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T O P I C    R E V I E W
fullmonte Posted - 03/17/2009 : 11:38:15 PM
I've always wanted to tell my story, because I think it has some unique and nearly mysterious qualities about it. And, I'd LOVE to hear from others who would like to share the life events or motivations that drew them to nudism.

As for me, I was raised in a very religious, yet physically,mentally and emotionally abusive home. I think this produced a longing to just feel good about anything concerning my life! My grandparents on my Dads side, were a real haven of emotional solace. And it was during the times that I visited them, especially my grandmother, that I first remember the great feeling of being nude. As a very small child, my grandmother would bathe us before bed, and allow us to sleep naked. I remember the cool feel of the bed sheets against my skin, and the feeling of being totally unencumbered by clothes, even PJ's that might bind a bit as one rolls over in bed.
I never spoke of sleeping nude at my Grandparents house to my parents, nor did my sisters that I ever remember.
As my life continued, I delved very deeply into religious fundementalism, and eventually attended a Bible College, that was full of people that believed nudity was sexual and wrong. This made sense to me at the time, and fit into the judgemental and staunch life into which I'd been molded.
Years later,after marrying the Love of my life, whom I had met at Bible College, a friend gave me the gift of a hard bound book called, The Best of Flying Magazine. It was a compilation of interesting articles, that had been published in Flying Magazine.(Flying is another one of my passions) One of the articles, was about a pilot, back in the thirties, that had engine trouble, and made a forced landing in a grass field in the mountains of Pennsylvania. As it turned out, he had landed in a nudist colony called Sunny Rest. It had a picture of nude men and women, pushing this plane off of the runway to park it. I looked at that picture many times over the years, (actually kind of in secret, because after all, people were nude, and that was "immoral"), and longed to feel how wonderful that must have felt to be nude out of doors, and among other nude friends.
I'll fast forward to July of 2006. I was staying in a familiar hotel in Michigan, that my job dictates that I frequent, and had an odd dream that changed my life.
I dreamed that I had started a group, called a Speech Club. Don't ask me, I had never actually heard of one before this dream, nor since. Anyway, there was a group of approximately 20-30 people that would take turns meeting in different locations, even homes. As people arrived, they would be handed a small piece of note paper and a pencil. When the signal was given, we all had just 15 minutes, to write a short speech on a topic that we felt passionate about. The even stranger twist was, when it came time for each to give his or her speech, that person would have to be naked in front of the whole group. It was understood that no one would judge you, because all would eventually take a turn at being in "your shoes" before the evening was over. In the dream, it was thought that this had a great psychological healing effect, as you would learn to totally accept yourself as you were, and there was no judgement, because as I mentioned before, all would eventually present their speech.
As I awoke, I was staring at the ceiling of my hotel room and instead of being relieved that it wasn't true, (like the dream where you suddenly find yourself naked at school) I said to myself, "wow, that was a brilliant dream!"
It got stranger in real life that day, because as I shared the dream with an openminded female co-worker buddy, she exclaimed...."That is a Brilliant dream". I shared it in an email with two of my openminded sisters, and they both wrote back using the word "brilliant!"
After much discussion with my wife about it, (who, by the way thought it interesting, "not brilliant", said; "fine, if you want to go try it with one of your sisters, be my guest, but it isn't for me."
Finally October 7th, just 3 months later, I was in Houston Texas for some training, and made my first visit to a resort, Emerald Lake Resort. I'll never forget the excitment and yet slight shock of driving in the gate, rounding the corner and seeing an atractive couple playing horseshoes, and, people are really out of doors, and nude!!! About a half hour later after meeting Dave the owner, and filling out the paper work, and answering a bunch of interview questions like..."does your wife know that you are here?", I was at my car, undressing, and took my first nude walk out of doors, around the lake, and feeling warm breezes and sunshine in places that had never had wind or sun before. I met many wonderful people that were very encouraging, and that night, I also attended my first totally nude dance in the clubhouse. I'll never forget the sureal feeling of, every once in a while thinking...holy cow, I'm nude, and dancing and laughing with an entire crowd of nude people.
I've now been an AANR and TNS member for a couple of years. This just gets better and better. Oh, and by the way, a year and a half ago, after finding out that Sunny Rest still exists...yea thrives....I visited it, had Myra, one of the owners, signed the article in the Best of Flying book, and completed a much longed for chapter in my life! The airstrip is closed, and now is a paved path to many of the trailers and sites called "Airport Road".

