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 Society And Culture: Nudism Around The World
 Race Issues and Nudism
 Nudism and Black People

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
smendes Posted - 01/19/2006 : 9:27:49 PM
I dont see any black people in any of the photos in the gallery (except one shot with a row of girsl)... any ideas why ?

Nudism is no big deal for black people... I live among them and I know... my friends are black

So why are there not more blacks on the nudist resorts and beaches ?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
blavan Posted - 09/24/2014 : 1:23:16 PM
Originally posted by blkbutterfly

Hi Everyone:

This looks like an older thread but I just wanted to jump in here to agree with one of the previous posts ... as an African American woman, I have to say that my husband and I are almost always the only blacks at most resorts. There may be one or two others but if there are, we are usually the ONLY ones that are completely nude. The women may go topless but that's about it and even that is a stretch. I'm not sure why and I don't attempt to speak for the masses of our race because we are not homogenous at all. I can only guess that most of the African Americans that WE KNOW would see it as a "sexual experience" that would be sacreligeous in some way. And for that reason we basically keep it to ourselves.

We "discovered" naturism earlier this year and love it. While it is initially a little off-setting to be the only blacks in the crowd we both agree that we've never experienced any kind of insult or injury. Let me be clear: we are not the kind of black people who "act white" or anything of the sort. We dance like we always dance, we talk as we always talk. We don't put on any "airs" to fit in with anyone. We go with the intent to have a damn good time and we do. We are always approached kindly, never been hit on, and people always ask "When are you coming back ??" Yes, the white men stare at me from time to time but almost always tell my husband, "You have a beautiful wife." What could be better than that???

In any case, it's a wonderful way to live and I do hope to meet some folks who look like me eventually, but what is better than that is meeting people who think like me -- and that is, that life's too short to be bogged down with clothes.


We are a black couple as well and are in agreement with you. We have had many good experiences being nudists since the late 90's. Never experienced any racism at a nudist resort, and we have been to many. People of any color who have not experienced social nudism are really missing out.

Being Naked and Being Real
blavan Posted - 05/04/2012 : 10:55:45 AM
Anyone wanting to practice nudism should just do it. Although we would like to see more people of color at nudist venues, the fact is that people are people, no matter what color. We seldom even think about race when we are at a nudist resort or otherwise. As people of color, when we want to be nude we just do it. We have never experienced any racism at any nudist resort or private nudist gathering. One is wise to just be nude whenever possible and the people you want to meet will appear.

Being Naked and Being Real
r1jes Posted - 05/03/2012 : 8:37:25 PM
So it looks like everyone has dropped the subject of People of color and nudism. I am still looking for people to hang with here in Kansas. I have been out of the nudist life style do to ex wife choice, and problems with my son. This is why my sons and I are living in Kansas. We have been here for 7 years now. I am looking to get back into the nudist life style. Hope to make friends with this blog. Robert

r1jes Posted - 05/03/2012 : 8:24:33 PM
Originally posted by acouple005

My wife and I rarely see another person of color at any nudist resorts or clubs, and wew have been to many. It seems to me that black people are not interested in such a thing because society as most people. However, it seems we are always the only black couple eveytime we go to a nudist function. We would like to meet more but it seems our cohort has just not caught on the lifestyle. In what states do you you guys think nudist people of color are represented the most? Ohio sure is not it, nor is Indiana.

