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 The Smooth Nudist Forum - dedicated to shaving
 Reactions on being smooth

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cyberman4591 Posted - 08/19/2004 : 08:08:45 AM
Hi all,
Interested to know what kind of recations you got on the fact that you are not only a nudist but also shave. Did you get much negative emotions or just positive?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bubbabubba Posted - 03/19/2017 : 12:23:48 PM
Last summer I visited SANDY HOOK nude beach in New Jersey-- Being gay and only attending all make events had no clue that s omany females were hairless...I think all day I might have seen a dozen bushes (trimmed) all other gals (HUNDREDS) were completely slick and it seemed at least more than half the males were shaved or manscaped.....

smoothman60 Posted - 08/29/2015 : 9:02:47 PM
I have never had a reaction to being smooth even when I meet girlfriend she thought I was great and as the relationship developed she asked me to shave her now we shave each other two or three times a week as we both hate being hairy
free2be Posted - 12/03/2012 : 10:32:14 PM
I had my first hysterical laughing fit from my wife when I recently decided to go smooth yet again. This time, instead of shaving whole sections working from top to bottom...I only did half. So, when I showed my wife, the whole right side of my body was smooth and the whole left side still had hair. It was quite funny...I had to laugh myself when I looked in the mirror. I then shaved the left side to complete the smooth look.
bionicbare Posted - 11/28/2012 : 09:18:26 AM
Originally posted by Daretobare

...How can a person call him or herself a true nudist if they criticise everything or anything to do with the nudist lifestyle....Bad enough we have to reassure those with small penises and other hang ups....

Exactly. Over the years I have read many accounts of nudists worrying about many things that make them "different" being exposed when they are nude around other people. These include breasts of different sizes, mastectomy, small (or unusually large) penises, a colostomy bag (she drew flowers on it with colored markers), large scars, birthmarks, and amputations.

I have had ladies in a venue where it was socially acceptable give a playful tug on my Prince Albert ring through my penis. I have had nothing but warm and welcoming comments about my presence as a leg amputee.

In the year plus that I have been consistently smooth I haven't been to that many naturist events, but the only reaction I have heard is something like "Oh, you're really smooth" (I have no eyebrows, either).

I guess I approach this with the assumption that most nude folk are more accepting than those pesky textile people and wait to be proven wrong.

OTOH, I'm more self-conscious about having a farmer's tan than my two piercings, smoothiness, or missing leg. LOL
smoothboi Posted - 11/26/2012 : 07:38:11 AM
Interesting variety of reactions to being smooth so far......I attend a nude korean unisex health spa ( sauna, steam, hot tubs ) and the persons most relaxed about being nude in public are the asians...they are also more accepting of my smoothness, perhaps partly because asians are really hairless except for their pubic hair
n/a Posted - 11/25/2012 : 08:25:33 AM
I think for a woman it might be easier to shave her area then a man shave his being we have things in the way :)
FireProf Posted - 11/24/2012 : 1:33:16 PM
Originally posted by MrsAzLagoon

Just another of the "nudist educations services" provided in the bed and breakfast business!

Enjoy the sunshine!

MrsAZLagoon-AKA C-OHome

Just be glad you're not making teachers wages! LOL You could be out of a job!

Thanks for continuing to school the uneducated ... here and at the B & B.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
MrsAzLagoon Posted - 11/24/2012 : 11:45:36 AM
Funny that women visiting our B&B's have never asked about shaving. Men, on the other hand, have asked Mr on many occasions "how do you do that". I guess women are used to being plucked, waxed, epilated, shaved, etc and don't need help. Guys seem to be a bit more uneducated about such things. Just another of the "nudist education services" provided in the bed and breakfast business!

Enjoy the sunshine!

MrsAZLagoon-AKA C-OHome
jimmy57 Posted - 11/24/2012 : 06:26:16 AM
Past year been in hospital couple of times, doctors and nurses never said anything me being smooth
Daretobare Posted - 07/12/2012 : 8:28:06 PM
Here! Here! Well spoken Fire..couldn't agree more. Next they'll say nudity is a trend and babies will be born with clothes because being born naked is trend.
FireProf Posted - 07/12/2012 : 3:02:38 PM
Originally posted by renobiker

Fire ---you know as well as anything that shaving or not shaving is just a trend that will pass all I am trying to say is me personally am over this so called trend its run its course and is just no longer relevant and yes truth is shaving came from porn, a nudist didnt just try it one day and say wow this feels amazing or different if porn stars did not begin this trend the general public would still be naturally au natural and not shaved as they go now. :)

Okay ... so how long does a "trend" usually last?