Take Care Stay Bare,
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Warmskin Posted - 11/07/2013 : 4:03:33 PM
I tried being naked when I was about 9 or 10. I was in a creek canyon in the Sierra Nevada. It was a sunny, dry day, and taking off my clothes was a natural thought. I didn't know a thing about nudism, as such, and thought I'd discovered something that nobody else tried out. Such naivete! I liked the sensation of feeling the sun all over my body. Had to sneak off, up the creek for a ways to not be seen. The feeling stuck with me as being a good one.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

davidandcathy Posted - 11/04/2013 : 11:49:11 AM
We both enjoyed nudity as teens. david grew up in the south, in the Bahamas. Around age 13/14 he began to explore the beaches further from his home by bike and discovered that he enjoyed parking his bike at a remote beach and spending an afternoon on the ebach nude. He soon discovered that the beach he selected was the unofficial nude beach frequented by the casino showgirls, which became an even better reason to enjoy his what was to become daily visits to the beach.
I on the other hand grew up in Canada near Toronto and our family enjoyed the summers around our backyard pool. It was very secluded and private and we spent a great deal of the time around the pool nude; my parents and three daughters. So never thought anything different about it, was natural.
When we met we discovered we both enjoyed our nudism especially when around the water, ie pool or beach.

nothing feels better than the warm sun on 100% of the body!
gnarlyoldman Posted - 11/02/2013 : 12:26:35 PM
Just never "got" clothes. Always felt better without clothes.

Naked is green.
mark85304 Posted - 11/01/2013 : 10:01:18 PM
I've been a wanna be nudist since I was a teenager. I would often take off all my clothes and be naked around the house when my parents and sister were not home. It just felt so good. As scouts a lot of us went skinny dipping on outings, which was liberating. Unfortunately, that is all I was able to do. Pretty limited.

When I got married most of this stopped. I had married a woman who did not appreciate nudity in any form. We raised out kids and lived our lives as textiles until one day we moved to a house and got an above ground pool "for the kids". After the kids went to sleep I would go our into the pool naked. My wife joined be but has on a bathing suit. She still did not approve of nakedness of any kind, but I told her I enjoyed it and I was going to do it in the privacy of my own back yard an pool. I did this for several years.

My wife died suddenly just days before our 30th wedding anniversary. During that time following her death, I found myself on a journey to "re-discover myself". I continued my skinny dipping, but expanded it to all times of the day and night, but always alone.

Two years later I married my current wife who also liked to skinny dip in her pool. We continued swimming naked in my pool. Eventually we began doing things in the yard, simple gardening tasks, trimming the rose bushes, pulling weeds, watering the plants, and basically getting used to being naked outside.

One evening we were watching a TV program on RVing and one of the segments was on nude RV camps. My wife asked me if I thought I could do that and I casually said, "sure", and we both forgot about it. That is until one day she asked me if we could to go a nude RV camp and see if we liked it.

Well, there are no nude RV camps near us in Phoenix, but I found a C/O resort not far from us, Shangri la Ranch in New River, that accepted RVs. I made arrangements for us to stay there a few days. We arrived and got settled in, had lunch, dropped our clothes in the trailer, stepped outside and headed for the community pool. We never looked back.

We met lots of friendly people there, spent Saturday and Sunday there. We even went to the Saturday night dance, naked, and had a ball. My wife said she felt more judged with her clothes on in public than she did naked in a nudist resort/camp.

Since then we have been back to Shangri la Ranch once, but have been driving to Tucson to visit Mira Vista Resort. We joined Mira Vista Resort on our second visit. My wife works every other weekend with only Saturday off, so we go to Mira Vista on the weekends she does not work and visit Shangri la Ranch for day visits when we need a nude fix.

We still do everything at home nude. Everything from sleeping nude (she never slept nude before marrying me), to gardening, swimming, and handing out on the back patio. I even grill naked. We've slept outside overnight on a futon naked. So far, the neighbors have not gotten nosy, but I'm sure someone will get an eye full. Then it will be out, we are nudists and not ashamed of it.

BTW: I need a sign that says something like "You May Encounter Naked People Beyond This Point." I want to put it in my back yard when the hot tub arrives.