I have had the same problems. And Any of my friends or family think im crazy. And just say its not for them. I have been out of the nudest seen due to family issues. But I am starting this life style again. I wish I could fin other people of color living in Kansas. But we will see this summer.

r1jes Posted - 05/03/2012 : 8:19:39 PM
Originally posted by acouple005

My wife and I rarely see another person of color at any nudist resorts or clubs, and wew have been to many. It seems to me that black people are not interested in such a thing because society as most people. However, it seems we are always the only black couple eveytime we go to a nudist function. We would like to meet more but it seems our cohort has just not caught on the lifestyle. In what states do you you guys think nudist people of color are represented the most? Ohio sure is not it, nor is Indiana.

blavan Posted - 03/26/2012 : 11:08:51 AM
As African American nudists we would like to see more nudists of color and more people of all cultures enjoying nudism more. It could be that some people of color might be concerned about being outed and how that might affect them in their community or on their job. Well everyone there is naked too, so they will not tell anyone.
It could be that the effect of our puritan culture and religion regarding nudity discourages social nudity. If more blacks would just experience social nudism they would discover as we have that nudism is great, it is relaxing, it is liberating.
It is the great equalizer with societal class distinctions disappearing. Nudism has been the best way to relax and reduce the stress in our society. Being nude in mixed company is the most natural and liberating experience to be enjoyed with other people. Being naked outdoors with the sun and the air breezing over your skin is pure bliss.
Come on fellow people of color, it might help if you do some research online and find a nudist resort near you or plan a nude vacation. Once you try it you will never want to wear a swim suit again.

Being Naked and Being Real
skydancer2010 Posted - 01/06/2011 : 10:32:42 PM
There are a lot of african american nudist on Jamaica try Super clubs. My wife and I have traveled with caastaways travel on and off for the last 10 years and as an intracial couple have always been welcomed and treated with nothing but kindness and always asked to come back and travel with them, and we have but there are some swing groups that they host that we try to avoid but all in all we have a great time, as we are just not altogether in one spot maybe we need a group trip for couples maybe some time in 2011 now that would be fun...The N-Resort in Jamaica. anyone game.A coming out trip for all african american nudist, and anyone else that wants to come.
steve_c Posted - 11/25/2010 : 10:01:05 AM
You know , i woulden't care if i were the only white person there in a group of 2,000 other nudists . we are all there for the same reasons , enjoy being nude outdoors and feeling free . and as far as skin color goes , its only skin deep . We were taught to respect people no mater their skin color , and i believe this teaching is seriously lacking in a lot of homes across our nation . We got our butts blistered if we got out of line . anymore its the old time out ritual or just the plain ol ignore the child because the parents either don't want to make a scene or they don't want to deal with it . I would also be willing to bet that nudist children have more respect for others ( reguardless of age or skin color ) than a non nudist child . At least thats what i see around here versus our club . the kids will play with a visitors kid just as much as they would with another nudist member .
dragon Posted - 05/23/2010 : 03:53:04 AM
I believe a lot people would love to see more blacks out more, naked. I have many black and hispanic friends and they do prefer to keep it in their home. A couple of days ago, I was talking to a black woman who ask me what she can do for husband for their anniversary. She told me that they travel and has just about everything that they want. So I went on a whim and said " Why don't you fix him a meal and treat him extra special that day, nude." She looks at me and said that wasn't good enough to do. I'd looked at her weird and said that every guy would love that. She said that she already does that and that was the norm and she never wear clothes at home. I said "I don't know what you can do for your husband now. Daily, you are giving him a wonderful gift." I'd told her that she needs to write a book about pleasing you husband and feeling good about yourself. She could help others. She told me that she didn't want to do that. I told her that many blacks don't do that and she should help others. She told me that she has several black friends that are nude in their house all the time too.

So I'm guessing there's a "secret society" that we don't know of.

I know many of my hispanic friends say that their household is very open to nudity. Escpically with the females.

