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T O P I C    R E V I E W
b123igt Posted - 08/11/2007 : 12:05:31 PM
I am a new memeber and new to this forum.I am a 59 y/o married male. I enjoy being nude at home and sleep nude. I recently told my wife that I wanted to try social nudism. I contact a small, new, only open week-end club. The owner offered to give us a clothed tour during the week when no one was there but him. She said absolutely not. She also said it is gross and disgusting. I am in central North Carolina and as all know, a "single" male is note very welcome. I really feel that my wanting to experience social nudism is now cut off because of this. Any suggestions or help.

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15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
OLD BUZZARD Posted - 04/09/2010 : 6:54:04 PM
My wife isnt a nudist eather. but i have her blessing and i go out to the magic circle weekly.sure wish she would change her mind,wlii keep working on her and hope for the best

nakedmodel Posted - 04/02/2010 : 1:37:35 PM
Hey, I'm glad I found this topic. Now I can talk to you who understand me. M wife has no interest nudity either. But I go around nude anyway. She doesn't like when I do it & we have had some heated discussions over it. But during the first 15 years of our marriage it never bothered her. She said it was"cute" that I went around naked. One day she taped me doing a strip tease to music while her sister & a friend watched. They really enjoyed it & I always went nude with them there. When I would get home from work the first thing I would do is take my clothes off & stay naked until we went out. One morning when we got out of bed my wife shouted at me to get dressed & stop the nudity. She said she doesn't like it & I should keep my clothes on. She said when she's not home I can go nude then & join a nudist club. One morning she left to run some errands & I was lounging around nude. When she came home she shouted,"NAKED AGAIN! NAKED! NAKED! NAKED! YOU'RE ALWAYS NAKED!" So I got dressed to shut her up. I reminded her about the many times I was naked with her sister & friends there & she didn't mind. She denied the whole thing. One night she was going out with her friend & told me to please be dressed. They might come inside. So I put on a robe. When they got inside my wife told me to take the robe off. Her friend said it was ok if I kept it on. But my wife kept insisting that I take it off "right now." So I took the robe off & I was naked. She said that's not what she meant. Her friend told her to calm down & askes her what the problem was. I still sleep nude & go nude with her at home. She just looks the other way.
ah2benude Posted - 07/30/2009 : 08:12:28 AM
There is nothing wrong with going to a nudist beach or resort as a single as long as your spouse knows. I have been doing it for years. You stated that you go to baseball games without her, and that's fine, because most people do not equate baseball with sex, but they do with nudism.

I don't know if you wife knows about your liking of our lifestyle and just doesn't care to participate, or she is totaly against it. If she is not against it, perhaps you could look up all the information you can on the subject, and then sit down with her and tell her that you would like to try it. See how she feels about it.

My wife and I, like many other couples, enjoy doing many things together. But we don't do everything together. There are activities that we enjoy seperately. And we've learned that it is o.k. We aren't all joined at the hip.

Randall50 Posted - 07/29/2009 : 9:43:52 PM
I am planning my first visit to a nudist site without my wife and without her knowledge. I've read the advice above against doing that. Why? I attend baseball events without her. What is the reasoning behind not attending without my spouse?
Diger Posted - 07/29/2009 : 7:42:02 PM
I agree frecospirit, It's not a good Idea to go to nude places without your spouse. I just wouldn't want to go without her anyway, I don't see the fun in that.

freecospirit Posted - 07/27/2009 : 2:23:39 PM
Be patient and do not try to force your wife into anything that she is not happy with. You say that you sleep nude and spend time nude at home, you haven't said how your wife feels about sleeping nude and being nude in the home. It may be that she will never be happy nude in company, if she is a similar age to you and has been all her life that is highly likely. I do not belong to any club but I do go to clothing optional beaches with my wife who sometimes bares all and sometimes not. I notice other couples on the beach some both bare, some only one partner and some both clothed. As long as she doesn't mind going to CO beaches with you and doesn't mind you being nude accept that, if she feels ready she will but as long as you can go nude with her "blessing" be happy. I would not go to nude places without her if you value your marriage.
jerseysomething Posted - 06/12/2009 : 10:47:23 AM
I have been in the same situation for some quite time... but there IS hope.

After years of trying to get my wife to try a CO beach, she finally went to Gunnison with me in May. I thought it would never happen. While she has not fully embraced this concept, at least she has opened up a bit. She took her top off for a while but was still uncomfortable whenever someone walked by.

