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 The Smooth Nudist Forum - dedicated to shaving
 Your feelings on smoothie gals?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
later Posted - 02/13/2007 : 12:59:27 PM
I have been a smoothie for a long time. I enjoy the look and the feel. My wife is close trimmed or smooth. She says smooth is the best but not as easy to maintain as a close trim. I like either look, but prefer as little hair as possible. What do you think?

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15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mr Smoothie 67 Posted - 12/05/2014 : 4:42:44 PM
Me, I like the smoothie look as to a full bush. My wife and I are smooth even when we both met as to she said she had started a couple years before we met and I have always been smooth since my teen years. Beside to me it is a personal preference as for what one does. I do it to feel more comfortable and it seem to me that I feel cleaner. Again in a nudist community and it shouldn't matter if one is a smoothie or full bush and it doesn't matter to me one bit!
bionicbare Posted - 06/15/2013 : 2:22:37 PM
I like the smoothee look on everyone. I feel happy every time I see smooth bodies. Yes, I'm physically attracted more to people with less hair. But aesthetically I like hairlessness on myself and others.

I think smoothee women are more beautiful than those with hair--but male or female, it's a personal choice.
joekar Posted - 05/28/2013 : 12:55:41 PM
My wife prefers the smooth look. Her body, her choice. As for me, I resemble a bear dipped in Rogaine. Shaving would be a nonstop process for me, so I just run the trimmer over most of my body when I do my weekly haircut. So, I'd like to be able to try the smooth look, genetics has said its a no go for me. Plus side is I'm rarely cold!
smoothman60 Posted - 05/24/2013 : 4:51:22 PM
We are both smooth our friends are the same it looks good on both sexes
nudesunguy Posted - 04/14/2013 : 10:47:35 AM
I just realized the above topic refers to "smoothie gals." My comments still hold, maybe even more so. Since women are often in the minority at nudist venues, they should be encouraged to have any "hair style" they deem fit, and that includes shaving and then drawing it back on with eyeliner (just kidding, sorta).

nudesunguy Posted - 04/14/2013 : 10:35:03 AM
Well, there are some nudists who feel doing ANYTHING that attracts attention to the genitals is somehow "wrong," and I guess they would put shaving in that category since in some cases it can cause you to look (although not so much these days). The problem with this theory is that certain people are built in a way that attracts attention to their genitals (well endowed, long lips, etc.). Should they cover up, not be nudists, or is it ok in these cases since it is natural? I personally know nudists who are bald and those who are hairy beasts; we all live in peace and harmony and enjoy the diversity. It would be a boring world if everyone shaved or everyone was shaggy. As naturists I think we have bigger issues to discuss, such as why do the nudist ranks seem to be dwindling?

FireProf Posted - 04/13/2013 : 9:59:02 PM
Daretobare ... on the contrary, we still hear the that very comment from people here and on other sites. Read back through and you'll see that. It's one of the dumbest statements I've ever read and though it shouldn't get under my skin ... the fact that one nudist will call another nudist, prepubesent, for having shaved their pubic hair is not only dumb ... it's hypocritical. It's merely a grooming choice, such as shaving ones face, a woman shaving her legs or underarms and a male doing the same. WHAT DIFFERENCE does it really make?

It kills me that some nudists are so bothered by what some other nudist does with their body. It makes as much sense as a nudist asking a nudist, why we would ever want to take our clothes off.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Daretobare Posted - 04/13/2013 : 05:20:45 AM
Makes sense to me what your saying nudony. I think when shaving bald first started you heard more about it looking like a child. I think now that its more common you don't hear of it as much. Truth be known those who so against it are probably skeptical of it for personal reasons. Like spouse don't approve, what will the others at t he gym think, what will the doctor think. Kind of falls in line of a textiles thoughts of nudity. But once you tried it you find out " hey this ain't So bad after all"
Nudony Posted - 04/12/2013 : 10:56:06 PM
I think that even if the textile world moves away from complete "baldness", the nudist world will not necessarily follow suit. Smoothness has become entrenched in the nudist culture; and will not likely disappear anytime soon.

When I first started going to Mazo Beach, I was amazed at the fact that the majority of the people there were completely shaven. I was coming from the rustic family resort world, where most people trimmed but did not completely shave. The following week end, before I headed back to Mazo, I grabbed my razor...and went completely smooth. I've been going smooth to Mazo ever since.
I'm not a conformist or a follower. My reasoning for going smooth was simply: "Why not!?" I didn't see any contradictions between being a nudist and being smooth. And that way, I didn't have to worry about trimming, and how much/little to trim. It's the same reson I shave my head bald. It's just simpler.

I've heard the objection over they years, coming primarily from older nudists. "It looks too much like a preteen's genitals", or "it's just too revealing." Those comments are usually targeted at women moreso than men. But what are those comments really saying?
- "It looks too much like a child's nude body?" Can anyone really say that they suddenly couldn't tell the difference between a 10 year old and a 40 year old's nude body after shaving?
If that's the case I know a good optometrist I can recommend.
- "It's just too revealing.." What exactly are we talking about here? If we're talking about the hairless female vagina, let's talk about the male genitalia first. We (men) can't hide ours; it is always visible when we're nude. If we're saying that the female vagina shouldn't be visible, then we're flying in the face of everything we've ever said about body acceptance. It's not just a contradiction; it is hypocrisy.

Just something to think about.

blavan Posted - 04/12/2013 : 12:32:20 PM
We love the look and feel of being totally smooth. We love to be smooth. For those who prefer pubic hair then that is OK as well. Live and let grow. Whatever makes you happier. Cannot understand attacking anyone about their choice. Let's celebrate the diversity in hair choices. Let us as nudists support each other.

Being Naked and Being Real
Daretobare Posted - 04/12/2013 : 06:22:09 AM
Yes, isn't it amazing how this subject upsets so many people. First of all I thought you weren't to gawky at each other. Must be a lot of that going on in order to know and pass judgement on smoothies. How often to you hear a smoothie comment on a non- smoothie. Not as much.
Furthermore isnt the nudist society suppose to be less judgmental of each other? If you fail that test than you're required to put your clothes back on.
FireProf Posted - 04/12/2013 : 01:26:18 AM
Okay ... Okay ... all of you anti smooth pubic area "nudists" WIN! We give up! We hope you're all happy and we can put this and other threads of this type to rest. I'm so glad we got that taken care of now and from now on ... we will ask for your permission before we do anything to OUR bodies.

ALL of you smoothies out there ... grow your pubic hair back. It's no longer YOUR choice ... the "anti's" have spoken ... over and over and over and over ....

I guess I'll save money on razors now.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
NaturistDoc Posted - 04/11/2013 : 8:57:59 PM
t would seem that the smooth look is going out of fashion.
outdoorfun1 Posted - 03/18/2013 : 07:52:22 AM
My wife is also smooth, she says she loves the look and fell. And I totally agree with her.
PaulieTanalot Posted - 02/09/2013 : 3:42:48 PM
I love the smooth look

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