite attention to yourself.

As you spend more time there at the beach, you will gain confidence that you are not going to get an erection. There has to be a good sexual reason for an erection in the daytime. You won't get one at a beach. After a while seeing a nude woman will be routine and not be as exciting as you think. There will not be an overabundance of exotic models there, just good average women that we have in society in general.

I like to use gradualism in building my way up to trying something new. That is why I suggest getting your own beach space where you can try it out without feeling observed, and you might want to move a bit closer to the crowd as time goes on. You might find yourself engaging in conversations with people.

With the way bikinis look, there is not that much difference between bikinis and nudity. In fact, I find bikinis much more sexy than nudity. What it concealed is more sexy than what it revealed. Last Christmas, all those gifts looked more appealing wrapped than they did opened up.

Set a good mindset from which to venture into the nudist beach of facility. Good luck, and let us know what is going on. And remember, go barefoot where you safely can!!

Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto."
Thomas Jefferson
hoyaballer76 Posted - 01/13/2009 : 6:31:41 PM

Hi everybody! My name is Anthony and I am 18. I live in Georgia and will go to college in the fall. Im asking for ways on how to start nudism. Nudist beaches in Georgia are rare, and the nearest club is a while away. I just want ideas on how to start. And how does an 18 year old deal with the all mighty erection issue? I'd love to start asap. Nudism seems amazing, and I have a stick it to the man attitude, so I'm sure I'll love it. Thanks!
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Anthony O
Warmskin Posted - 10/24/2008 : 12:21:32 AM
Out here in the west, it seems that being barefoot is frequently possible, as we don't have as many bugs they do back east. I have been barefoot all my life, and haven't been bug-bitten yet.

It's an interesting thought, perhaps a corollary, that nudists might prefer to be barefoot, on average, should physical conditions be favorible.

I think I just like to be barefoot up to my neck.

That government governs best, which governs least - Thomas Jefferson
traisjames Posted - 10/23/2008 : 9:32:46 PM
Up here at college of about 700, I am one of about 20 who regualarly go around barefoot. Only place I wear shoes on campus is to the caf since they require shoes...though the issue of going barefoot is fixed by going barefoot. you can't get athleats foot or mold when you don't have shoes on that trap the sweat in your shoe and let things grow

From the guy with his eye on the sky
sixfootsix65 Posted - 09/24/2008 : 12:39:10 PM
For the most part I am an in the closet nudist. I have walked out of the house at night nude and I have been skinny dipping a few time and even in mixed company. I am very comfortable with out clothing. I have thought about joining a club and there seems to be a nice club near by where I live. I am still a little shy and I am sure in time I will join this group. Till then I will be happy and nude at home.

swimmers do it in the nude
Calbob Posted - 04/25/2008 : 11:14:05 PM
I'm always barefoot at home, winter and summer. At the nudist resort that I belong to, I can often go barefoot from my trailer to the main pool area because it's all grass. However, when I have to walk across the hot asphalt in the summer, sandals are a must!

Ranger191 Posted - 04/25/2008 : 9:26:32 PM
Winter - I gotta have something on my feet, walking around on blocks of ice is not only difficult, but it tends to provide a very vocal focal point for my attention and builds a very strong desire to provide warmth IMMEDIATELY if not before (a mild case of frostbite a few years ago left me with tender tootsies). And because fashion is my life , with the slippers go a pair of socks because who really wants a warm pair of wool-lined slippers that smell like feet?

Summer - Barefoot if I'm walking around in the grass or just relaxing around. If I'm busy, you just can't beat a pair of Teva sandals. I highly recommend them as they are very comfortable and look good with or without clothes!

Nobility is not a birthright, it is defined by one's actions.
ThePhilosopher Posted - 04/25/2008 : 1:19:30 PM
Weather permitting, I go barefoot. Other times I wear sandals, house-slippers and my favorite - cowboy boots. I be a hillbilly. ;]

"To be naked is to be oneself." John Berger
Dave in Central Ky Posted - 04/16/2008 : 07:10:36 AM
I agree that covering your back will keep you much warmer. For years when the temps go down in the 30's (no wind) I'll wear just a flannel shirt as a jacket (unbuttoned) with nothing else and its amazing how much warmer it is. When I first started doing it I thought it probably looked a little strange but if you think about it you wear a coat over your clothes to keep you warm, so what's the difference. Worked for me all day yesterday.

"Cold Weather Sucks"

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