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 Educating the public about nudism
 Broaching the subject of nudism with friends

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
beachalive Posted - 09/14/2007 : 4:35:10 PM
I was just wondering, for those of us here that don't belong to nudist resorts or clubs, if you have told your friends about your interest in nudism (e.g., around the house, etc.)? If so, how to you broach the topic, what was the reaction, and have any of your friends joined you in going without clothes? Seems a lot of "home nudists" may be concerned about their friends finding out, but that may not be a bad thing. I have one set of friends who were not nudists, but once the "secret" was out tried going naked in my home. That was a while ago, but they seemed to enjoy themselves. They now frequently go naked in their own home, and we have had a few birthday-suit barbecues at each others homes. It may well be worth letting others in on the lifestyle.

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15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Nudony Posted - 09/24/2020 : 12:44:53 AM
Originally posted by FireProf

We're amazed at the difference in maturity between our friends and our daughters friends. Our friends, you'd think, should or would be more mature, after all... they're in their early 70's or pushing the 70 mark, as are we. They act like pre teen kids when the subject of nudity is brought up, even in fun.

There's this idea that as people get older, they get more "relaxed" about a lot of things, including nudity.
I think that maybe this "myth" came from the observed demographics at nudist resorts. People assume that since many nudists there are over 50; then people over 50 "must be more comfortable with nudity." That's not taking into account the fact that perhaps they started embracing nudism 15-20 years prior; which would mean that they technically became comfortable with nudity in their 30's.

After a certain age people tend to become more ingrained in their opinions. I have also observed the same reaction from "older" people as FP described. My own Stepmom once went on a rant after describing a visit with her home-nudist cousin who was skinny-dipping in his pool: "Don't nobody want to see his old saggy balls hanging! Gross!" Quite the visceral reaction towards simple nudity. Her reaction also denotes a certain repulsion towards the effects of aging on the body. She was herself in her mid-60's at the time; and the mindset that "older" nudity is unseemly does seem to permeate "older" folks' opinion on the subject.

Which brings the question: is there an "optimal" age for broaching the topic of nudity with someone? Well I think that for men, the optimal age is anywhere between birth and the grave.
For's a bit different. My first and current wife were initially both reluctant but open-minded, and they both eventually embraced social and active nudism; at 26 and at 43 respectively. Neither had "ingrained" opinions about it. I'm not sure at what point that all changes; and I don't want to generalize too much. But there definitely seems to be a "cut-off" point where they get in the mindset of: "too old for this." But it's certainly unfortunate.

FireProf Posted - 09/23/2020 : 10:02:27 AM
I know I've mentioned this before but our girls and their husbands know, as do our grandkids. In our life, those people are the most important. They are respectful and supportive and though not nudists like we are, they do dabble in nudism in their own ways. They're all that really matters.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Daretobare Posted - 09/23/2020 : 05:51:31 AM
All of our friends and neighbors in out our florida place know. Either they are nudists too or know of the resort next door. But it's never looked down on or discussed. In our northern home in PA, have figured it out. My sister in law and her husband know since we introduced them to the lifestyle. My wife and I don't go around disclosing it but if asked dont deny it either. We have some relatives on my side that have figured it out but only one asked and yes I confirmed it. It was a female cousin. Our sons know yet our oldest son has friends that have figured it out and commented. Some good, some not. Ironically one female friend of his was born and raised as a nudist and went with her family to nude venues growing up. She no longer practices with her husband and kids but doesn't regret her upbringing either.
FireProf Posted - 09/23/2020 : 02:03:42 AM
We're amazed at the difference in maturity between our friends and our daughters friends. Our friends, you'd think, should or would be more mature, after all... they're in their early 70's or pushing the 70 mark, as are we. They act like pre teen kids when the subject of nudity is brought up, even in fun.

My wife has tried a few times to tell her friends/ our close female friends, that we are nudists and the places we go. It's usually a good segue into the subject when they've asked where we visited on our getaways and trips. As she gets ready to tell them all, the 3 other women, they make stupid remarks about women their age should NOT be running around naked, their bodies are good enough to be seen naked.

In contrast, our daughters friends found out we were nudists and that we go to nude beaches, nude clubs and resorts and have seen photos of our trip with our family to Club Orient. When we see them at a function, they always ask if we've gone anywhere new or back to some of those places, recently. They are truly interested and they think we are so progressive and act young for our age... as if age has anything to do with it. But, their parents would not do it and are content acting older than they are and think such things are just silly. It's actually fun to discuss, inform and educate all these younger people about our life and lifestyle. with our daughters friends, we don't seem to broach the subject with them, they broach it with us.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Nudony Posted - 09/23/2020 : 12:09:17 AM
I don't bring it up much. But my wife does. She's had no hang-ups about telling her friends about our latest nudist excursions.

Usually she gets "'re so brave...I could never do that" comments; which I think boosts her ego a bit lol!
One of her friends expressed that she would like to try resort nudism and bring her daughter; but her husband is totally opposed to it. He's got some jealousy/control issues.
Another friend of hers expressed a desire to join us on a couple of occasions. We've even had several discussions about it. But every time it comes down to the wire: she chickens out. After a couple of times I just threw in the towel (no pun intended).

I don't think we'll get any of her friends to join us anytime soon.

