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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dragon Posted - 04/14/2009 : 7:55:04 PM
If America legalize public nudity, will you walk around in public with no clothes?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bob Knows Posted - 03/06/2012 : 6:02:12 PM
Originally posted by renobiker

Bob-I just feel for sanitary reasons in most nude resort eating establishments if I recall it was the staff could not be nude but the diners had to have sandals and a towel. But I have not been to resort in a while could be different now.

Laws on nude waiters vary a lot. In most parts of the US there are special laws invented to prohibit "strip" clubs that require table wait staff to wear clothes. Its about prohibition of men having fun, not about health.

Laws that require shoes are claimed to be for "health" reasons, but going barefoot is no worse for health than shoes. Its about public compulsion for clothing/cover. Many places require shoes and shirts in food stores, claimed to be about health. Right.
n/a Posted - 03/06/2012 : 08:29:45 AM
Bob-I just feel for sanitary reasons in most nude resort eating establishments if I recall it was the staff could not be nude but the diners had to have sandals and a towel. But I have not been to resort in a while could be different now.
Bob Knows Posted - 03/05/2012 : 12:03:10 PM
Originally posted by renobiker

For me I would want the nudity be allowed at anytime at the following places all beaches,pools,gyms,hot tubs,saunas,lakes,campgrounds. But stores,dining businesses etc should be clothed as usual.

I would have agreed with you once, renobiker, but a vacation at Cap d'Agde changed my mind. At Cap d'Agde in the south of France they have section of town that is clothing optional and mostly naked. There is a very nice café on the beach, all naked. There is a nice naked bank, grocery store, clothing stores, etc. Having naked business customers just makes shopping more comfortable for the customers -- and the staff too. I don't see any more reason to require clothing at lunch or shopping than at the beach or a campground. Bodies are just bodies.

n/a Posted - 03/05/2012 : 10:00:12 AM
For me I would want the nudity be allowed at anytime at the following places all beaches,pools,gyms,hot tubs,saunas,lakes,campgrounds. But stores,dining businesses etc should be clothed as usual.
Bob Knows Posted - 01/25/2012 : 4:28:13 PM
Most of the US didn't have laws and regulations about nudity or most everything else until the Progressive (liberal) era about the end of the 19th century and first part of the 20th century. That was when we got government licenses and control for everything from birth to death, and police forces to enforce all the rules and licenses. Before that we were a nation of free men. Mostly Conservatives have long opposed government controls, and liberals (Progressives) have supported more and more government control.
nudesunguy Posted - 01/25/2012 : 4:20:59 PM
"the attraction is not physical" ??? If humans weren't attracted to the opposite sex physically, we wouldn't be here today. I've seen my wife nude for 30 years and I'm still attracted to her physically (and want to reproduce with her ;-). Any yes, I often find women at nude venues physically attractive (just like I find clothed women physically attractive). Good point on the Republicans, however the Democrats seem to want to grow big government and control/tax EVERY aspect of our lives. They both have their issues, IMO.

nudewalker Posted - 01/22/2012 : 2:58:02 PM
Zean, I don't think we would ever get so used to seeing the opposite sex that we would never reproduce. After all, all the attraction is not physical, the brain is quite a sexual organ itself. It is all in what you are thinking. As for public nudity, all we need is for local governments to define what is simple nudity and lewd behavior. Then I am sure that some beaches, pools and other recreation areas would become nudist friendly. However, with all the pandering the Republican candidates have been doing to the religious right, it won't happen soon!

Zean Posted - 01/19/2012 : 6:05:35 PM
Nudity in public, no laws... YES. An aquaintence of mine, male, went downtown where I live, in just a speedo swimming suit. He was hasled by the police. His response was that why should this be a problem when women wear at least bikini tops and short shorts at times, so why not a speedo for him?... Equality for all men and woman!. I think we should all obstain from eating the fruit from the tree in the garden of eden(so to speak) but then to the topic question I have another question. Over time would we get too used to the look of the oppisite sex(or same sex if gay)that we wouldn't reproduce? just hypothetical. ???-Zean
Bob Knows Posted - 01/19/2012 : 09:52:00 AM
Last spring I watched a TV News report from the Cannes, France, film festival. The "On the scene" reporter was on a restaurant veranda with tables, chairs, umbrellas, food, etc. In the background at some distance while she spoke was a beach. While the reporter described the latest films, a woman and children appeared on the beach completely naked and went to the water. Once I started paying attention to the background rather than the speaker I saw there was also a naked man walking across the beach among some clothed people. Nobody paid any attention to the naked bathers, not even the US TV producers. And that's unusual for US TV.

We have an ongoing struggle between those who want government control of our lives, and those who want the government to be limited. I vote to get government of my back and out of my closet. But many sheeple want to tell all their neighbors how to live even if they have to obey.

I am hoping that the forces for freedom win. Freedom to wear what you like, or don't like is a fundamental freedom.
free2be Posted - 01/18/2012 : 8:08:27 PM
Some places yes, some no. Any beach,lake or pool, my backyard...these are some areas that I would feel more comfortable and are areas where others could be nude as well. Shopping mall, grocery stores...probably not. I doubt legalization would happen in my life time, but it sure is nice to dream.
sailawaybob Posted - 01/04/2010 : 12:36:54 AM
warmskin i think the politicians are nude more than we want to know, i know when i visit washington dc i plan not to use any public restrooms
Warmskin Posted - 01/03/2010 : 03:13:20 AM
Hmmm, public nudity??? Does that imply that, or should I infer from, the concept that we are talking about being nude in the general public, or just among other nudists? Big difference, but I'm willing to do what my duty is, to advance nudism.

I move that we require our politicians to be nude when on any kind of business. That might humble them just a tad, or drive them away from their offices. Either way, it would help us all immensely.

"If people let government decide which foods they eat and medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."
Thomas Jefferson
norsegoddess1982 Posted - 01/02/2010 : 1:32:28 PM
Originally posted by Diger

Lets hope this New Year will bring more nude opportunities to each and everyone of us.


Yes, I agree!
A Happy NUDE Year to you all.
Ricki00 Posted - 01/01/2010 : 8:28:01 PM
Originally posted by sailawaybob

diger from what i've read about califorina it may get worse i don't understand, if the state or local governments would open some parks as clothing optional you would attract nudist willing to pay parking fees and fill the parking lots. i know their arguement is it will bring out the perverts but hopefully the politicians will stay home, ok couldn't resist. i really don't think public nudity will ever go over in the usa no matter what the polls say.

I think that I might to have to agree on that.One of the reasons being America's foundation based on culture was founded and settled by Puritans so therefore we have Puritan roots and the result is this hysteria of 2004 superbowl wordrobe malfunction, also outcries of showing a magazine cover of a mother breastfeeding her baby, not only that people getting upset of a simple cartoon nudity when the Simpson's movie came out.It's kind of pretty much like trying to change a house's foundation replacing it with another foundation.

In order for that to happen America as a WHOLE is going to have to change on views of nudity, as well as not get mixed with sex & nudity.Not only that learn from these countries were nudism is accepted i.e Demmark, Sweden, Norway, France, Germany.
sailawaybob Posted - 01/01/2010 : 7:37:32 PM
diger from what i've read about califorina it may get worse i don't understand, if the state or local governments would open some parks as clothing optional you would attract nudist willing to pay parking fees and fill the parking lots. i know their arguement is it will bring out the perverts but hopefully the politicians will stay home, ok couldn't resist. i really don't think public nudity will ever go over in the usa no matter what the polls say.

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