Unfortunately, we have not had the time or the favorable weather for a return trip. Hopefully we will have an opportunity before the summer is gone.

Good luck to you other guys in this situation... you never know.

NaturistDoc Posted - 06/11/2009 : 11:29:47 PM
As I read through this thread, I am once more reminded how fabulous my wife is. No encouragement, nagging, pleading, reasoning, etc. was ever needed. I am one lucky swine.
1970Alumni Posted - 06/11/2009 : 9:25:21 PM
I'm brand new to this site and recently retired. My first thought on reading this thread was, "where have these guys been all my life". Our situation is nearly identical to those on this thread. I've wanted to do this - nude recreation, since I was 14 - and my wife of 37 years has absolutely no interest. Reading these replies has given me a great insight on how to approach her on the subject. Thanks so much to those that have shared their experiences here. At least now I know that our situation is fare from unique - and it will take patience and a lot of convincing to move ahead.
tommyjoe Posted - 06/10/2009 : 12:25:50 PM
I am in the same boat with you. I am 57 and enjoy this lifestyle very much. But my wife is like that. I don't know if I will ever convince her to try it let aloan go to a C/O beach or resort. I guess I'll have to keep trying. But there are no places that will let a married man go without his spouse.

Diger Posted - 06/08/2009 : 5:53:21 PM
Originally posted by sharon52942

I was very much like your wife, but at about 60 years old, something clicked. and now I think I'm going to try a nudist resort. Good luck. Hang in there. sharon52942


If you enjoy going to a textile beach. don't go you will never be able to stand a swimsuit again.

Just kidding ... LOL

You will enjoy yourself and wonder why you never tried it sooner.

sharon52942 Posted - 06/08/2009 : 4:08:38 PM
When my wife and I were dating, she and I would spend entire weekends in my apartment nude, both in and out of the bedroom. She was (and remains) very conservative and I only saw her in public in a bikini once.

Through the years, she has become much more self-conscious and even more conservative religiously. Now she will only wear tankinis to the beach, is rarely totally nude at home, and only behind closed doors. In fact, she has stopped changing clothes in front of me and changes in our walk-in closet. She has pretty much the same great figure she had before and after the birth of our child so this change mystifies me. I have done my best to be supportive and not pressure her into anything.

Reluctantly, but with no other real alternative, I have resorted to being a "male married single" despite the difficult challenge at finding clubs that are accepting of those in my situation. I am not a swinger, am not interested in swinging, and just enjoy sunning, swimming, and socializing nude in a safe, comfortable setting.

Fortunately, I know of two clubs that are accepting, one with no extra fees and one that would allow me to attend their events if I "sponsor" a single female's attendance fee (even if she doesn't accompany me.) One is a great distance away so I can only visit when I'm in that area on business travel.

My wife won't even wear revealing lingerie or sexy bikinis in the bedroom despite my best efforts at a crawl/walk/run approach to increase her body acceptance. I invited her once to visit a local nudist club and she was totally horrified at the prospect and seemed genuinely hurt and devastated that I could even suggest it. I have dropped the subject and will probably never ask her again.

I wish I could enjoy social nudism as a couple with my wife, but that is probably as possible as a manned spaceflight to Jupiter in our lifetime. Regrettably, I can only visit nudist clubs when my spouse and I are apart (either she is out of town or I'm on business travel.)

I realize most clubs and resorts openly discriminate against male singles, especially male married singles, to preserve their idea of an "optimum" male/female mix and I respect the right of private clubs to set theor own policies even if I don't agree with them.

To those clubs that do give us male married singles the chance to attend your events or visit, please accept my heartfelt, sincere thanks and appreciation for being willing to accommodate those in my circumstances.

I have really been fortunate to meet some really great people and even make a few new friends at the open minded clubs I have been allowed to visit. I did my absolute best to be an ideal guest and earn invitations to return (and I have passed the tests and received invitations to return.) Fortunately, the clubs haven't been too judgmental or inquisitive to question why I was attending as a male single (married or otherwise), though being on business travel out of state certainly explained the absence of my spouse at one club.

I really hope that one day my wife will decide of her own volition without any pressure on my part to go to a clothing optional or nudist venue with me. Until that happens, I'm constrained to participating as a married single. I can't (and don't want to) force anyone to accept me if they don't want to, but I thought that nudists were generally more accepting.