FireProf Posted - 09/22/2020 : 12:44:03 PM
We have close textile friends and she's broached the subject several times. She's even made comments about her inability to do housework naked since her mother came to live with her. But, if we broach the subject, she gets weird. I wish we could just get past the weird stage where we can tell them, "we're not trying to convert you, see you naked or get sexual, it's just a huge part of who we are and to us, it's just as normal as living wearing clothes." WE get more questions and interest from our daughters friends.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
HomeRules Posted - 09/22/2020 : 12:18:17 PM
I always bring up nudity in a half-serious joke. If they follow up on it, I redirect the conversation in a way where they can figure it out. I've gotten some looks, but nobody has voiced their objection, and a couple times it's turned favorable.

If clothing didn't exist, everyone would have a lot less worry about our appearance.
n/a Posted - 07/15/2012 : 2:43:03 PM
For me I just leave out things like brochures, magnets on fridge that hint to clothing optional things and most often they bring it up asking why do I have it etc. Then just go from there most are open about it and dont mind but refuse to be around it or go nude themselves.
free2be Posted - 07/08/2012 : 1:13:45 PM
Lately, I have a PR agent that handles wife. Although naturism is not for her, she thinks it is fun to tell people that we go to a CO beach when they ask if we did anything special for my birthday. She also quickly points out that at a CO beach, she is the "C" and I am the "O". Reactions have not been negative. Most of her younger co-workers think it is great that we do something like that. None have yet to say that they would like to try it themselves. She has also told her siblings, and again, nothing negative but it did not spark as much conversation as with the people she works with. The only ones she has yet to tell are her Mom and Dad...although one of her siblings has probably already said something, but I don't know that for sure. Other than around our annual birthday trip to Gunnison, I don't think she generally brings it up, but she does a great job when she gets a chance to mention it.
Carlover227 Posted - 05/28/2012 : 12:34:46 PM
I haven't discussed it with my family, but I think they figured it out because I don't close doors and think nothing of them walking by the bathroom or my bedroom. My close friends, however, are very open-minded. My girlfriend's more then halfway there towards being a nudist, but isn't quite there yet. Anyway, I brought it up to my close friends in the form of jokes, like "for every round you lose, you lose one article of clothing," or "Hey! We should try this naked! It'd be so much fun!" Finally one of my friends just asked me if I was a nudist, and I said "yup and proud of it." She kind of laughed, but all my close friends are not only open to the idea, but we are now anxiously waiting for a chance to have a nude hangout! Sometimes, you just have to come out with it. I'm done hiding who I am, but at the same time, I don't go around advertising it, either.

Proud to be a nudist.
Bob Knows Posted - 05/28/2012 : 10:53:01 AM
Yep blavan. The more we think and talk about nudism as some weird perversion the less we are able to make naked acceptable. Even having to call it "nudism" makes being naked into a strange sounding perversion. We need to tell others, show others by going naked whenever and wherever we won't get arrested, and advocate for body acceptability in public forums. Say negative things about swim suits and clothes. Say positive things about human bodies. Write to public forums and comments on news web sites. And you are right too, blavan, that arguing with or confronting family is often dificult.
blavan Posted - 05/28/2012 : 07:49:43 AM
The more that we tell others, the more accepted nudism will become.
There will be some casualties along the way, but that is true of any movement (if you consider nudism as a movement toward greater acceptance).
We have found it easier to tell co-workers and friends at church, etc. than family members. Might sound strange but when you think about it no one gets to choose their family members.
For most nudists it can still be a selective choice about who is allowed to know.

Being Naked and Being Real
n/a Posted - 03/27/2012 : 4:30:27 PM
I am very selective about who I share the info with being not everyone is open to it even if it is something that they do not see but they just know about it makes them upset and offended. I find usually female freinds I have accept it much higher than any male freind as to them it is gay. Which just shows they are not that smart about nudity.
nudesunguy Posted - 09/08/2011 : 1:23:40 PM
I remember when my wife told her friend that we were going to St. Martin, the friend said, "There are topless beaches there, are you sure you want to take your husband to such a place." Hahaha. If she only knew.

blavan Posted - 09/08/2011 : 12:27:51 PM
Originally posted by karen1963

I have never volunteered the information to anyone. Unless someone brings up the subject, I never feel the need to just tell people. I have never had an experience where someone brought up nudism in random conversation. If someone randomly brought up the subject, or asked me a question, I wouldn't have any problem talking about it. I just never feel the need to announce it out of the blue.

Why should "announcing", mentioning, or discussing nudism be any different than other topics or activities?

It really should not be, but it is difficult for some people to discuss it because we live where many in our society are pre-disposed to rejecting nudity as a bad thing. Reactions are really all over the scale from "yeah isn't nudity great" to "there ought to be a law against that". That is the reason why some people will bring it up and some people fear an over reaction from those whom we had thought to be "seamingly rational" people.

Discussing a nude vacation in Cape D'Adge France should not be any different than talking about a clothed trip to Disney World, but it is. That is why we discuss educating the public. Our society has conditioned body shame into too many people. Too many have forgotten what it was like to be naked as a child. Some of our naturist friends grew up naked in California. Some places like Europe have less body shame than in the states. We do need more education about naturism if we want to reduce the threat to our lifestyle. The threat is real and it comes from ignorance.

Being Naked and Being Real

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