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T O P I C    R E V I E W
monicat2010 Posted - 06/10/2010 : 03:06:42 AM
Hi my nudist friends,

Where do you like to be naked? A survey from a nudist dating site [deleted] says: there are more than 100,000,000 nudist or nudist-curious. Most of them love to be naked at home. Only a few nudists love sunbathing. How about you?

Edited by - Admin to remove repeated spam.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
soonbnude Posted - 04/04/2017 : 08:33:53 AM

Just back from a camping trip in our High Country in Victoria, and did a bit of skinny dipping and some sun catching. Got caught by a sister -in-law and she hardly blinked. She didn't join me but maybe another time. Think other in the group did their own thing like this too. We all needed a wash but the water is particularly cold so there was no staying in the water long. Anyway a good time was had by all.

Cheers, SBN.
FireProf Posted - 04/01/2017 : 8:49:12 PM
Thanks for the tech info!

I've teed off bottomless but the Prof is too busy watching out for any golf carts coming our way for her to take my picture. Maybe I should start her off at the 19th to calm her down first! LOL

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
gnarlyoldman Posted - 04/01/2017 : 7:46:32 PM
Originally posted by FireProf

I played in flip flops our first year and barefooted our last two visits. This last visit was with close textile friends and I played barefoot the entire 18 and it felt great. If it had been just the Prof and I, we could have easily played several holes naked. No one on the course and no homes anywhere nearby. Grounds crew were too busy sitting around the cart barn BS'ing!

Sounds like fun. Bare feet are the best around a golf course. Maybe next time you can get naked out by the back nine if its not busy.

Having an issue with uploading an image ... any help?

I haven't been able to upload photos to this site. My photo above is on my personal web site. To include it here I right click on the image which gives a menu. Select "Copy Image Location." That returns a URL for the image to your clip board. Then paste the URL here with "img" and "/img" around it in brackets instead of quotes. Then you can Center and /center the whole thing to put it in the middle of the page. That works for me.

This URL for the photo becomes this photo:

This is March 31, 2017 at a seasonal pond now overflowing because of so much rain this spring.

ALSO VERY IMPORTANT for posting photos:

Shrink and edit your photos to be NET READY before you post them. My photos start out 4000 pixels across. I use a free download photo editor called "PhotoScape" which allows me to CROP and then RESIZE photos to only 500 pixels across the long way. This is a 500 pixel photo, about the right size for this kind of page. PhotoScape can also add blur or back lighting, etc. You may have another editor software. Don't go posting huge raw camera photos. That takes too long loading, and may mess up the site page.

To post your photo here you first have to post it elsewhere, and then get its URL. The hardest part may be finding another site to post your photo on-line. used to be good. My account there got cancelled for some reason. Many web sites prohibit nudity.

1. Process photos from camera to be Net Ready
2. Post photos on a web server.
3. Copy URL of photo on server.
4. Paste URL here with "IMG" brackets.

Give it a try. Show us a photo. Have fun.

p.s. I'm not sure what the Admins think of posting nude photos on this forum. Its not been very common in the several years I've been posting here. Lets just do it and if it they don't like our sharing they can delete it.

Naked is green.
FireProf Posted - 04/01/2017 : 11:41:14 AM
The Prof and I have played golf in Hawaii 3 times now. The course we've played is on Oahu and toward the North Shore. It's not the greatest little exec course but it's fun and "they're casual," about appropriate dress. We weren't sure what they meant until we saw a young couple playing. She in a pretty skimpy bikini and he in just swim trucks ... both of them barefoot.

I played in flip flops our first year and barefooted our last two visits. This last visit was with close textile friends and I played barefoot the entire 18 and it felt great. If it had been just the Prof and I, we could have easily played several holes naked. No one on the course and no homes anywhere nearby. Grounds crew were too busy sitting around the cart barn BS'ing!

Having an issue with uploading an image ... any help?

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
gnarlyoldman Posted - 03/28/2017 : 09:28:56 AM
Originally posted by Nude in AK

Like it! While I do not play golf, how do you keep your footing with no golf shoes?

Bare feet are very good at keeping your footing. Millions of years of evolution.

The PGA (Professional Golf Association) says its OK to golf barefoot.

Naked is green.
Nude in AK Posted - 03/28/2017 : 03:49:39 AM
Like it! While I do not play golf, how do you keep your footing with no golf shoes?
Originally posted by gnarlyoldman

Naked on the golf course works for me.

Naked is green.

gnarlyoldman Posted - 03/26/2017 : 5:41:27 PM
Naked on the golf course works for me.

Naked is green.
soonbnude Posted - 03/26/2017 : 4:20:53 PM

OK, thanks, yep like our State and National Parks managed by Govt agencies, yet to be privatised here but who knows.
Not aware of any nude camping in ours but now you have spiked an interest, I'll start looking.

nudehndymn Posted - 03/26/2017 : 07:51:24 AM
BLM is the Bureau of Land Management a fedral agency that manages public lands
soonbnude Posted - 03/25/2017 : 07:42:20 AM

Nude as often as possible at home but my wife is a textile mostly but is getting more used to my nudity. She is walking around after a bath or shower naked but not outside yet, well not much, that might improve when our new fence is built.

Not sure what you mean by BLM land, is that like a State or National Park or Forest? Nude camping in a State / National Park here is unlikely due to the numbers of people generally. The nude camps I know of a large sections of privately owned land set up as a resort / specific for nude camping.

Guess that's the benefit of having 300 million people in a country of similar size as Oz with 24 million and we struggle in this sense. Nude resorts in Queensland (a beautiful warm climate most of the year) are closing. Anyway that's another topic. Be great to be able to be nude in more outdoor places.

Cheers, SBN.
nudehndymn Posted - 03/25/2017 : 06:43:37 AM
The wife and I are a duplicate of fireproof. Nude at home 24/7 unless we have textile company. Camp on BLM land were nudity is not a problem and we park with the tow car positioned to block gawkers and have our sarongs at hand if need be.
oldnudyman Posted - 03/24/2017 : 5:33:42 PM
Originally posted by Jimmie2

Still this place!

Just finished resurfacing the tiki bar deck, painted the back of the house and pressure cleaned the pool deck - all while nude of course! And of course, Cypress Cove while camping!!!


The best of both worlds.
NudeNate Posted - 03/23/2017 : 11:17:51 AM
Originally posted by soonbnude

Often do some skinny dipping on our 4x4 trips but usually just for a wash and a clean up to refresh. The water is usually pretty cold so you don't stay in very long.
I'm a bit jealous as our warm days are getting a little cooler as is to be expected and the cold ones are coming. Might have to go north in the winter.


Jimmie2 Posted - 03/23/2017 : 07:11:37 AM
Still this place!

Just finished resurfacing the tiki bar deck, painted the back of the house and pressure cleaned the pool deck - all while nude of course! And of course, Cypress Cove while camping!!!

soonbnude Posted - 03/23/2017 : 05:56:35 AM

Often do some skinny dipping on our 4x4 trips but usually just for a wash and a clean up to refresh. The water is usually pretty cold so you don't stay in very long.
I'm a bit jealous as our warm days are getting a little cooler as is to be expected and the cold ones are coming. Might have to go north in the winter.


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