Who deems a "trend" and trend and who decides when it's over? What gives that person, that group the authority to say it's a trend and when it's over? the Prof and I have chosen to have smooth pubic areas. We did it for ourselves ... not for anyone else. We've been like this for about a dozen years. How much longer do we have before we have to grow it back? If we don't want to ever grow it back ... will we be forced to because the "trend" is over?

It's just opinions. There is no authority, there should be no pressure to make people do what "you" want them to or do what "you" prefer. We prefer being shaved but we don't say to others that are not ... "we don't like you because you have pubic hair!" We don't ignore people who have pubic hair, we have lots and lots of nudist friends and aquaintances and to tell you the truth, except for our very close nudist friends, I can't tell you who's shaved and who isn't ... and it really doesn't matter to me ... their friendship and the kind of people they are matters to me.

WE are ALL different. WE in this lifestyle are different from mainstream society and we want to be accepted by mainstream society for who and what we are BUT ... even within our own community of nudists, we still have "nudists" that are unaccepting of other nudists because of certain things they do to their own bodies. We are all different in opinions and ideals but one thing we should be all agree upon is acceptance of those that are nudists and prefer living a life without clothing, when they are able.

We have close friends, very close nudist friends that we do not agree on with regards to politics and religion. We are almost inseperable and stay in contact constantly via the phone or email even though we are states away from each other but because they are of a different political affiliation or religion ... we don't shun them, ignore them or treat them differently. We don't discuss those topics and we are ALL fine with that. Our political and religious thoughts, opinions and affiliations do NOT define our friendship ... nor does the fact that some of them are shaved and some are trimmed and some have a full bush!

We care that those that have a full bush, love those of us that are smooth and those that are trimmed short. We should be promoting acceptance of ALL who prefer being nude/naked as a way of life and not single out those with full mounds of pubic hair from those without!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Daretobare Posted - 07/10/2012 : 9:00:12 PM
I agree with fireprof. How can a person call him or herself a true nudist if they criticise everything or anything to do with the nudist lifestyle. Why does a person feel the need to give stupid opinions on the forums. We should as nudists promote it in every way possible. Bad enough we have to reassure those with small penises and other hang ups. Loosen up people...I don't care about our negativity.
n/a Posted - 07/10/2012 : 12:38:50 PM
Fire ---you know as well as anything that shaving or not shaving is just a trend that will pass all I am trying to say is me personally am over this so called trend its run its course and is just no longer relevant and yes truth is shaving came from porn, a nudist didnt just try it one day and say wow this feels amazing or different if porn stars did not begin this trend the general public would still be naturally au natural and not shaved as they go now. :)
FireProf Posted - 07/10/2012 : 02:06:40 AM
LOL ... maybe you two guys should go read the "why do we do this" thread! LOL

Reno ... didn't you mention something about "acceptance" of people in this lifestyle or ... something to that effect in that thread?

Does a guy that shaves his pubic hair really ... I mean REALLY do harm to you? Isn't it about accepting who that person is and not about whether or not he/she has pubic hair around their genitals.

And why is it that "nudists" or so called "nudists" still refer to someone's genitals as "junk?" Are you afraid to say the words, penis, testicles, scrotum, vagina, labia, pubic area, pubic hair, crotch, anus ... what the heck are we in Jr. High with all these silly kid slang names for genitals?

I, for one, am sick of all these so called nudists that pontificate acceptance but then love to bash someone that isn't just like them!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
nudesunguy Posted - 07/09/2012 : 9:54:57 PM
Originally posted by renobiker

At this point today I am almost becoming sick of the being shaved trend around the genitals but having hair in other places just looks dumb I mean for a man who sports a Tom Selleck chest full of hair but shaves his junk just looks so dumb. Please I beg everyone stop the insanity and leave just a bit of bush down there.

Amen. IMO Nothing stupider-looking than a guy with a hairy belly and shaved crotch. And let's face it, so many people are shaved nowadays that someone with hair actually stands out. Not that there's anything wrong with either.

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