What do you guys think about this?
blavan Posted - 04/09/2010 : 09:02:41 AM
I have had the experience of Gunnison Nudist beach twice to check it out before bring my wife there. On one of my trips there was a fully clothed man taking pictures of me and of other people without permission. When I protested, he ran off to the parking lot.
On another trip to Gunnison, two men were vigorously having sex with each other at the south end of the nudist area, and a man and a woman were masturbating each other in clear view for all to see. To each his own. (perhaps there should be places set aside for open sex for those who want to do that), but we must consider how we as nudists are perceived by the general public because we want them to accept our right to our nudist lifestyle. We have also been to Halouver Beach, and had fully clothed hispanic males stare very closely at nude women. We no longer go to nudist beaches.
We have never seen that at any of the 15 nudist resorts we have visited over the past 16 years. People of all races are safer at resorts. Resorts are much more comfortable and safe, because people get background checks.
Nudony Posted - 04/06/2010 : 6:07:40 PM
Originally posted by Skyclad27

I've actually seen quite a few black families at Gunnison Beach with kids an all.. Maybe I guess it's the resorts they don't show to much interest in...

Life is short,PLAY NAKED!!
Blessed Be!!

There is definitely a greater minority population at the nude beach, from Gunnison to Haulover. I've seen african-american, asian, hispanic and even indian/pakistani people there.

At the nudist resort...not so much. So you make a good point. The reasons, IMHO, at least in part, are anonymity and commitment. Going to the nude beach is a less "committed" act than going to the resort. The perception is that at the nude beach, one can come and go and undress as one pleases; whereas at the nudist resort, one will "have to" go nude and mingle.
Also, there is the perception that at the nude beach, one can "disappear" in the crowd and not draw any attention; whereas at the resort, everyone there is going to be "in your business" and notice you.

Now, from the standpoint of a minority, the idea that everyone is going to note that you're a nude minority in the midst of a primarily caucasian environment can be a deterrent. My wife initially took issue with being the only african-american female at the resort; more precisely the perception of being an "object" of attention and scrutiny. And she felt that being nude at the resort, as opposed to home, was too "committed"; as she didn't want to be labeled a nudist - which she felt might cause her mostly anti-nudity friends and family to judge her - harshly.

In time, she came to feel comfortable with those perceived issues, i.e being the only african-american nude female and being expected to join in socially. But for many minorities, these issues remain problematic.

blavan Posted - 04/06/2010 : 10:21:02 AM
We are a black couple practicing social nudism for 16 years now. Our experience has been that typically we are the only black people at most of the resorts we have attended, and sometimes there are a few blacks and other non-whites present. We have not experienced any feelings of racism at any resort we have attended together. We have been to about 15 different nudist or clothing optional resorts over the years from New England to Florida. We long for the day when more people of color will become social nudists. We are true family style nudists and it is dissappointing that most of the time when we have casually mentioned our nudist lifestyle to other people no matter what their race, the typical response is a negative one which demonstrates the overall ignorance that people share in America regarding nudism. We have tried to give people credit for being smarter that that.
Many people also have religious hang-ups about being naked in mixed company. We believe that people should be accepted as a result of their behavior demonstrating mutuals respect. Nudists ought to be an accepting group of people who are not so critical of others. There are athiest nudists amoung us and also some of the most spiriual and Godly people we have met who are openly nudists. We find that to be refreshing, and to be one of the most valuable aspects of being nudists.
MTBnudist Posted - 04/04/2010 : 9:36:01 PM
I've actually seen quite a few black families at Gunnison Beach with kids an all.. Maybe I guess it's the resorts they don't show to much interest in...

Life is short,PLAY NAKED!!
Blessed Be!!
scorpiohoney Posted - 04/04/2010 : 4:58:59 PM
I've been attending events since 2007 and unless I'm bringing a group of friends the majority everywhere is white folks. By everywhere I mean I've been to - - - (formerly - - - , - -, - - Tampa, Sunsport and a few other spots.

Has anyone found an event or venue where people of color are in the majority?
n/a Posted - 01/26/2010 : 9:01:16 PM
I do not have choice because I am a Barbadian and I live on Barbados.

It is a conservative society... even if there is never a nudist beach... we have to use our beaches as best we can...

A Barbadian nudist has no choice but to make use of whatever secluded place is available

It is our only option... if we are to be nudists

Best Wishes,
Stephen Mendes

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