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 The Smooth Nudist Forum - dedicated to shaving
 The smooth club

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
naked-bob Posted - 05/10/2004 : 07:01:36 AM
This is the club where all the "smoothies" are welcome to talk about shaving.Are you an smooth, when was your first time when you shave?,stories,questions,all about shaving is welcome hear!I hope you will enjoy this club!
Keep it smooth!Keep it shave!

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bubbabubba Posted - 03/19/2017 : 12:34:09 PM
As a teen who didn't even shave my face yet I tried a crotch shave and loved what I looked like....I did it at least once a year thru college and as I got older-- ALWAYS kept my balls slick and manscaped the rest...

zaveh Posted - 11/23/2014 : 02:05:59 AM
Like Mr. Smoothie 67, I had it all lasered, including the full intimate area. The feeling is smooth and nice, no prickling stubble anywhere. I can recommend it to anyone who wants to be smooth. Also, the results last for a long time (6 months apprx.)

Mr Smoothie 67 Posted - 09/30/2014 : 10:53:12 PM
I've been shaving since I was like 14-15 on and off and never let it go to a full bush till I was 20 and since then I have been smooth. I have now gotten laser hair removal finally. I never though I would do it but I just like it much better that way and now I know that I will be a smoothy for every I hope it works anyways.
Shaver77 Posted - 07/04/2013 : 10:06:22 AM
we have been smooth for 15+ years - waxed : )
sailawaybob Posted - 06/19/2013 : 8:06:18 PM
been smooth consistantly for about 5 years now each year prior clipping/shaving off more till i'm smooth below my nose, it's a lot cooler in the summer and tanning is a lot easier. i like the look and feel and can't understand why folks think only females can be smooth especially the legs.
n/a Posted - 06/18/2013 : 9:38:41 PM
I have been smooth for many years. It just feels better to me. I don't mind hair on others, though. No judgement for personal style.
smoothman60 Posted - 06/18/2013 : 5:56:52 PM
I've been smooth for 25+ years I prefer to be that way wife iss the same as we are nude most of the time even family and friends say it looks good some have even shaved and said how good it looks and feels and wished they had done it sooner
outdoorfun1 Posted - 03/18/2013 : 5:16:50 PM
My wife, daughter and I are all smooth, we have been like that since i can remember. I think it is each person's own choice, but I prefer smooth any day!
n/a Posted - 04/01/2012 : 08:10:07 AM
I more often than most times do keep mine with some hair I find shaving to look more odd even if it feels better, But I think right now is the longest I have been shaved for about 2 months straight now. That and it takes me so long to grow my hair back.
léo Posted - 01/26/2012 : 11:09:28 AM
Bonjour les rasés

I started with an ordinary razor, first with shaving cream and then, when I found results were better, under the shower. The problem, if that's not too much of a word, is that I needed, or more truthfully wanted, to do it every day. Which wasn't quite an obsession but equally wasn't entirely rewarding because it always left a rougness in the corners, if you see what I mean. The razor never seemed to clear it.

I was consideing waxing, which I wanted for my legs anyway, but then I realised I could at least experiment with tweezers. It would be easier, certainly cheaper. If it didn't work, I could get the waxing.

So I had a go. The first results were poor, because I thought it would hurt and I snapped at the hair. The result is that it snapped at skin level or just below and grew back quickly.

Then I did it more slowly, pulling each hair in the most natural direction. And to my surprise it wasn't the slightest painful, not above the pubis. There's a sensation of the hair sliding out, and it's astonishing just how much hair is inside you when all you can see on the outside is a millimetre.

Anyway, I kept it up and the result after a month is that there is a little regrowth of the thicker hair that lies parallel to the skin but that the rest has all but vanished. Where it has grown back, it is far finer and shorter.

Plucking hair leaves red marks but they go in a day. I think the same happens with waxing, anyway.

What I did find was that, while I thought it hadn't happened, shaving had caused a lot of hair to regrow just beneath the skin. Just one layer of skin, that's all, but I had to dig them out individually. I was surprised how many, considering I'd have said there weren't any.

The result was a lot of the most minor of wounds, all of which cleared up within a week. Now there's no, trouble at all.

It takes a little maintenance, although not much, although as Lady Bracknell said, everyone man should have a hobby!

nudehndymn Posted - 01/09/2012 : 07:56:40 AM
Tuffers. My wife and i feel the same way as you.
Tuffers Posted - 01/08/2012 : 2:21:06 PM
I love been smooth as much as possible and today I have removed all hair from the nose down. I feel so much cleaner. My wife is a Smoothie too and can understand my desire to be hairless. I really cannot imagine ever going back to having body hair.

wayne a Posted - 01/08/2012 : 1:04:47 PM
As time goes on I seem to shave more and more. I love the smooth look on women and I think I look better smooth too. Our son came home from College for 3 weeks for Christmas and I decided since we wouldn't be able to walk around the house nude like we like to, I would let the hair grow and see what it looked like. Since he let 4 days ago I've been fighting the urge to shave. Today off it came. I don't know why, but I think it looks better. I have very little hair left on my head, I don't shave it but cut it very close, and I don't shave my legs or arms, just my chest and down below.

wishwarm Posted - 01/06/2012 : 6:57:59 PM
I have been smooth in the private area for a decade, but just trim everything else very short, and love the feeling. I think trying it for a month has convinced many to stay with it.

D in Upstate
smoothbill Posted - 05/02/2010 : 11:58:46 AM
I'm 55 y.o. and have been completely smooth from nose to toes since high school. Love the it feels and looks. My girlfriend is also a smoothie.She has been one for 5 years now and would never go back to having hair of any kind.

Keep it smooth

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