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 Topics regarding erections, penis size....etc

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
allnaturalwife Posted - 04/15/2009 : 10:21:47 PM
Hello all-- Jennifer is back with a proposition to all of the regulars and legit nudist people here in cyber space.

Can we just stop fueling all of the penis, erection, size and all of the other obvious posts designed to "add to the giant snowball rolling down the hill" Seriously. I have tried to add my wisdom of close to 50 years as a nudist on this earth to these discussions, but they continue to steer right back to the standard questions and retoric most of us have come to just ignore.

Like anybody else, I dont believe in censorship, so lets not get into all of that. But GOOD GRIEF...To this day, these topics still remain the most that are posted on. So let me sum it all up, once and for all:

1. Shave however you want. Whatever YOU, (and in many cases hopefully your partner can have a say:)..want to do, just do it and quit talking about it. No one else cares. And there is more than enough "data" on here already to make an informed decision.

2. Walking around in public, yes anywhere other than inside of your own home/trailer/tent or PUBLIC..with a giant erection is flat out NOT appropriate. The majority of legit nudist men do not even have a problem with this.
And FYI, even at the most "swingiest" of resort men still do not walk poolside at full attention. They just dont.

3. Men..The size, shape, color of your penis only matters to you and any partner you might have now or in the future. The strangers at the nudist resort do not care, and those who do shouldnt.

4. Men and women..The fellow guests at your local nudist venue DO NOT care what size you are, if you are thin, fat, tall short or the size/shape of any other part of your anatomy.

5. Nudists are those who prefer not to wear clothes,period. Usually prefer not to wear them most of the time. If this is you, you are a nudist. If you prefer not to wear clothing, more specifally in are a naturist.

6. People can fall into MORE than 1 category. If you prefer not to wear clothes, and ALSO have sex with many partners along with your might be a swinger, But for gods sake, these are 2 SEPARATE things!

Im sure of you feel the same way, as I am sure I will get responses from all walks of psuedo-nudist types attempting to refute my statements. Hopefully this forum is still made up of mostly the former type of folk.


15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Diger Posted - 12/04/2017 : 8:59:53 PM
OMG... 5 1/2 YEARS and someone brings this back to life. Pretend it's not here and maybe it will go away.

feelingthebreeze Posted - 11/29/2017 : 6:30:18 PM
This is so stupid. Nothing better than a nice Hard ?Dick!
n/a Posted - 04/05/2012 : 10:28:28 AM
I agree Jenn fully , shame you do not post anything currently nor do most of the women on this site.
Admin Posted - 01/05/2010 : 05:47:12 AM
Originally posted by mariarose

Yes, we just have to remember as our comfort grows that there really is an enormous learning curve here for new people. Just keep that in mind and keep sending new people in the right direction, and stop posting on the new threads that really are just repeats after the directions have been given. The "proboners" (as called above) are not really naturists and their posts should be expunged, but since we can't do that the best thing we can do is ignore it. The admin needs to do that. Happy New Year to ALL!!!

mariarose, thank you for your kind words. Yes, this is a marvelous group of people.

As regarding the "proboners", we've found they are an ever-present and commonly unwelcome minority of any nudist community. We feel it is safer and more satisfactory for everyone to deal with these issues in the harmless environment of this forum, rather than at your favorite nudist resort or beach.

For every person you address in the forum, there are probably 100 or more that lurk and read without posting, perhaps more. Our current readership is 45,000 per month, and this is the slow season. I would venture to say the majority of men concerned or interested in erections at a nude beach do find their answers here, because we allow mature discussion on this topic.

Some of them are potential nudists and some are not, but at least they have some proper instruction available before sitting next to you at your favorite nudist venue!

We are as pained as you when another erection thread appears. This is why some forums where this is likely to occur require moderator approval for new threads, so we can catch them before they get established.