Feel the sun warm your skin when there's nothing between you and the sun.
edward329 Posted - 10/30/2013 : 08:59:45 AM
I read in a magazine that nudism was a wholesome activity which was different than regular society. i found out about a nudist club and loved it and the nudists parties.


retired from the telecommunications industry
upacreekju Posted - 04/02/2012 : 9:43:52 PM
I haven't thought about it for years but I was raised in a home where being naked was what you did in the shower. I joined the Air Force and in 1965 I met a girl from Gulfport, Missippi who was, at that moment in my life, the girl of my dreams. One day she asked if we could go swimming at a local river swimming area. Well how could I say no? A friend, his girl friend, Rita and myself arrived at the swimming hole and before I could get out of the drivers seat, Rita was out and peeling clothes on a dash to the river. Oh My God! The only girl I'd ever seen naked was my older sister (an actual wardrobe malfunction) then only above the waist and not nearly that much. After a few moments of shock, my friend and his girl friend were joining her. I finally realized that I was the only person in maybe 20 at the swimming hold who still had any cloths on.
From that day to this I am the first out of the car and the first to go back to nature when my family hits the hiking trails. My daughter has sadly withdrawn but my son and his family are seconds behind me. My wife, to this day, still shakes her head in wonder as she appears as the most beautiful woman in the world adorned in the attire that God sent her in.
Thank you Rita, wherever you are.

single-dad Posted - 04/02/2012 : 2:48:58 PM
fullmonte, I would like to get to Sunny Rest, but right now the big stopper is $$$$. I am hoping to get there before I get to weak to be able to drive, since I have muscle weakness and do not know what is causing it. I go for an MD / MS eval on the 12th.


Live life bare it is the only way to be.
single-dad Posted - 04/02/2012 : 2:45:06 PM
Always wanted to keep the clothes off .


Live life bare it is the only way to be.
blavan Posted - 06/29/2010 : 5:42:04 PM
I, the male in this couple have enjoyed being nude since my mid teens. Being without clothing is a part of my feeling comfortable and real. As a couple we have enjoyed being nude at home since we married. The experience of social nudism is something that was destined to happen for us. We first experienced social nudity many years later, after reading about naturism and we decided we just had to experience it. It has been a freeing and spiritually rewarding experience for us. We have found that for us nudism is healthy and it is a great reliever of stress. When we cannot be at a resort or other naturist venue we strip as soon as we get home. We still do not consider ourselves to be nudists if that makes any sense. We do not run from the word nudist either. That is just another label. We wear no clothing unless it is necessary, so we are natural. We enjoy being nude as a natural state of being. There is even more to this story we can share at a later time.

Being Naked and Being Real
pilot Posted - 06/27/2010 : 5:18:30 PM
The absence of a requirement to wear clothes. No, really. There's a time and place for textiles. But all things being equal, why would you want to?
Parrotile Posted - 06/25/2010 : 7:22:18 PM
Must agree with the comment Eros 1000 - even in the "Summer" the UK weather can be less than cosy, especially at night! Bad meories of visiting a Naturist enclave just outside Gatwick ("Nice" location - right under the final approach / takeoff flight path to Gatwick Airport!) in August (one week), and every night was freezing - every morning the pool (heated, thank heavens) was full of naked people trying to get warm!

Main reason why I migrated to Australia - OK it can get chilly in the winter in NSW, especially inland, but at least the daytime temperatures (even in Winter) tend to be reasonable, and the spring, summer and autumn temperatures can be fantastic!

Phil & Timea S.
Eros1000 Posted - 03/12/2010 : 4:31:17 PM
In my teens when my folks were out I used to go in the back garden in the scud because I liked the freedom without clothes. Years later with our children away from home I started to be in the nude more and more in the house and garden. My wife became a nudist 5 years ago on a beach holiday and like myself has no problem being naked in our garden when the weather is hot which in the UK is limited!
nudesunguy Posted - 03/11/2010 : 12:26:23 AM
Ah, naked women! ;-)

glensr Posted - 03/10/2010 : 6:37:10 PM
As a male, you are nude from nineth grade on, everytime you finish with gym class in front of 30-50 other teens while showering. When I graduated and moved into my first apt. on my own, I noticed the marks the elastic of my underwear would leave on my skin when I awoke in the morning and took a bath. I started sleeping nude. When I met my wife, I told her when we were dating that I slept in the nude. She said she was okay with that and that she would have no problem doing the same. We moved to another state due to my job transfer. By now, we had been sleeping in the nude and running around the house in the nude all the time.
One day at work, a female workmate asked me if we had been to the nudist beach yet? I said that after living in Oregon for a year, I hadn't even heard of it but was interested. She gave me directions and my wife and I found the place. Hundreds of people were there with ages from a few months to over 90 years of age. We were very nervous at first and would only lay on our stomachs nude on the blanket. I was still a little jealous as no one but me had seen the wife totally naked before. However, two more visits and we were walking totally nude up and down the beach like we had been doing all our lives! The experience was unforgettable and even though we now live in the desert, we visit nudist resorts at every opportunity.

Mike Hanslip
rooftopwilly Posted - 03/03/2010 : 7:56:38 PM
I have no clue. As far back as I can remember as a kid, I preferred to be without clothing.

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