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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 10/03/2008 : 2:20:10 PM
Complex questions about site policy are welcome here.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feelingthebreeze Posted - 04/30/2018 : 12:50:49 PM
I agree it would be nice to submit photos here and chat. I wish I could use my actual image as an Avatar
Nude in AK Posted - 04/30/2018 : 11:42:12 AM
Admin, it does not appear that any 'albums' have been added in a long time. How does one go about setting up an 'album' and adding pictures from time to time? I may have a 'challenge' on what pictures to have, but Alaska has a lot to offer and is worth sharing.
Admin Posted - 11/06/2017 : 7:42:08 PM
Thanks for asking, Nude in AK.

We lost that ability some time ago when the discussion forum software was converted to a different database.

This site is built on ancient software that no longer has a developer community. We can no longer upload images for galleries, avatars, profile pics or embeds. If you've got something you'd like uploaded, I can manually upload it. Just send me an email at

We still have the main Photo Gallery for exceptional nude photography. Submissions can be sent to
Nude in AK Posted - 10/12/2017 : 11:09:58 AM
Admin, How does one go about building a photo gallery?
Admin Posted - 12/18/2014 : 10:13:28 PM
Originally posted by nudesunguy

ditto. Is there anything we can do to help eliminate the spam?

There may be a way to help reduce the damage when they do show up. If you'll occasionally go to New Members (in the Members Menu) and see that some are from Canada with all random letters, you could give me an early alert before this guy does his mischief.

Just email me at with the username. That could help to reduce the spam. You can also use the PM box.
FireProf Posted - 12/17/2014 : 02:56:49 AM
Just glad you're well ... and just busy!


Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Admin Posted - 12/17/2014 : 02:11:19 AM
Regarding bitcoin, perhaps the Doc is right. I've found out how many nudists prefer to tip in bitcoin. It's a very "round" number. LOL

Actually the site's not making any money whatsoever. It's always been a challenge to monetize. People don't click on banners any more. So the bitcoin solicitation can go bye-bye as well.

I'm glad Bill has been following my favorite disruptive technology. Just this week Microsoft and Time, Inc. started accepting bitcoin for some of their products. They join Expedia, Overstock, TigerDirect, DishNetwork and a host of others taking bitcoin seriously as a valid income stream.

Regarding the interest in social nudity. Ever use Google Trends? Here's how nudist, naturist and swinger interest compares over the last several years.

As you can see, interest in all of these has dropped to half what it was in 2005. Let's add bitcoin to that search.

Bitcoin on a bad day has more interest than nudists, naturists, or swingers. Hmm. Now let's get real.

Just keeping things in perspective. Miss Kardashian seems to have a long career still ahead of her.

Should I get lucky and win the lottery, would I invest in a nudist resort fixer-upper, or put it all in bitcoin? Look at the chart and you tell me. I would think an investor would want to catch that next heartbeat when bitcoin hits another wave. That should be any day now.

Regarding spam control, I wish there was an elegant solution. This forum software is not currently being developed and updated; the Snitz community that created it has disbanded years ago. The IP control that used to limit spam has not worked for years. I'm resorting to manual clean up.

If I didn't have to keep my web design business going I'd take a week or two off and address many problems here. The site requires some major surgery and updates. It's old and creaky. It's a bit frustrating as the site revenue has dropped from dismal to zero over the years.

The spam has increased partly because there is obviously some software available to spam the crap out of a Snitz forum. As you can see, the usernames all have that random appearance, and they claim to all originate from Canada. So we can be glad that it may be just one insanely clueless spammer.

My apologies for not being here more often. Sometimes a member will alert me to a spam flood, and I can fix it sooner.

Thanks for your concern FireProf, but I've been well. Lately I've been involved in a big web project that has most of my attention.
nudesunguy Posted - 12/15/2014 : 9:14:51 PM
ditto. Is there anything we can do to help eliminate the spam?

allnaturalwife Posted - 12/15/2014 : 7:18:15 PM
Haven't been on here in a while...what's with all the spam? I am pretty busy this time of year as well so maybe my web time is a lot less. I am pretty disappointed in the state of this site though.

free2be Posted - 12/12/2014 : 07:40:27 AM
I like to check in daily as well and there isn't much to read as it is all spam. I'm sure that Kevin will get on these spammers soon. I also think that the time between Thanksgiving and New Years Eve, we are all busy with other things and don't respond to posts as, as was mentioned, we don't have anthing more to add to those posts about shaving, etc...that we haven't already voiced our opinions on.
FireProf Posted - 12/11/2014 : 7:25:12 PM
I've sent Admin a few emails and I usually get a response but I haven't in some time and there is more spam lately. I'm hoping he's okay.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Nude in AK Posted - 12/11/2014 : 12:11:11 PM
I try and 'check in' daily to see what is going on, since winter has set in the nude time outdoors is very limited now. But with all od the spam that I see, I kind of stay on the side lines. Hopefully the spam will get to a manageable level to where we can enjoy this site again.
MrsAzLagoon Posted - 12/10/2014 : 9:01:49 PM
I'm not sure the activity on nudist/naturist sites reflects the interest in social nudity. I think the old guard gets a bit weary of shaving and erection questions and new folks get discouraged with the lack of response to, what they believe, are new and legitimate questions. We've all been new at something and have to be tolerant of repeated basic questions. If the old guard take the roll of mentors to new members, maybe we can keep it going. Just MHO.

Giving the Admin a little love every now and then might help, too!

Enjoy the sunshine!

MrsAZLagoon-AKA C-OHome
NaturistDoc Posted - 12/10/2014 : 2:37:26 PM
Ack. I just realized that I wrote a similar whine 3 years ago!
NaturistDoc Posted - 12/10/2014 : 2:27:04 PM
Is this website dying? Lately it seems that on most days, spam posts outnumber legitimate posts. Can nothing be done to filter them out? And speaking of legitimate posts, there seems to be a very long delay in getting new topics "moderated" so that members can reply to them. And why are so few people contributing posts to this site? Is the world of nudism/naturism really that stagnant?

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