And as you have guessed, the number of posts determines your forum title, as it does your ability to use the Private Messaging system. The second number is kept a secret so the spammers don't know the exact number of trivial posts needed to sell shoes. The actual number is etched on a titanium plate and hidden beneath a mountain somewhere in the southwest United States.
naken Posted - 01/04/2010 : 11:11:27 PM
Yes,happy new year mariarose. Naken
mariarose Posted - 01/04/2010 : 9:58:02 PM
Yes, we just have to remember as our comfort grows that there really is an enormous learning curve here for new people. Just keep that in mind and keep sending new people in the right direction, and stop posting on the new threads that really are just repeats after the directions have been given. The "proboners" (as called above) are not really naturists and their posts should be expunged, but since we can't do that the best thing we can do is ignore it. The admin needs to do that. Happy New Year to ALL!!!
nicecplnva Posted - 01/04/2010 : 9:47:05 PM
We agree with mariarose, it is a little confusing for a newbie to find things on here but we are learning and finding the information we need when we have a question we want to look up. The people here seem to be amazing and we are glad we found this site!

G & B
mariarose Posted - 01/04/2010 : 9:45:02 PM
Not really sure, docfreeman47. But I really think it has to do with the number of posts we commit? I have noticed people who joined before I did are still called New Members when I am now a Forum Member. Best Guess. I did not get a notice or anything that told me, "Because of your superior reasoning skills and meticulous spelling prowess, you have been made a Forum Member, Discard your Newbie status!"

Maybe someone more in the know than I am will come forth with the definitive guidelines! Anyway, Welcome! Enjoy! Contribute!
docfreeman47 Posted - 01/04/2010 : 7:40:58 PM
Mariarose, I am a newbie and have been following all the information that has been passing along the last several days. It has been helpful in my learning curve. That said, my question is - at what point does one become a full member?

All interested in knowledge which will be beneficial to me and others like me. Have you noticed how many new people have just started?

mariarose Posted - 01/04/2010 : 7:07:20 PM
Always enjoy your posts. Good stuff every time.
allnaturalwife Posted - 01/04/2010 : 6:09:14 PM
Thanks thats a nice thing to say:)

mariarose Posted - 01/04/2010 : 11:29:46 AM
While it is true that there are many older threads about penises (what is wrong with penis, randall50?) The new threads seem to come from newer members, and I submit that there are many things about this wonderful site that are not easy to intuit. In other words, when I was newer, I did not know how to work this site and its tools, and the search engine here is NOT user friendly, especially to a newbie.
Frankly, I don't think we can stop it, we just have to keep pointing people to the appropriate places to find what they need to know. And the admin needs to be a bit better about deleting posts and topics that do not belong here. We older members need to be a bit better about not adding fuel to the fire.
Jenn, I think your points (most of them, anyway) are excellent and that they should be put somewhere that a newbie can't miss them at all, like right on a home page or on something that they have to click on before they are full members.
nudesunguy Posted - 01/03/2010 : 11:53:17 AM
VERY well put, Jenn! Nothing more boring than guys talking about their c***s...

soonbnude Posted - 11/16/2009 : 02:10:46 AM

Hear what you are saying but this is like a men's change room and a forum for men to feel OK about their penis whether it is big, small, thick, thin, strange colour or whatever. Most women think men are totally pre-occupied with this and maybe we are but its probably due to the media and the society we live in. Its a bit like women worrying about their bodies, too fat, wrong shape, big breasts, small breasts, big bum etc. etc. Just look at all the celebrities and their boob jobs and other cosmetic enhancements, lips, eyes, brows etc. We live in an era when the media peddle body perfection and people feel the need to look a certain way due to the beauty myth, all I want to know is who makes the rules about what is beauty and what is not. In art it certainly changes over time. Very few men I know find the stick thin catwalk models attractive yet they grace magazines world-wide. I have daughters and this topic is an issue. I know I have digressed from the original topic of men and their penile obsession but if this forum lets them express an opinion and feel OK about their bodies surely this is OK.

I do agree with your comments about erections. I have never had a problem with this and started at nude beaches at about 18, I did often stay close to the water just in case but it was never an issue. The only times I have seen an erection at a nude beach is when someone is trying to either impress, attract or shock and these are not appropriate.
Randall50 Posted - 08/05/2009 : 01:32:11 AM
Men will always have an argument with their dicks. Some of the time I have enjoyed the size of my dick, other times I wonder what happened? Years ago my urologist, the guy who gave me a vasectomy, called my dick all kinds of names except penis. I thank him today for that. What guy wants to call his dick a penis? Good grief. Anything bud penis. Dick. Junior. Whatever. Penis? Give me a break.

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