It's probably too much to ask, but it sure would be nice if there was a separate thread or listing of open-minded clubs that either don't discriminate against married male singles, or at least will consider allowing us to attend their events even with some degree of screening or extra charges.

I was very much like your wife, but at about 60 years old, something clicked. and now I think I'm going to try a nudist resort. Good luck. Hang in there. sharon52942
77777 Posted - 05/04/2009 : 05:42:19 AM
When my wife and I were dating, she and I would spend entire weekends in my apartment nude, both in and out of the bedroom. She was (and remains) very conservative and I only saw her in public in a bikini once.

Through the years, she has become much more self-conscious and even more conservative religiously. Now she will only wear tankinis to the beach, is rarely totally nude at home, and only behind closed doors. In fact, she has stopped changing clothes in front of me and changes in our walk-in closet. She has pretty much the same great figure she had before and after the birth of our child so this change mystifies me. I have done my best to be supportive and not pressure her into anything.

Reluctantly, but with no other real alternative, I have resorted to being a "male married single" despite the difficult challenge at finding clubs that are accepting of those in my situation. I am not a swinger, am not interested in swinging, and just enjoy sunning, swimming, and socializing nude in a safe, comfortable setting.

Fortunately, I know of two clubs that are accepting, one with no extra fees and one that would allow me to attend their events if I "sponsor" a single female's attendance fee (even if she doesn't accompany me.) One is a great distance away so I can only visit when I'm in that area on business travel.

My wife won't even wear revealing lingerie or sexy bikinis in the bedroom despite my best efforts at a crawl/walk/run approach to increase her body acceptance. I invited her once to visit a local nudist club and she was totally horrified at the prospect and seemed genuinely hurt and devastated that I could even suggest it. I have dropped the subject and will probably never ask her again.

I wish I could enjoy social nudism as a couple with my wife, but that is probably as possible as a manned spaceflight to Jupiter in our lifetime. Regrettably, I can only visit nudist clubs when my spouse and I are apart (either she is out of town or I'm on business travel.)

I realize most clubs and resorts openly discriminate against male singles, especially male married singles, to preserve their idea of an "optimum" male/female mix and I respect the right of private clubs to set theor own policies even if I don't agree with them.

To those clubs that do give us male married singles the chance to attend your events or visit, please accept my heartfelt, sincere thanks and appreciation for being willing to accommodate those in my circumstances.

I have really been fortunate to meet some really great people and even make a few new friends at the open minded clubs I have been allowed to visit. I did my absolute best to be an ideal guest and earn invitations to return (and I have passed the tests and received invitations to return.) Fortunately, the clubs haven't been too judgmental or inquisitive to question why I was attending as a male single (married or otherwise), though being on business travel out of state certainly explained the absence of my spouse at one club.

I really hope that one day my wife will decide of her own volition without any pressure on my part to go to a clothing optional or nudist venue with me. Until that happens, I'm constrained to participating as a married single. I can't (and don't want to) force anyone to accept me if they don't want to, but I thought that nudists were generally more accepting.

It's probably too much to ask, but it sure would be nice if there was a separate thread or listing of open-minded clubs that either don't discriminate against married male singles, or at least will consider allowing us to attend their events even with some degree of screening or extra charges.

The Natural One Posted - 04/19/2009 : 02:32:48 AM
Originally posted by Diger

Natural One,

Sounds like the freedom of nudity may have been passed on to your daughters inspite of your wife's change of attitude. For your grandaughter to know about your habits, someone must have been talking to her. I would find the time to talk to your daughters to get some idea of their attitude. They could be home nudies and not want their mom to know because of her attitude now. They could even have some clue to what changed their mom's attitude about home nudity.

That's a tough one .... Good Luck.


I hope to someday be 100 years old and enjoy the freedom of going nude anywhere I want to. As for now I enjoy the colorado sunshine, and hope to to someday be able to share my joy with others. I guess I am just a little weird. Love to tan nude on my back porch. Neighbors may not like it much but I have some nice bushes and fences. ( No one has called the cops yet, knock on wood. ) Still trying to get my wife to join me. My oldest Daughter said she went topless once on vacation. I said good for you! My other just got back from vacation and stayed covered up, even in the Asian heat.

Diger Posted - 04/16/2009 : 9:35:46 PM
I agree pressure doesn't work. However you will be surprised at the posts here with some guy complaining his wife wont go to a nude resort/beach and in the same breath say she won't even go nude at home.

Well what makes them think she would go to a resort/beach if she won't go nude at home. You cant run till you can walk.


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